A friend of mine came to me with her iPhone yesterday. She wanted to know how to clear search history in App “Maps”.

She showed me the search history in “Maps”. She tried to remove those records but in vain. I was curious why she was eager to delete those records…

Yes there is no way to delete search history in “Maps” on an iPhone. Also I explained to her that I could extract the search history from her iPhone without the Passcode. Of course the secret is the plist which could bypass it. Then the extraction result is as below:

I told her “The footprint in the sand shows where you have been.” Anyway she is a good friend of mine, I suggested her to factory reset her iPhone. Look at her face and you will know a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

For safety sake I taught her how to “Reset Location & Privacy”. No need for her to worry about passcode bypass.

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