Deep learning for visual understanding: A review


ABSTRACT: Deep learning algorithms are a subset of the machine learning algorithms, which aim at discovering multiple levels of distributed representations. Recently, numerous deep learning algorithms have been proposed to solve traditional artificial intelligence problems. This work aims to review the state-of-the-art in deep learning algorithms in computer vision by highlighting the contributions and challenges from over 210 recent research papers. It first gives an overview of various deep learning approaches and their recent developments, and then briefly describes their applications in diverse vision tasks, such as image classification, object detection, image retrieval, semantic segmentation and human pose estimation. Finally, the paper summarizes the future trends and challenges in designing and training deep neural networks.


1. Introduction  介绍

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning which attempts to learn high-level abstractions in data by utilizing hierarchical architectures. It is an emerging approach and has been widely applied in traditional artificial intelligence domains, such as semantic parsing [1], transfer learning [2,3], natural language processing [4], computer vision [5,6] and many more. There are mainly three important reasons for the booming of deep learning today: the dramatically increased chip processing abilities (e.g. GPU units), the significantly lowered cost of computing hardware, and the considerable advances in the machine learning algorithms [9].


Various deep learning approaches have been extensively reviewed and discussed in recent years [8–12]. Among those Schmidhuber et al. [10] emphasized the important inspirations and technical contributions in a historical timeline format, while Bengio [11] examined the challenges of deep learning research and proposed a few forward-looking research directions. Deep networks have been shown to be successful for computer vision tasks because they can extract appropriate features while jointly performing discrimination [9,13]. In recent ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) competitions [189], deep learning methods have been widely adopted by different researchers and achieved top accuracy scores [7].


This survey is intended to be useful to general neural computing, computer vision and multimedia researchers who are interested in the state-of-the-art in deep learning in computer vision. It provides an overview of various deep learning algorithms and their applications, especially those that can be applied in the computer vision domain.


The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:

In Section 2, we divide the deep learning algorithms into four categories: Convolutional Neural Networks, Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Autoencoder and Sparse Coding. Some well-known models in these categories as well as their developments are listed. We also describe the contributions and limitations for these models in this section. In Section 3, we describe the achievements of deep learning schemes in various computer vision applications, i.e. image classification, object detection, image retrieval, semantic segmentation and human pose estimation. The results on these applications are shown and compared in the pipeline of their commonly used datasets. In Section 4, along with the success deep learning methods have achieved, we also face several challenges when designing and training the deep networks. In this section, we summarize some major challenges for deep learning, together with the inherent trends that might be developed in the future. In Section 5, we conclude the paper.



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