














去官网瞅瞅:http://zutubi.com/,通过点击open source可进入下载页面下载

quick start

For the impatient, here is an overview of how to integrate the runner with Ant builds. Note all modifications are made to your test project, i.e. the project which implements the JUnit tests:

  • Grab the jar from the downloads page and add it to your libs/ directory.
  • Edit AndroidManifest.xml to set android:name in the <instrumentation> tag to:com.zutubi.android.junitreport.JUnitReportTestRunner.
  • Edit ant.properties to add the line:
  • Run your tests as you would normally:
    $ ant debug install test
  • Pull the resulting XML report from the device (from the application under test's internal storage directory):
    $ adb pull /data/data/<main app package>/files/junit-report.xml
  • Integrate the XML with your chosen build tool.


1、com.zutubi.android.junitreport.JUnitReportTestRunner——具体见上面描述,需要修改的地方是两个,一个是instrumentation的tag,一个是Run As的Run Configuration,修改Instrumentation runner的值



Junit Report---》Robotium---》Instrumentation









# -*-coding:gb2312-*-

#Date:2015.01.16 #功能:要写界面程序 import wx
import os
import smtplib
import time
from xml.dom import minidom
import sys
from pyh import *
import webbrowser
import subprocess reload(sys)
sys.setdefaultencoding('gb2312') #获取时间戳
def timestamp(style = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
return time.strftime(style, time.localtime()) ##mail_server请修改成自己公司的对应的正确的邮箱服务器,port也根据需要填写好
def sendMail(data, mail_from, mail_to, mail_title, mail_server=r'mail.x.y.net', mail_port=25):
handle = smtplib.SMTP(mail_server, mail_port)
#handle = smtplib.SMTP('mail.360.cn', 25)
handle.ehlo() mail_data = timestamp() mail_data = ""; msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nData: %s\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312\r\nSubject: %s \r\n\r\n %s\r\n" % (mail_from, str(mail_to), mail_data, mail_title, data)
handle.sendmail('%s' % mail_from, mail_to, msg)
return True
except Exception, e:
print e
return False def XMLtoHTML():
# 读取xml文档内容
doc = minidom.parse('junit-report.xml') #跑成功的case,存一下
RunSuccess = []
RunFailure = [] _document = doc.documentElement
testsuites = _document.getElementsByTagName('testsuite')
for testsuite in testsuites:
# print testsuite
# print testsuite.nodeName
# print testsuite.nodeValue
# print testsuite.attributes['name'].value testcases = _document.getElementsByTagName('testcase')
i = 0
j = 0
for testcase in testcases:
print testcase.nodeName
print testcase.attributes['classname'].value
print testcase.attributes['name'].value
print testcase.attributes['time'].value classname = testcase.attributes['classname'].value.encode('gb2312')
name = testcase.attributes['name'].value.encode('gb2312')
time = testcase.attributes['time'].value.encode('gb2312') if testcase.firstChild != None:
print 'Run Failure'
failure = testcase.firstChild
print failure.nodeName
print failure.attributes['message'].value.encode('gb2312')
print failure.attributes['type'].value.encode('gb2312')
print failure.firstChild.nodeValue failureMessage = failure.attributes['message'].value.encode('gb2312')
failureType = failure.attributes['type'].value.encode('gb2312')
failureContent = failure.firstChild.nodeValue.encode('gb2312') # RunFailure.append({'testcase.classname': classname, 'testcase.name': name, 'testcase.time': time,
# 'failureMessage': failureMessage, 'failureType': failureType, 'failureContent': failureContent})
RunFailure.append([classname, name, time, failureMessage, failureType, failureContent]) else:
print 'Run Success!!'
# RunSuccess.append({'testcase.classname': classname, 'testcase.name': name, 'testcase.time': time})
RunSuccess.append([classname, name, time]) print '以下是成功的case的基本信息'
for i in range(0, len(RunSuccess)):
print RunSuccess[i] #print '以下是失败的case的基本信息' #for j in range(0, len(RunFailure)):
