---1: HELP INDEXHELP 命令查询相关命令的信息。你可以从下面看到大概有54个SQL*PLUS命令。每个命令都有大量的参数选项,你不可能清楚的记得每个命令以及它相关的参数细节,所以当你遗忘时,就可以用HELP命令来查看相关命令的命令信息SQL> HELP INDEXEnter Help [topic] for help. @ COPY PAUSE SHUTDOWN @@ DEFINE PRINT SPOOL / DEL PROMPT SQLPLUS ACCEPT DESCRIBE QUIT START APPEND DISCONNECT RECOVER STARTUP ARCHIVE LOG EDIT REMARK STORE ATTRIBUTE EXECUTE REPFOOTER TIMING BREAK EXIT REPHEADER TTITLE BTITLE GET RESERVED WORDS (SQL) UNDEFINE CHANGE HELP RESERVED WORDS (PL/SQL) VARIABLE CLEAR HOST RUN WHENEVER OSERROR COLUMN INPUT SAVE WHENEVER SQLERROR COMPUTE LIST SET CONNECT PASSWORD SHOW HELP [TOPIC] 来查看相关命令介绍以及语法。 可以用?代替HELP 例子: HELP DESCRIBE ? COPY ---2: @ 运行调入内存的sql文件(文件可以是本机脚本文件或web服务器上的脚本文件) @跟START命令具有相同功能。可以用START替代。可以不指定该文件扩展名 @ ("at" sign) ------------- Runs the SQL*Plus statements in the specified script. The script can be called from the local file system or a web server. Only the url form is supported in iSQL*Plus. @ {url|file_name[.ext]} [arg ...] where url supports HTTP and FTP protocols in the form: http://host.domain/script.sql例子:执行test。sql脚本文件 SQL> @ F:/test.sql 其中test.sql中脚本如下所示 PROMPT PROMPT '显示5条员工信息' PROMPT SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP WHERE ROWNUM <= 5 / 运行结果如图所示。 ---3 @@ @@ 运行调入内存的sql文件,跟@命令很相像。如果运行的脚本文件中有嵌入脚本,则@@比较有用。 @@ (double "at" sign) --------------------- Runs the specified script. This command is almost identical to the @ command. It is useful for running nested scripts because it has the additional functionality of looking for the nested script in the same url or path as the calling script. Only the url form is supported in iSQL*Plus. @@ {url|file_name[.ext]} [arg ...] ---4 / 执行当前缓冲区的命令(运行上一次执行的SQL语句).SQL> HELP / / (slash) --------- Executes the most recently executed SQL command or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. Use slash (/) at the command prompt or line number prompt in SQL*Plus command line, or use slash (/) in the iSQL*Plus Workspace. The buffer has no command history and does not record SQL*Plus commands. 例子:如下图所示: ---5 ACCEPT SQL> HELP ACCEPT ACCEPT可以修改既有变量,也可定义一个新变量并等待用户输入初始值。 ACCEPT ------ Reads a line of input and stores it in a given substitution variable. In iSQL*Plus, displays the Input Required screen for you to enter a value for the substitution variable. ACC[EPT] variable [NUM[BER] | CHAR | DATE | BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE] [FOR[MAT] format] [DEF[AULT] default] [PROMPT text | NOPR[OMPT]] [HIDE] ---6 APPEND 将text附加到当前行之后。SQL> HELP APPEND APPEND ------ Adds text to the end of the current line in the SQL buffer. A[PPEND] text Not available in iSQL*Plus ---7 ARCHIVE LOG 启动或停止归档在线重做日志文件。SQL> HELP ARCHIVE LOG ARCHIVE LOG ----------- Starts or stops automatic archiving of online redo log files, manually (explicitly) archives specified redo log files, or displays information about redo log files. ARCHIVE LOG {LIST|STOP} | {START|NEXT|ALL|integer} [TO destination] ---8 ATTRIBUTESQL> HELP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE --------- Specifies display characteristics for a given attribute of an Object Type column, such as the format of NUMBER data. Columns and attributes should not have the same names as they share a common namespace. Lists the current display characteristics for a single attribute or all attributes. ATTRIBUTE [type_name.attribute_name [option ... ]] where option represents one of the following terms or clauses: ALI[AS] alias CLE[AR] FOR[MAT] format LIKE {type_name.attribute_name | alias} ON|OFF---9 BREAK break命令抑制重复的列或表达你的名字的默认值。