We provide support for all kinds of Windows based Desktops and Laptops all over Hangzhou,
I will be in a very short period of time drove up.

24hr cellphone: 13989897876 (James) 
Wechat: 13989897876
Goutingba 37 , No 216 Shenbanlu RD(s), Gongshu district Hangzhou

Our Services include: 
1.Desktops and Laptops formating. 
2.PC junk cleaning and speed tuning. 
3.Laptop Motherboard repair Expert 
4.Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7、Win8 and Win10 OS Installation. 
5.Virus, Spyware, ad-ware, malware removal. 
6.Antivirus & firewall installtion 
7.HP, Sony, Toshiba, Lenovo, Asus, Acer etc. Laptop LCD repair Expert 
8.Hardware upgrade - Memory (RAM) & Hard Drive. 
9.Laptop Battery, charger and other spare parts available. 
10.Windows start-up error and Boot problem solution. 
11.Laptop over Heating and hang problem solution. 
12.Laptop power on no display solution. 
13.Assembled customize desktops available. 
14.Notebook case and body replacement. 
15.Tailor made Gaming PC available. 
16.Laptop keyboard and mouse pad repair. 
17.Software problems solution - Skype, Ms Office, iTunes, Antivirus. 
18.Laptop LCD cleaning services. 
19.Licence softwares available - Ms Office 
20. Adobe Photoshop, Eset Nod 32 Antivirus.

The Keywords:
computer repair services in Hangzhou,
computer repair shops in Hangzhou,
computer repair stores in Hangzhou

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