
[LDOCE] claim的词源是cry out, shout
1. state that sth is true, even though it has not been proved
2. state that you have a right to take or have sth that is legally yours,("这钱是我的", it is true)
3. demand or receive, (真君子动口又动手)
claim的东西,如statement, requst, right, money
1. If a war, accident etc claims lives, people die because of it. 小说里有“老天爷要收人了”的说法。
2. If sth claims your attention, you notice and consider it carefully. 魂被收了。
3. sth such as a piece of land that contains valuable minerals
“你家有矿啊?”称赞人有钱。acclaim的起源: early 14 century, "lay claim to", "cry out at". The meaning "applaud" is recorded by 1630s.


After its independence India was proclaimed a republic. 外交部发言人是professional。from pro "forth",发言人的前面(forth)站着媒体。

reclaim当re+claim看,re:重新。claim back, recover, recycle. 正经说法[etymonline稻糠亩]是:re- "opposite, against", "call back a hawk to the glove".

counterclaim. counter-是反的意思,如CS: Counter-Strike; counteract, counterattack, counterpart(想想对手戏)

disclaim =deny

1. a transfer of one's interest in a property, esp. without a warranty of title. A warranty of title is a guarantee by a seller to a buyer that the seller has the right to transfer ownership and no one else has rights to the property. In addition, a warranty of title may be used to guarantee that no other party has copyright, patent or trademark rights in the property being transferred.
2. give up claim by means of a quitclaim deed (act, thing done)

TBBT.S7.E16: Sheldon doesn't like reclaimed wood. He's afraid the original owners will come back.
[reclaimedflooringco] Reclaimed Wood or Lumber has a past and has been used for buildings and structures from the 18th to the early 20th century. The wood is recycled and reused to meet today’s ever-growing need for sustainable and eco-friendly homes and businesses. Reclaimed wood shouldn´t be confused with salvaged wood, which has been cut and stored for several years, but not used for any form of construction.

Today’s century-old reclaimed wood emerges from a time when wood was in abundance, both in North America and Europe, and was used as a principal building material. The majority of the recycled flooring and wall panelling you see in homes, offices, bars, and restaurants, comes from the factories, warehouses, mills and railways of the USA and France, and from the industrial north of England.

Reclaimed wood is a stylish and popular choice to decorate and enhance commercial premises and modern homes. Wood over 100 years old is particularly suitable for high-traffic areas, due its tight grain, which makes it resistant and hard-wearing. Any species of wood can be reclaimed, but some of the most common are Douglas fir, redwood, and oak.

六级/考研单词: timber, recycle, sustain, confuse, salvation, construct, abundant, headmaster, warehouse, mill, railroad, grain, oak


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