因此,要制止重复在ORDER BY子句中指定的列值,使用最简单的形式break命令:SQL> HELP BREAK BREAK ----- Specifies where changes occur in a report and the formatting action to perform, such as: - suppressing display of duplicate values for a given column - skipping a line each time a given column value changes (In iSQL*Plus, only when Preformatted Output is ON) - printing computed figures each time a given column value changes or at the end of the report. Enter BREAK with no clauses to list the current BREAK definition. BRE[AK] [ON report_element [action [action]]] ... where report_element has the following syntax: {column | expression | ROW | REPORT} and where action has the following syntax: [SKI[P] n | [SKI[P]] PAGE] [NODUP[LICATES] | DUP[LICATES]] The SKIP option is not supported in iSQL*Plus---10 BTITLE 设置格式化页脚 SQL> HELP BTITLE ; BTITLE ------ Places and formats a specified title at the bottom of each report page, or lists the current BTITLE definition. BTI[TLE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] where printspec represents one or more of the following clauses: COL n LE[FT] BOLD S[KIP] [n] CE[NTER] FORMAT text
---11 CHANGE 将SQL*Plus缓冲区当前行的old_value替换为new_value; Changes the first occurrence of the specified text on the current line of the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. C[HANGE] sepchar old [sepchar [new[sepchar]]] Not available in iSQL*Plus---12 CLEAR 清除或重设当前指定配置的值。CLEAR BUFFER 即清空缓存区所有行。Resets or erases the current value or setting for the specified option.CL[EAR] option ...where option represents one of the following clauses: BRE[AKS] BUFF[ER] COL[UMNS] COMP[UTES] SCR[EEN] SQL TIMI[NG]CLEAR SCREEN is not available in iSQL*Plus例子: CLEAR BUFFER; CLEAR SQL;---13 COLUMN 用于格式化列标题和列数据的现实格式。 Specifies display attributes for a given column, such as: - text for the column heading - alignment for the column heading - format for NUMBER data - wrapping of column data Also lists the current display attributes for a single column or all columns. COL[UMN] [{column | expr} [option ...] ] where option represents one of the following clauses: ALI[AS] alias CLE[AR] ENTMAP {ON|OFF} FOLD_A[FTER] FOLD_B[EFORE] FOR[MAT] format HEA[DING] text JUS[TIFY] {L[EFT] | C[ENTER] | R[IGHT]} LIKE {expr | alias} NEWL[INE] NEW_V[ALUE] variable NOPRI[NT] | PRI[NT] NUL[L] text OLD_V[ALUE] variable ON|OFF WRA[PPED] | WOR[D_WRAPPED] | TRU[NCATED] 例子: ---14 COMPUTEIn combination with the BREAK command, calculates and printssummary lines using various standard computations. Also listsall COMPUTE definitions.COMP[UTE] [function [LAB[EL] text] ... OF {expr|column|alias} ... ON {expr|column|alias|REPORT|ROW} ...]---15 CONNECT 连接数据数据库命令.如果是SYSDBA或SYSOPER账号,则必须在后面加上AS {SYSOPER | SYSDBA},否则会报错。