###Download and install Percona-Toolkit###
[root@zlm2 :: ~]wget
-- Omitted.
[root@zlm2 :: ~]yum -y localinstall percona-toolkit-3.0.-.el7.x86_64.rpm
-- Omitted.
percona-toolkit.x86_64 :3.0.-.el7 Dependency Installed:
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2.x86_64 :2.061-.el7 perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib.x86_64 :2.061-.el7 perl-DBD-MySQL.x86_64 :4.023-.el7
perl-DBI.x86_64 :1.627-.el7 perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 :2.145-.el7 perl-Digest.noarch :1.17-.el7
perl-Digest-MD5.x86_64 :2.52-.el7 perl-IO-Compress.noarch :2.061-.el7 perl-IO-Socket-IP.noarch :0.21-.el7
perl-IO-Socket-SSL.noarch :1.94-.el7 perl-Mozilla-CA.noarch :-.el7 perl-Net-Daemon.noarch :0.48-.el7
perl-Net-LibIDN.x86_64 :0.12-.el7 perl-Net-SSLeay.x86_64 :1.55-.el7 perl-PlRPC.noarch :0.2020-.el7
perl-TermReadKey.x86_64 :2.30-.el7 Complete! ###After install the Percona-Toolkit,you can check all the tools it contains by command below:###
[root@zlm2 :: ~]man percona-tookit
This release of Percona Toolkit includes the following tools: pt-align
Align output from other tools to columns. pt-archiver
Archive rows from a MySQL table into another table or a file. pt-config-diff
Diff MySQL configuration files and server variables. pt-deadlock-logger
Log MySQL deadlocks. pt-diskstats
An interactive I/O monitoring tool for GNU/Linux. pt-duplicate-key-checker
Find duplicate indexes and foreign keys on MySQL tables. pt-fifo-split
Split files and pipe lines to a fifo without really splitting. pt-find
Find MySQL tables and execute actions, like GNU find. pt-fingerprint
Convert queries into fingerprints. pt-fk-error-logger
Log MySQL foreign key errors. pt-heartbeat
Monitor MySQL replication delay. pt-index-usage
Read queries from a log and analyze how they use indexes. pt-ioprofile
Watch process IO and print a table of file and I/O activity. pt-kill
Kill MySQL queries that match certain criteria. pt-mext
Look at many samples of MySQL "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" side-by-side. pt-mysql-summary
Summarize MySQL information nicely. pt-online-schema-change
ALTER tables without locking them. pt-pmp
Aggregate GDB stack traces for a selected program. pt-query-digest
Analyze MySQL queries from logs, processlist, and tcpdump. pt-show-grants
Canonicalize and print MySQL grants so you can effectively replicate, compare and version-control them. pt-sift
Browses files created by pt-stalk. pt-slave-delay
Make a MySQL slave server lag behind its master. pt-slave-find
Find and print replication hierarchy tree of MySQL slaves. pt-slave-restart
Watch and restart MySQL replication after errors. pt-stalk
Collect forensic data about MySQL when problems occur. pt-summary
Summarize system information nicely. pt-table-checksum
Verify MySQL replication integrity. pt-table-sync
Synchronize MySQL table data efficiently. pt-table-usage
Analyze how queries use tables. pt-upgrade
Verify that query results are identical on different servers. pt-variable-advisor
Analyze MySQL variables and advise on possible problems. pt-visual-explain
Format EXPLAIN output as a tree. ###See the parameter of pt-archiver.###
[root@zlm2 :: ~]#pt-archiver --help
-- Omitted. ###Parameters demonstration.###
Indispensible parameter:
--source [-h|-S] -u -P -D -A Choose only one below:
--dest=d -- Usually be used to archive records to another table(can be different instance).
--purge -- Usually be used to purge records instead of archive them.
--file=s -- Usually be used to archive records into a file. Performance ralevant:
--analyze=s -- Run analyze table after archive.
--optimize=s -- Run optimize table after archive.
--ascend-first -- Ascend just first column of index.
--buffer -- Buffer output to file and flush when commit.
--bulk-delete -- Delete by chunk.
--bulk-insert -- Insert by chunk.
--limit=i -- Rows of per statment when arching,default .
--txn-size=i -- Rows of per trx,default .
--primary-key-only -- Merely use primary key. Infermation output:
--progress=i -- Print per i rows.
--statistics -- Print time statistics. Others parameters:
--dry-run -- Just print queries without real doing.
--retries=i -- Times of when retry,default .
--no-delete -- Specify not to delete archived records in source table. ###Take care the rules when specify parameters.###
Specify at least one of --dest, --file, or --purge. -- There're three mode of achive behavior.
--ignore and --replace are mutually exclusive.
--txn-size and --commit-each are mutually exclusive. -- Usually I'd rather use "txn-size" to specify the timing of commit depending amount of transactions.
--low-priority-insert and --delayed-insert are mutually exclusive.
--share-lock and --for-update are mutually exclusive.
--analyze and --optimize are mutually exclusive. -- I don't recommend use "analyze" or "optimize" when archive tables simultaneously,but afterward does when business not busy.
--no-ascend and --no-delete are mutually exclusive.
DSN values in --dest default to values from --source if COPY is yes.
- pt-achiver is useful when archive your records of big tables.
- Make sure that your table has index key on it.Otherwise,it will lead to bad performance when archive.
- Plz distinguish these two parameter —— "no-delete"&"purge",they are differently used.
- More testing is necessary to make out the performance influenced by different parameter.
- Percona Toolkit mysql辅助利器
1 PT介绍 Percona Toolkit简称pt工具—PT-Tools,是Percona公司开发用于管理MySQL的工具,功能包括检查主从复制的数据一致性.检查重复索引.定位IO占用高的表文件.在 ...
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Percona Toolkit简称pt工具-PT-Tools,是Percona公司开发用于管理MySQL的工具,功能包括检查主从复制的数据一致性.检查重复索引.定位IO占用高的表文件.在线DDL等 下 ...
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- Want to archive tables? Use Percona Toolkit’s pt-archiver--转载
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