import→URL→贴入复制的url→点击parse→往下拖动点击import data→把结果栏生成的结果copy到markdown
import→HTML→贴入上一步复制的→import data→把结果栏生成的结果copy到markdown
Command line | Environment | Config file | Description |
-f, --locustfile | LOCUST_LOCUSTFILE | locustfile | Python module file to import, e.g. ‘../other.py’. Default: locustfile |
-H, --host | LOCUST_HOST | host | Host to load test in the following format: |
-u, --users | LOCUST_USERS | users | Number of concurrent Locust users. Primarily used together with –headless. Can be changed during a test by inputs w, W(spawn 1, 10 users) and s, S(stop 1, 10 users) |
-r, --spawn-rate | LOCUST_SPAWN_RATE | spawn-rate | The rate per second in which users are spawned. Primarily used together with –headless |
--hatch-rate | LOCUST_HATCH_RATE | hatch-rate | ==SUPPRESS== |
-t, --run-time | LOCUST_RUN_TIME | run-time | Stop after the specified amount of time, e.g. (300s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.). Only used together with –headless. Defaults to run forever. |
--web-host | LOCUST_WEB_HOST | web-host | Host to bind the web interface to. Defaults to ‘*’ (all interfaces) |
--web-port, -P | LOCUST_WEB_PORT | web-port | Port on which to run web host |
--headless | LOCUST_HEADLESS | headless | Disable the web interface, and instead start the load test immediately. Requires -u and -t to be specified. |
--headful | LOCUST_HEADFUL | headful | ==SUPPRESS== |
--web-auth | LOCUST_WEB_AUTH | web-auth | Turn on Basic Auth for the web interface. Should be supplied in the following format: username:password |
--tls-cert | LOCUST_TLS_CERT | tls-cert | Optional path to TLS certificate to use to serve over HTTPS |
--tls-key | LOCUST_TLS_KEY | tls-key | Optional path to TLS private key to use to serve over HTTPS |
--master | LOCUST_MODE_MASTER | master | Set locust to run in distributed mode with this process as master |
--master-bind-host | LOCUST_MASTER_BIND_HOST | master-bind-host | Interfaces (hostname, ip) that locust master should bind to. Only used when running with –master. Defaults to * (all available interfaces). |
--master-bind-port | LOCUST_MASTER_BIND_PORT | master-bind-port | Port that locust master should bind to. Only used when running with –master. Defaults to 5557. |
--expect-workers | LOCUST_EXPECT_WORKERS | expect-workers | How many workers master should expect to connect before starting the test (only when –headless used). |
--worker | LOCUST_MODE_WORKER | worker | Set locust to run in distributed mode with this process as worker |
--master-host | LOCUST_MASTER_NODE_HOST | master-host | Host or IP address of locust master for distributed load testing. Only used when running with –worker. Defaults to |
--master-port | LOCUST_MASTER_NODE_PORT | master-port | The port to connect to that is used by the locust master for distributed load testing. Only used when running with –worker. Defaults to 5557. |
-T, --tags | LOCUST_TAGS | tags | List of tags to include in the test, so only tasks with any matching tags will be executed |
-E, --exclude-tags | LOCUST_EXCLUDE_TAGS | exclude-tags | List of tags to exclude from the test, so only tasks with no matching tags will be executed |
--csv | LOCUST_CSV | csv | Store current request stats to files in CSV format. Setting this option will generate three files: [CSV_PREFIX]stats.csv, [CSV_PREFIX]stats_history.csv and [CSV_PREFIX]_failures.csv |
--csv-full-history | LOCUST_CSV_FULL_HISTORY | csv-full-history | Store each stats entry in CSV format to _stats_history.csv file. You must also specify the ‘–csv’ argument to enable this. |
--print-stats | LOCUST_PRINT_STATS | print-stats | Print stats in the console |
--only-summary | LOCUST_ONLY_SUMMARY | only-summary | Only print the summary stats |
--reset-stats | LOCUST_RESET_STATS | reset-stats | Reset statistics once spawning has been completed. Should be set on both master and workers when running in distributed mode |
--html | LOCUST_HTML | html | Store HTML report file |
--skip-log-setup | LOCUST_SKIP_LOG_SETUP | skip-log-setup | Disable Locust’s logging setup. Instead, the configuration is provided by the Locust test or Python defaults. |
--loglevel, -L | LOCUST_LOGLEVEL | loglevel | Choose between DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL. Default is INFO. |
--logfile | LOCUST_LOGFILE | logfile | Path to log file. If not set, log will go to stdout/stderr |
--exit-code-on-error | LOCUST_EXIT_CODE_ON_ERROR | exit-code-on-error | Sets the process exit code to use when a test result contain any failure or error |
-s, --stop-timeout | LOCUST_STOP_TIMEOUT | stop-timeout | Number of seconds to wait for a simulated user to complete any executing task before exiting. Default is to terminate immediately. This parameter only needs to be specified for the master process when running Locust distributed. |
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