CONNECT-------Connects a given username to the Oracle Database. When you run aCONNECT command, the site profile, glogin.sql, and the user profile,login.sql, are processed in that order. CONNECT does not repromptfor username or password if the initial connection does not succeed.CONN[ECT] [{logon|/|proxy} [AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA}]]where logon has the following syntax: username[/password][@connect_identifier]例子:SQL>CONNECT SYSDBA/U*jd24))(&^ AS SYSDBA; SQL>CONN SYSTEM/KERRY123456已连接。SQL> HELP CONN ---16 COPY COPY可以完成远程数据库、本地数据库或ORACLE数据库与非ORACLE 数据库之间的数据复制Copies data from a query to a table in the same or anotherdatabase. COPY supports CHAR, DATE, LONG, NUMBER and VARCHAR2.COPY {FROM database | TO database | FROM database TO database} {APPEND|CREATE|INSERT|REPLACE} destination_table [(column, column, column, ...)] USING querywhere database has the following syntax: username[/password]@connect_identifier ---17 DEFINE 定义替换变量并附值给它,或列出指定赋值变量值或所有变量 Specifies a substitution variable and assigns a CHAR value to it, or lists the value and variable type of a single variable or all variables. DEF[INE] [variable] | [variable = text] 例子:SQL> DEFINEDEFINE _DATE = "09-6月 -11" (CHAR)DEFINE _CONNECT_IDENTIFIER = "orcl" (CHAR)DEFINE _USER = "SYSTEM" (CHAR)DEFINE _PRIVILEGE = "" (CHAR)DEFINE _SQLPLUS_RELEASE = "1002000100" (CHAR)DEFINE _EDITOR = "Notepad" (CHAR)DEFINE _O_VERSION = "Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options" (CHAR)DEFINE _O_RELEASE = "1002000100" (CHAR)DEFINE _RC = "1" (CHAR)SQL> DEFINE _EDITORDEFINE _EDITOR = "Notepad" (CHAR)---18 DEL DEL删除命令缓冲区的某一行。 DEL 删除当前行 DEL n 删除第n行。 Deletes one or more lines of the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. DEL [n | n m | n * | n LAST | * | * n | * LAST | LAST] Not available in iSQL*Plus 例子: DEL 1;---19 DESCRIBE 返回数据库所存储对象的描述。这个命令大家用得相当多,比如查看表的数据字典等,在此不细说。 Lists the column definitions for a table, view, or synonym or the specifications for a function or procedure. DESC[RIBE] {[schema.]object[@connect_identifier]} 例子: DESC SCOTT.EMP; SQL> DESC SCOTT.EMP; 名称 是否为空? 类型 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------- EMPNO NOT NULL NUMBER(4) ENAME VARCHAR2(10) JOB VARCHAR2(9) MGR NUMBER(4) HIREDATE DATE SAL NUMBER(7,2) COMM NUMBER(7,2) DEPTNO NUMBER(2)---20 DISCONNECT 让当前用户从ORACLE数据库断开,但是不退出 SQL*PLUS Commits pending changes to the database and logs the current user out of Oracle, but does not exit SQL*Plus. In SQL*Plus command line, use EXIT or QUIT to log out of Oracle and return control to your computer''s operating system. In iSQL*Plus, click the Logout button to log out of Oracle. DISC[ONNECT] 例子 SQL> DISCONNECT; 从 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options 断开 如果想退出SQL*PLUS程序,可以用EXIT或QUIT ---21 EDIT 调用操作系统文本编辑器打开指定文件或编辑缓冲区的内容。如果不指定文件名,例如 EDIT F:/,则会提示您创建新的文件。 文本编辑器在Windows下是Notepad, 在Unix或Linux下是Vi或emacs,可以用DEFINE _EDITOR = ‘编辑器名字’改变默认编辑器 Invokes an operating system text editor on the contents of the specified file or on the contents of the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. ED[IT] [file_name[.ext]] Not available in iSQL*Plus 例子:不指定文件名 SQL> EDIT F:/ 会创建一个*。sql文件,如下图所示 SQL> EDIT F:/123.TXT 创建123.txt文件。