February 27 2017 Week 9 Monday
All the bright precious things fade so fast.
Try to make some things endurable and eternal.
Don't pay too much attention on the appearance.
But in these days, seeing the beautiful apperances in the bus and in the underground, I felt I had lost too much things when I was young, and that won't be back again.
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
To be honest, it is not easy, or fairly difficult, for most of us to follow these principles.
Let's briefly examine each of them:
Do right.
But what is right?
It is a challenging and demanding job to distinguish what is right and what is wrong, sometimes even the right thing may transform into bad thing under given circumstances.
Moreover, it is also a ability that needs a lot of conscious and painstaking exercises, and in that process, one would inevitably do many wrong things and encounter many setbacks.
Do your best.
When the choice is right, then the outcome may all depend on our efforts, whether we can do our best to achieve the goal.
But many of us can't fullfill this point, because there are too many temptations on our road.
That needs great self-discipline.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Too difficult. In the simplest conditions, even thinking in others' situation is a very difficult thing for most of us.
Remember, we must fix ourselves before we can fix others.
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