# print RunFailure[j] #直接生成所需要的html文档
page = PyH('路由器卫士自动化测试Case运行结果') #显示一个汇总的表格,总共多少Case,成功多少,失败多少
page <<h2('Table of Run Cases')
mytab = page << table(border = "")
tr1 = mytab << tr()
tr1 << td('TestCase-AllNum')
tr1 << td('TestCase-SuccessNum')
tr1 << td('TestCase-FailureNum') numAll = len(RunSuccess) + len(RunFailure)
numSuccess = len(RunSuccess)
numFailure = len(RunFailure) tr2 = mytab << tr()
tr2 << td(numAll)
tr2 << td(numSuccess)
tr2 << td(numFailure) #TestCase 成功的
page << h2('Tabel of Run Success')
mytab = page << table(border = "")
tr1 = mytab << tr()
tr1 << td('TestCase-ClassName')
tr1 << td('TestCase-Name')
tr1 << td('TestCase-Time(S)') for i in range(len(RunSuccess)):
tr2 = mytab << tr()
for j in range(len(RunSuccess[i])):
tr2 << td(RunSuccess[i][j]) #TestCase 失败的
page << h2('Tabel of Run Failure')
mytab = page << table(border = "")
tr1 = mytab << tr()
tr1 << td('TestCase-ClassName')
tr1 << td('TestCase-Name')
tr1 << td('TestCase-Time(S)')
tr1 << td('TestCase-FailureMessage')
tr1 << td('TestCase-FailureType')
tr1 << td('TestCase-FailureContent') for i in range(len(RunFailure)):
tr2 = mytab << tr()
for j in range(len(RunFailure[i])):
tr2 << td(RunFailure[i][j]) page.printOut("caseResult.html")
# webbrowser.open("caseResult.html") #重签名的函数,是在cmd里面调的
def reSign(event):
cmd1 = r'java -jar re-sign.jar'
# os.system(cmd1)
subprocess.Popen(cmd1) def getPath2(event):
dirname = 'C:'
dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, "choose a file",dirname,"","*.*",wx.OPEN)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fileChoose2.SetValue(dialog.GetPath()) dialog.Destroy() def getPath3(event):
dirname = 'C:'
dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, "choose a file",dirname,"","*.*",wx.OPEN)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fileChoose3.SetValue(dialog.GetPath()) dialog.Destroy() #安装apk程序的函数,第二步和第三步一起来啦
def installApk2(event):
cmd1 = r'adb install' + ' ' + fileChoose2.GetValue()
# ret = os.popen(cmd1)
ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
result = ret.stdout.read()
print '返回值:' + result
if ('Failure' in result):
print '失败啦!'
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, result, '安装失败', wx.YES_NO)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
elif ('Success' in result):
print '成功啦!'
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, result, '安装成功', wx.YES_NO)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
dlg.Destroy() def installApk3(event):
cmd2 = r'adb install' + ' ' + fileChoose3.GetValue()
# ret = os.popen(cmd2)
ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
result = ret.stdout.read()
print '返回值:' + result
if ('Failure' in result):
print '失败啦!'
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, result, '安装失败', wx.YES_NO)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
elif ('Success' in result):
print '成功啦!'
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, result, '安装成功', wx.YES_NO)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
dlg.Destroy() #通过appt获取包名,看看行不行
def getPackageInfo(apkPath):
cmd1 = r'aapt.exe' + ' ' + r'dump badging' + ' ' + apkPath
ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
result = ret.stdout.read()
print '返回值:' + result print '开始找index位置:\n'
indexPackageName1 = result.find("name")
indexPackageName2 = result.find("version")
indexMainActivity1 = result.find("launchable-activity")
indexMainActivity2 = result.find("label", result.find("launchable-activity")) print indexPackageName1,indexPackageName2,indexMainActivity1,indexMainActivity2 #然后根据这几项提取我需要的内容即可 #这里面应该用len(name='),但是因为有特殊字符‘,导致出现了问题,以后再想,反正这个是搞定了 packageName = ''
for i in range(indexPackageName1+6, indexPackageName2-2):
packageName += result[i] print packageName mainActivity = ''
for i in range(indexMainActivity1+27, indexMainActivity2-3):
mainActivity += result[i] print mainActivity return packageName #跑case啊,还是在cmd里面来的