如下图所示 ---22 EXECUTE 执行存储过程或PL/SQL块 Executes a single PL/SQL statement or runs a stored procedure. EXEC[UTE] statement---23 EXIT 退出SQL*PLUS Commits or rolls back all pending changes, logs out of Oracle, terminates SQL*Plus and returns control to the operating system. In iSQL*Plus, commits or rolls back all pending changes, stops processing the current iSQL*Plus script and returns focus to the Workspace. There is no way to access the return code in iSQL*Plus. In iSQL*Plus click the Logout button to log out of Oracle Database. {EXIT|QUIT} [SUCCESS|FAILURE|WARNING|n|variable|:BindVariable] [COMMIT|ROLLBACK] ---24 GET 将SQL文件的内容读入SQL*Plus缓冲区。查看保存的脚本 Loads a SQL statement or PL/SQL block from a script into the SQL buffer. In iSQL*Plus click the Load Script button to load a script into the Workspace. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. GET [FILE] file_name[.ext] [LIST | NOLIST] Not available in iSQL*Plus例子:SQL> GET FILE F:/11.EXT LIST 1 1111111 2* 111111 其中1,2所列内容是我放在11.EXT中的内容 ---25 HOST HOST ---- Executes an operating system command without leaving SQL*Plus. Enter HOST without command to display an operating system prompt. You can then enter multiple operating system commands. HO[ST] [command] Not available in iSQL*Plus---26 INPUT INPUT ----- Adds one or more new lines of text after the current line in the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. I[NPUT] [text] Not available in iSQL*Plus---27 LIST 列出SQL*Plus缓存区的所有行或指定的N行语句。例如 LIST N; LIST ---- Lists one or more lines of the most recently executed SQL command or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. Enter LIST with no clauses to list all lines. In SQL*Plus command-line you can also use ";" to list all the lines in the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. L[IST] [n | n m | n * | n LAST | * | * n | * LAST | LAST] 例子: SQL> LIST 1* SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP---28 PASSWORD; 更改数据库用户密码,不指定用户,则默认跟改SYS用户账号 PASSWORD -------- Allows you to change a password without displaying it on an input device. In iSQL*Plus, use the Password screen to change your password. PASSW[ORD] [username] Not available in iSQL*Plus 例子: SQL> PASSWORD 更改 SYS 的口令旧口令: ******新口令:****** ---29 PAUSE; PAUSE ----- Displays the specified text then waits for the user to press RETURN. In iSQL*Plus, displays the Next Page button which the user must click to continue. PAU[SE] [text]---30 PRINT; 显示当前绑定变量值或列出所有绑定变量 PRINT ----- Displays the current values of bind variables, or lists all bind variables. PRI[NT] [variable ...]
---31 PROMPT; 使用PROMPT命令可以在屏幕上输出一行数据。这种方式有助于在脚本文件中向用户 传递相应信息。比如我一个脚本文件Test.sql里面有下面这一段脚本: PROMPT PROMPT '显示5条员工信息' PROMPT SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP WHERE ROWNUM < 5; PROMPT ------ Sends the specified message or a blank line to the users screen. PRO[MPT] [text] 例子: SQL> PROMPT HELLO KERRY HELLO KERRY ---32 QUIT; 提交或回滚所有的变化,退出ORACLE,中断SQL*PLUS。 