problem:Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times.

problem analysis:


2.在第一步完成之后,可以寻找最大的频率数,然后找到majority element。


class Solution
int majorityElement(vector<int> &num)
vector<int> elemFre;
vector<int> elemCount(num.size(), );
int vecSize = num.size()/;
int tempInt = ;
int vecPos = ;
int noMatchNum = ;
int elemSize = ;
for(vector<int>::iterator iter=num.begin(); iter!=num.end(); ++iter)
if(iter == num.begin())
for(vector<int>::iterator iterFre=elemFre.begin(); iterFre!=elemFre.end(); ++iterFre)
if((*iter) == (*iterFre))
elemCount[noMatchNum] += ;
elemSize = elemFre.size();
if(noMatchNum == elemSize)
elemCount[noMatchNum] += ;
noMatchNum = ;
vecPos = ;
for(vector<int>::iterator iter=elemCount.begin(); iter!=elemCount.end(); ++iter,++vecPos)
if((*iter) > vecSize)
tempInt = elemFre[vecPos];
return tempInt;





4.在上面的基础上判断noMatchNum ==  elemFre.size(),如果相等,则说明新到元素需要添加到elemFre中,并且对应的频率数+1,具体完成这一操作的是

      if(noMatchNum == elemSize)
                    elemCount[noMatchNum] += 1;
                noMatchNum = 0;





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