def runCase(event):
# cmd1 = r'adb shell am instrument -w com.qihoo.router.test/com.zutubi.android.junitreport.JUnitReportTestRunner'
packageName = getPackageInfo(fileChoose3.GetValue())
print packageName
cmd1 = r'adb shell am instrument -w' + r' ' + packageName + '/' + 'com.zutubi.android.junitreport.JUnitReportTestRunner'
print cmd1
# os.system(cmd1)
subprocess.Popen(cmd1) #pull结果啊,从手机端pull到PC端
def pullResult(event):
packageName = getPackageInfo(fileChoose2.GetValue())
cmd1 = r'adb pull /data/data/' + packageName + '/files/junit-report.xml'
print cmd1
# os.system(cmd1)
ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
result = ret.stdout.read()
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, result, 'xml测试结果从手机pull到PC端', wx.YES_NO)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
dlg.Destroy() #转换xml为html,并发送邮件
def sendHtmlResult(event):
f = open("caseResult.html")
contents = f.read() #这里的mail_to应该是一个列表,最开始的时候,直接写的就是字符串,它无法解析成功
#mail_to_error = "lixia-xy@360.cn, sunjingjing@360.cn"
#mail_to = ["lixia-xy@360.cn", "sunjingjing@360.cn", "jialiwei-s@360.cn", "mengmo@360.cn", "cuifang@360.cn"]
mail_to = ["xxx@yyy.com"] sendMail(contents, "xxx@yyy.com", mail_to, "路由器卫士自动化回归运行结果"); app = wx.App()
frame = wx.Frame(parent = None, id = -1, title = '安卓自动化测试', size = (870, 600))
bkg = wx.Panel(frame) #往里面添加所需要的控件
#第四步,收集测试结果,其实就是用cmd命令通过adb pull把生成的xml文件搞出来
#第五步,转换xml为html,并发送邮件??这个程序已经写好,到时候直接调就行 Info = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '请大家按照下面的步骤来,就能完成测试、结果收集以及邮件通知啦!!', pos = (40, 30)) stepOne = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '第一步:重签名', pos = (40, 80))
#fileChoose = wx.TextCtrl(bkg, -1, '选择你需要重签名的apk文件', size = (380, -1), pos = (200, 80))
#OKButton1 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '重签名', pos = (600, 80))
OKButton1 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '重签名', pos = (200, 75))
OKButton1.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, reSign) stepTwo = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '第二步:安装待测程序', pos = (40, 150))
fileChoose2 = wx.TextCtrl(bkg, -1, '选择你需要测试的重签名后的apk文件', size = (380, -1), pos = (200, 150))
pathButton2 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '选择文件', pos = (600, 145))
pathButton2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, getPath2)
OKButton2 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '安装', pos = (700, 145))
OKButton2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, installApk2) stepThree = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '第三步:安装Test程序', pos = (40, 220))
fileChoose3 = wx.TextCtrl(bkg, -1, '选择你生成的testapk文件', size = (380, -1), pos = (200, 220))
pathButton3 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '选择文件', pos = (600, 215))
pathButton3.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, getPath3)
OKButton3 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '安装', pos = (700, 215))
OKButton3.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, installApk3) stepFour = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '第四步:开测', pos = (40, 290))
OKButton4 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '全Case回归', pos = (200, 285))
OKButton4.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, runCase) stepFive = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '第五步:收集测试结果', pos = (40, 360))
OKButton5 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '获取测试xml结果', pos = (200, 355))
OKButton5.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, pullResult) stepSix = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '第六步:回归结果周知', pos = (40, 430))
OKButton6 = wx.Button(bkg, -1, '发送邮件告诉大家啦!!', pos = (200, 425))
OKButton6.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, sendHtmlResult) frame.Show()


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