QUIT (Identical to EXIT) ---- Commits or rolls back all pending changes, logs out of Oracle, terminates SQL*Plus and returns control to the operating system. In iSQL*Plus, commits or rolls back all pending changes, stops processing the current iSQL*Plus script and returns focus to the Workspace. There is no way to access the return code in iSQL*Plus. In iSQL*Plus click the Logout button to log out of Oracle Database. {QUIT|EXIT} [SUCCESS|FAILURE|WARNING|n|variable|:BindVariable] [COMMIT|ROLLBACK]---33 RECOVER; RECOVER ------- Performs media recovery on one or more tablespaces, one or more datafiles, or the entire database. Because of possible network timeouts, it is recommended that you use SQL*Plus command-line, not iSQL*Plus, for long running DBA operations such as RECOVER. RECOVER {general | managed} | BEGIN BACKUP | END BACKUP} ---34 REMARK REMARK ------ Begins a comment in a script. SQL*Plus does not interpret the comment as a command. REM[ARK]---35 REPFOOTER; REPFOOTER --------- Places and formats a footer at the bottom of a report, or lists the REPFOOTER definition. REPF[OOTER] [PAGE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] where printspec represents one or more of the following clauses: COL n LE[FT] BOLD S[KIP] [n] CE[NTER] FORMAT text TAB n R[IGHT]---36 REPFOOTER; REPFOOTER --------- Places and formats a footer at the bottom of a report, or lists the REPFOOTER definition. REPF[OOTER] [PAGE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] where printspec represents one or more of the following clauses: COL n LE[FT] BOLD S[KIP] [n] CE[NTER] FORMAT text TAB n R[IGHT]--37 HELP RESERVED WORDS (SQL); 查看SQL中保留关键字。有时候在写脚本时应该避免使用SQL保留关键字做变量、表名、字段名等 如果你不确认自己定义的变量是否是保留关键字,就可以用这个命令看看。如果你只想查看SQL的保留 关键字 可以用 HELP RESERVED WORDS (SQL),如果想查看两者就直接输入HELP RESERVED WORDS 即可。 RESERVED WORDS (SQL) ----------------------- PL/SQL Reserved Words have special meaning in PL/SQL, and may not be used for identifier names (unless enclosed in "quotes"). ---38 HELP RESERVED WORDS (PL/SQL); 查看PL/SQL中保留关键字。类似上面命令。 RESERVED WORDS (SQL)--------------------SQL Reserved Words have special meaning in SQL, and may not be used foridentifier names unless enclosed in "quotes".An asterisk (*) indicates words are also ANSI Reserved Words.Oracle prefixes implicitly generated schema object and subobject nameswith "SYS_". To avoid name resolution conflict, Oracle discourages youfrom prefixing your schema object and subobject names with "SYS_". ---39 RUN 运行缓存区中保存的语句。 RUN --- Lists and executes the most recently executed SQL command or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. R[UN]---40 SAVE; 将SQL*Plus缓冲区的内容保存到所指定的文件中。如果用户没有指定文件扩展名,则默认 扩展名为SQL,后面的CREATE表示如果文件不存在创建一个文件。REPLACE表示如果文件不 存在则创建,否则替换覆盖文件中的内容。 APPEND把缓冲区的内容追加到文件末尾。 SAVE ---- Saves the contents of the SQL buffer in a script. In iSQL*Plus, click the Save Script button to save the Workspace contents to a script. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands. SAV[E] [FILE] file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] | APP[END]] Not available in iSQL*Plus 例子: SQL> save F:/ttt.sql ---41 SET 设置系统变量以及SQL*PLUS环境变量 ----------------------------------------SET 命令选项-------------------------------------- ---SET TIME {ON | OFF} 控制当前时间的显示。取值为ON时,表示在每个命令提示符前显示当前系统时间;取值为OFF时不显示当前的系统时间。 ---SET PAUSE {OFF| ON | TEXT} 设置SQL*Plus输出结果时是否滚动显示。 当取值为NO时表示输出结果每一页都暂停,用户按回车键后继续显示; 按CTRL + C退出每一页显示。 