Android 手机 ADB FastBoot 命令基本用法
adb devices 查看是否有设备
adb shell ——登录到手机,可以执行各种linux命令。
ls ——列出当前目录下的目录和文件
cd xxx ——进入xxx目录,可以是相对或绝对路径
adb shell 查看是否root、是否完全root
2、输入adb shell,然后回车
3、此时注意手机的反应,如果手机弹出ADB shell请求超级用户权限,是否允许的对话框,请点击允许。这个只有第一次运行时会出现。
4、这时如果出现的是:root@android# 就代表手机已经完全root,很多功能需要在这个模式下才能正常工作。
如果出现的是:shell@android$ 则需要进一步判断
此时注意手机的反应,如果手机弹出ADB shell请求超级用户权限,是否允许的对话框,请点击允许。这个只有第一次运行时会出现。
5、如果此时出现 root@android# 则代表手机已经root,不过kernel没有破解,称为不完全root,
如果出现报错,或仍然是 shell@android$ 则代表手机没有root,adb和fastboot的很多功能不可以用
adb shell 备份导出分区, 可用ADB通过命令查看系统分区,命令如下:
cat /proc/mtd
假设mtd1对应 boot分区,mtd2对应system分区,备份导出boot.img与system.img命令如下:
cat /dev/mtd/mtd1 > /sdcard/boot.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 > /sdcard/system.img
adb shell dd命令来刷recovery.img
adb shell
1)高通平台 :dd if=/data/local/tmp/recovery.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery
2)MTK平台 :dd if=/data/local/tmp/recovery.img of=/dev/recovery
3)英伟达平台:dd if=/data/local/tmp/recovery.img of=/dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/SOS
adb remount(需要完全root)
adb push object dest
adb push /sdcard ——把当前目录下的1.zip文件上传到手机上/sdcard目录下,文件名不变
adb push 2.rar /external_sd/22.rar ——把当前目录下的2.rar文件上传到手机上/external_sd目录下,文件名变成22.rar
完全root环境: 运行adb remount之后dest可以是system目录或其子目录(部分特殊目录除外)。
adb pull object dest
adb pull /system/app/Maps.apk ——把手机上/system/app/Maps.apk文件下载到当前目录下
adb pull /system/app/Maps.apk 2dir/ ——把手机上/system/app/Maps.apk文件下载到当前目录下的2dir目录下,前提是当前目录下存在2dir目录
adb pull /system/app/Maps.apk 2dir/Map.apk ——把手机上/system/app/Maps.apk文件下载到当前目录下
adb reboot ——重启手机
adb reboot bootloader ——重启手机到fastboot模式 直接重启手机到fastboot模式,不用关机后再按组合键
adb reboot recovery ——重启手机到recovery模式 直接重启手机到fastboot模式,不用关机后再按组合键
adb install xxx.apk ——安装当前目录下的apk包到手机
fastboot devices 查看是否有设备
fastboot boot boot.img|recovery.img ——用当前目录下的boot.img或者recovery.img启动手机,具体如下
fastboot boot boot.img ——用当前目录下的boot.img启动手机,在手机boot分区损坏的情况下可以用这个正常进入系统
fastboot boot recovery.img ——用当前目录下的recovery.img启动手机到recovery模式,
这个和手机上现有的系统完全无关,只要本地的 recovery.img是以前能正常进rec的,那就绝对没问题。
那些官升或者刷rom后无法进入rec的其实都可以通过这种方式进入recovery 环境进行刷机、刷rec,刷各种zip……
典型的应用场景是修改boot.img,可以用fastboot boot bootnew.img来测试新的boot.img,不对的话只需要重启手机。
下面这个的话就是真正改变了手机的boot分区,改写成了当前目录下 boot.img的内容。
fastboot flash boot boot.img ——把当前目录下的boot.img刷入手机的boot分区。
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img ——把当前目录下的recovery.img刷入手机的recovery分区。
fastboot flash system system.img ——把当前目录下的system.img刷入手机的system分区。
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img ——把当前目录下的userdata.img刷入手机的data分区。
fastboot erase system
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase config
fastboot erase data
fastboot erase logs
fastboot erase factory
fastboot reboot —— 重启手机
boot分区对应 /boot
recovery分区对应 /recovery
system分区对应的目录 /system
userdata分区对应 /data
cache分区对应 /cache
Let’s move forward to the useful commands:
Commands | Use |
Basic ADB Commands | |
adb devices | Shows a list of devices attached to the computer. |
adb reboot | Reboots a device connected to the PC. |
adb reboot recovery | Reboots a device into recovery mode. |
adb reboot download | Reboots the connected device into download mode. E.G Download mode on Samsung Galaxy devices. |
adb reboot bootloader | Reboots a device into Bootloader. Once in Bootloader, you can make further selections here. |
adb reboot fastboot | Reboots a connected device into Fastboot mode. |
Installing / Uninstalling / Updating Apps with ADB. | |
adb install <ApplicationpathPackagename>.apk | ADB install let’s you install APK files directly to your phone. To use this command type adb install application path, as shown in the commands part and hit enter key and it will start installing the app on your phone. e.g adb install C:/Users/UsamaM/Desktop/CandyCrushSaga.apk. If process succeeds it will show you “Success” in the command window. |
If you have already installed an app, and you just want to update it then this command will let you do so. e.g adb install -r C:/Users/UsamaM/Desktop/CandyCrushSaga.apk |
