Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it.


Experience often comes from one's own practice, because what he learns from his own activities can become a part of himself.

Though reading books and learning from other's examples can also teach us a lot, without applying them into our practical activities, we can hardly make them our own knowledge.

In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them we can get through, but rather how many of them can get through us and how many of them we can make our own.

Just like the cross-compilation of some open-source library, you won't konw how many problems in your compiling environments without compiling it on your own.

There are many problems resulting from the enviromnents of your own operating system, you have to keep a close eye on the terminal to check the detailed information whenever the compilation was terminated unexpectedly.

Once there are problems, please find out the related compiling output and search the answer for them, if you don't want to fix those those problems yourself.

Most often you will find the solutions for those problems, for there were many greenhands, like us, had encountered those problems before.

But if there is no existing solution, you would spend a lot of time on continuous trying, you would experience overwhelming frustrations before you can find out the right way.

Please keep calm, please be patient, please believe that there must be some way to correct the process, even if you finally fail to work it out, you still can be improved both in knowledge and experience.

A minute's success pays the failure of years.


From Robert Browning.

I hope so, well, suddenly I feel very silly.

It has been many years since the last time I had tasted my victory.

A long time, too long for me.

Have the sufferings successfully eliminated my willpower?

Have the difficulites successfully exhausted my courage?

No, they haven't. And I will show all of you how strong my willpower and my courage are.

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