当取值为OFF时表示一次性全部输出 当取值为字符串时,每次暂停都显示该字符串 SET PAUSE ON; SET PAUSE '按回车键继续' SELECT * FROM EMP; ---SET PAGESIZE {14 | N}; 设置每页打印的行数,该值包括NEWPAGE 设置的空行数 ---SET NEWPAGE {1| N | NONE} 设置每页打印标题前的空行数,默认值为1 ---SET LINESIZE 设置每行打印字符数,默认每行打印80个字符。可以设置LINESIZE,以避免折叠显示。 ---SET NUMFORMAT 格式掩码 字符 示例 说明 9 999 查询结果中数字替换格式中的掩码 0 999.00 格式中的掩码屏蔽掉查询结果中的数字。 $ $999 在查询结果中的数字添加美元前缀。 S S999 为数字显示符号类型,通常用于显示查询结果中的正负数字 PR 999PR 在尖括号中显示数字。 D OR . 99D99.99 在字符D或字符小数点"."位置上放置小数点 , 999,99 在字符","位置上放置逗号 RN OR rn RN 根据字符的大小写形式,以大写或者小写的形式显示罗马数字。 ---SET TIMING { ON | OFF } 显示SQL命令消耗的系统时间。 ---42 SHOW 显示SQL*Plus系统变量值或当前SQL*Plus的环境, SHOW ---- Shows the value of a SQL*Plus system variable, or the current SQL*Plus environment. SHOW SGA requires a DBA privileged login. SHO[W] option 例子: SQL> SHOW SGA;Total System Global Area 612368384 bytesFixed Size 1250428 bytesVariable Size 272632708 bytesDatabase Buffers 331350016 bytesRedo Buffers 7135232 bytes ---43 SHUTDOWN 关闭数据库实例,使用SHUTDOWN时有5个参数可以选择。 SHUTDOWN -------- Shuts down a currently running Oracle Database instance, optionally closing and dismounting a database. SHUTDOWN [ABORT|IMMEDIATE|NORMAL|TRANSACTIONAL [LOCAL]] SHUTDOWN ABORT 强制关闭,可能会丢失部分数据。如果数据库重启实例并打开数据库时,后台进程SMON会执行恢复操作 以终止方式关闭时, ORACLE将执行以下操作 1:阻止任何用户建立新的连接。同时阻止当前连接的用户开始新的事务。 2:立即终止当前正在执行的SQL语句。 3:任何未提交的事务均不被回退。 4:立即断开所有用户的连接,关闭、卸载数据库,并终止实例。 SHUTDOWN NORMAL 正常关闭方式 以正常方式关闭时,ORACLE将执行以下操作 1:阻止任何用户建立新的连接 2:等待当前所有正在连接的用户主动断开连接,已经连接的用户能够继续当前的操作 3:一旦所有的用户都断开连接,即立即关闭、卸载数据库,并终止实例。 SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE 立即关闭方式 以立即关闭方式时,ORACLE将执行以下操作 1:阻止任何用户建立新的连接。同时阻止当前连接的用户开始任何新的事务。 2:任何未提交的事务均被回退。 3:ORACLE不再等待用户主动断开连接,而是直接关闭、卸载数据库,并终止实例。 SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL 事务关闭方式介于正常关闭方式与立即关闭方式之间。它能够在尽可能短的时间内 关闭数据库,但是能够保证当前所有活动事务都可以被提交。 以事务关闭方式时,ORACLE将执行以下操作 1:阻止任何用户建立新的连接,同时阻止当前连接的用户开始任何新的事务。 2;等待所有未提交的活动事务提交完毕,然后立即断开用户连接。 3:关闭、卸载数据库,并终止实例。 ---44 SPOOL; 将SQL*Plus中输出的结果复制到filename所指定的文件中。 SPOOL ----- Stores query results in a file, or optionally sends the file to a printer. In iSQL*Plus, use the Preferences screen to direct output to a file. SPO[OL] [file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] | APP[END]] | OFF | OUT] Not available in iSQL*Plus 例子: SQL> SPOOL F:/TEMP.TEXT; SQL> SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP; SQL> SPOOL OFF; ---45 SQLPLUS 运行SQL*Plus SQLPLUS ------- Starts SQL*Plus from the operating system prompt. SQLPLUS [ [option] [logon] [start] ] where option has the following syntax: -H[ELP] | -V[ERSION] | [[-C[OMPATIBILITY] x.y[.z]] [-L[OGON]] [-M[ARKUP] markup_option] [-R[ESTRICT] {1|2|3}] [-S[ILENT]]] and where markup_option has the following syntax: HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text] [ENTMAP {ON|OFF}] [SPOOL {ON|OFF}] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON|OFF}] and where logon has the following syntax: {username[/password][@connect_identifier] | /} [AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA}] | /NOLOG and where start has the following syntax: @{url|filename[.ext]} [arg ...] ---46 START 将filename文件的内容读入SQL*Plus缓冲区,然后执行缓冲区的脚本(运行脚本文件) START ----- Runs the SQL*Plus statements in the specified script. The script can be called from the local file system or a web server. Only the url form is supported in iSQL*Plus. STA[RT] {url|file_name[.ext]} [arg ...] where url supports HTTP and FTP protocols in the form: http://host.domain/script.sql---47 STARTUP 启动ORACLE实例。 