adb unistall package_namee.g
adb uninstall |
Uninstalls and application from your device. The easiest way to find a package name is, install Package Name Viewer from the play store and find the name of the package under the App Name. If process succeeds it will show you “Success” in the command window. |
adb uninstall -K package_namee.g
adb uninstall -K |
Uninstall an app but keeps it’s data and cache directories. If process succeeds it will show you “Success” in the command window. |
Push and Pull files | |
adb rootadb push >e.gadb push c:\users\UsamaM\desktop\Song.mp3 \system\media
adb push filepathonPC/filename.extension |
the adb push commands let’s you transfer any files to your phone from your PC. You simply need to provide the path of file on your PC and path where to place this file on your phone. |
adb rootadb pull>e.gadb pull \system\media\ C:\users\UsamaM\desktop
adb pull [Path of file on phone] [Path on PC where to place the file] |
Similar to the adb push command. Using adb pull, you can simply pull any files from your phone. |
Backing up system and installed apps. Before doing this, in your adb folder create a folder Backup and under the backup folder create two folders named SystemApps and InstalledApps. |
adb pull /system/app backup/systemapps | backs up all the system apps of your phone to the Systemapps folder that you created in the ADB folder. |
adb pull /system/app backup/installedapps | backs up all the installed apps of your phone to the installedapps folder that you created in the ADB folder. |
Background Terminal | |
adb shell | starts the background terminal. |
exit | exits the background terminal. |
adb shell <command you want>e.g adb shell su | switches to the root of your phone. Please make sure that you’re rooted in case you wish to use adb shell su. |
Fastboot commands To flash files using fastboot, place the desired files in Fastboot folder or Platform-tools folder that you obtained after installation of Android SDK tools. |
Fastboot Flash | Flashes a .zip file to your phone, when your phone is connected in Fastboot mode. |
Fastboot Flash recovery recoveryname.img | Flashes a recovery to your phone when it’s connected in Fastboot mode. |
Fastboot flash boot bootname.img | Flashes a boot or kernel image when your phone is connected in Fastboot mode. |
Fastboot getvar cid | shows you the CID of your phone. |
Fastboot oem writeCID xxxxx | writes the super CID. |
fastboot erase system fastboot erase data fastboot erase cache |
In case you want to restore a nandroid backup, you’ll have to delete the current system/data/cache of your phone first. Before doing this, it is always recommended to have backed up your system using a custom recovery>backup option and copy the backed up .img files to Fastboot or Platform-tools folder in Android SDK folder. Then performing these commands will erase everything. |
fastboot flash system system.img fastboot flash data data.img fastboot flash cache cache.img |
These commands will restore the backup that you made using a custom recovery on your phone and placed in the Fastboot folder under Android SDK tools. |
fastboot oem get_unlock_data fastboot oem unlock UNIQUE_KEY fastboot oem get_identifier_token |
These commands help you to get the identifier token of your phone that can be used for unlocking the bootloader. The second command helps your to flash the bootloader unlock code, and the 3rd commands helps you to lock your phone’s bootloader once again if locking it is actually allowed. |
Logcat |
adb logcat | Shows you the real time logs of your phone, these logs represent the ongoing process on your device.It is recommended that you run this command while your device boots up to check what’s going on. |
adb logcat > logcat.txt | Creates a .txt file containing the logs in the Platform-tools folder or Fastboot folder in Android SDK tools directory. |
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