Our eyes do not show a lack of beauty, but a lack of observation.


Don't pay too much attention on people's appearance.

Try to find out the inner beauty.

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;

if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, properity would not be so welcome.


Only with comparison can we know the difference.

Only when we had lost the thing can we know the value of it.

If there is no winter, we may not appreciate the spring, a gift from nature.

If there is no adversity, we may take everything we have for granted.

Nevertheless, how about the situation if the winter lasts too long, or if you always stay in adversities?

Obviously, life will die out, aspiration as well.

Optimistic? Maybe.

But there are still seeds that can germinate if the spring comes, and there are still a lot of people that can make a comeback even after being defeated many times.

I think I can try again.

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