STARTUP-------Starts an Oracle instance with several options, including mounting,and opening a database.STARTUP options | upgrade_optionswhere options has the following syntax: [FORCE] [RESTRICT] [PFILE=filename] [QUIET] [ MOUNT [dbname] | [ OPEN [open_options] [dbname] ] | NOMOUNT ]where open_options has the following syntax: READ {ONLY | WRITE [RECOVER]} | RECOVERand where upgrade_options has the following syntax: [PFILE=filename] {UPGRADE | DOWNGRADE} [QUIET]--- 48 STORE STORE ----- Saves attributes of the current SQL*Plus environment in a script. STORE {SET} file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] | APP[END]] Not available in iSQL*Plus --- 49 TIMING TIMING ------ Records timing data for an elapsed time period, lists the current timer''s name and timing data, or lists the number of active timers. TIMI[NG] [START text|SHOW|STOP]---50 TTITLE; 设置页眉选项。 TTITLE ------ Places and formats a title at the top of each report page. Enter TTITLE with no clause to list its current definition. The old form of TTITLE is used if only a single word or a string in quotes follows the TTITLE command. TTI[TLE] [printspec [text|variable] ...] | [OFF|ON] where printspec represents one or more of the following clauses: COL n LE[FT] BOLD S[KIP] [n] CE[NTER] FORMAT text TAB n R[IGHT] 例子: TTITLE ON 开启页眉 TTITLE OFF 关闭页眉 SQL> TTITLE CENTER '职工信息表' SQL> SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP;
---51 UNDEFINE; 删除一个或多个你定义的替换变量。 UNDEFINE -------- Deletes one or more substitution variables that you defined either explicitly (with the DEFINE command), or implicitly (with a START command argument). UNDEF[INE] variable ...---52 VARIABLE; VARIABLE -------- Declares a bind variable that can be referenced in PL/SQL, or lists the current display characteristics for a single variable or all variables.VAR[IABLE] [variable [type]] where type represents one of the following: NUMBER CHAR CHAR (n [CHAR|BYTE]) NCHAR NCHAR (n) VARCHAR2 (n [CHAR|BYTE]) NVARCHAR2 (n) CLOB NCLOB REFCURSOR BINARY_FLOAT BINARY_DOUBLE ---53 SQL> WHENEVER OSERROR WHENEVER OSERROR ---------------- Performs the specified action (exits SQL*Plus by default) if an operating system error occurs (such as a file writing error). In iSQL*Plus, performs the specified action (stops the current script by default) and returns focus to the Workspace if an operating system error occurs. WHENEVER OSERROR {EXIT [SUCCESS|FAILURE|n|variable|:BindVariable] [COMMIT|ROLLBACK] | CONTINUE [COMMIT|ROLLBACK|NONE]} ---54 WHENEVER SQLERROR ----------------- Performs the specified action (exits SQL*Plus by default) if a SQL command or PL/SQL block generates an error. In iSQL*Plus, performs the specified action (stops the current script by default) and returns focus to the Workspace if a SQL command or PL/SQL block generates an error. WHENEVER SQLERROR {EXIT [SUCCESS|FAILURE|WARNING|n|variable|:BindVariable] [COMMIT|ROLLBACK] | CONTINUE [COMMIT|ROLLBACK|NONE]}
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