早在2000年6月,微软公布.NET之后不久,Ximian公司诞生了一个开源项目叫做Mono,运行在Linux环境下面的C#编译器和.NET Framework。十年后,在2011年,Ximian的创立者成立了Xamarin,仍然致力于开源版本的Mono,此时Mono已经适应了移动设备的跨平台。

The advantage of targeting multiple platforms with a single programming language comes from the ability to share code among the applications. 



Before code can be shared,an application must be structured for that purpose.
Particularly since the widespread use of graphical user interfaces,programmers have understood the importance of separating application code into functional layers.
Perhaps the most useful division is between user-interface code and the underlying data models and algorithms.
The popular MVC (Model-View-Controller) application architecture formalizes this code separation into a Model (the underlying data), the View (the visual representation of the data), and the Controller (which handles input from the user). 



MVC originated in the 1980s. More recently, the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture has effectively modernized MVC based on modern GUIs. MVVM separates code into the Model (the underlying data), the View (the user interface, including visuals and input), and the ViewModel (which manages data passing between the Model and the View). 



When a programmer develops an application that targets multiple mobile platforms, the MVVM architecture helps guide the developer into separating code into the platform-specific View(the code that requires interacting with the platform APIs) and the platform-independent Model and ViewModel. 



Often this platform-independent code needs to access files or the network or use collections or threading. Normally these jobs would be considered part of an operating system API, but they are also jobs that can make use of the .NET Framework class library, and if .NET is available on each platform, then this code is effectively platform independent. 



The part of the application that is platform independent can then be isolated and—in the context of Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio—put into a separate project. This can be either a Shared Asset Project (SAP)—which simply consists of code and other asset files accessible from other projects—or a Portable Class Library (PCL), which encloses all the common code in a dynamic-link library (DLL) that can then be referenced from other projects. 


  在程序中,平台无关的那一部分通常被放到一个单独的项目中。这个项目可以是一个SAP(Shared Asset Project,包含一些可以被其他项目所访问的代码和资源文件),也可以是一个PCL(Portable Class Library,可移植类库,将公共代码封装到一个DLL中,给其他项目调用)。

Whichever method you use, this common code has access to the .NET Framework class library, so it can perform file I/O, handle globalization, access web services, decompose XML, and so forth. 



This means that you can create a single Visual Studio solution that contains four C# projects to target the three major mobile platforms (all with access to a common PCL or SAP), or you can use Xamarin Studio to target iPhone and Android devices. 


  我们可以创建一个VS解决方案,包含四个项目,一个公共类库和针对3个主流平台的C#项目。或者可以使用Xamarin Studio创建只针对某一个平台的项目。

The following diagram illustrates the interrelationships between the Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio projects, the Xamarin libraries, and the platform APIs. The third column refers to any .NET-based Windows Platform regardless of the device: 


  下图展示了Visual Studio或者Xamarin Studio项目、Xamarin 类库和平台API之间的关系。第三列指的是基于.NET的Windows平台,而不管使用的是何种设备。

The boxes in the second row are the actual platform-specific applications. These apps make calls into the common project and also (with the iPhone and Android) the Xamarin libraries that implement the native platform APIs. 

But the diagram is not quite complete: it doesn't show the SAP or PCL making calls to the .NET Framework class library. Exactly what version of .NET this is depends on the common code: A PCL has access to its own version of .NET, while an SAP uses the version of .NET incorporated into each particular platform. 

In this diagram, the Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android libraries seem to be substantial, and while they are certainly important, they’re mostly just language bindings and do not significantly add any overhead to API calls. 

When the iOS app is built, the Xamarin C# compiler generates C# Intermediate Language (IL) as usual, but it then makes use of the Apple compiler on the Mac to generate native iOS machine code just like the Objective-C compiler. The calls from the app to the iOS APIs are the same as though the application were written in Objective-C. 

For the Android app, the Xamarin C# compiler generates IL, which runs on a version of Mono on the device alongside the Java engine, but the API calls from the app are pretty much the same as though the app were written in Java. 

For mobile applications that have very platform-specific needs, but also a potentially shareable chunk of platform-independent code, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android provide excellent solutions. You have access to the entire platform API, with all the power (and responsibility) that implies. 

But for applications that might not need quite so much platform specificity, there is an alternative that will simplify your life even more. 





  当我们生成一个ISO应用程序的时候,Xamarin C#编译器通常会先生成C#中间语言,然后它会利用MAC上的苹果编译器去生成原生的ISO机器代码,就如同Object-C编译器一样。即使应用程序是使用的Object-C开发,应用程序调用ISO的API方式都是一样的。

  对于Android应用程序,Xamarin C#编译器生成中间语言,然后运行在一个版本的Mono设备上面,这个设备同时也安装了Java引擎。这个应用程序的API调用基本上和Java写的程序几乎一样。




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