python pyinsane应用
import sys from PIL import Image try:
import src.abstract as pyinsane
except ImportError:
import pyinsane.abstract as pyinsane def set_scanner_opt(scanner, opt, value):
print("Setting %s to %s" % (opt, str(value)))
scanner.options[opt].value = value
except (KeyError, pyinsane.SaneException) as exc:
print("Failed to set %s to %s: %s" % (opt, str(value), str(exc))) if __name__ == "__main__":
steps = False args = sys.argv[1:]
if len(args) <= 0 or args[0] == "-h" or args[0] == "--help":
print(" %s [-s] <output file (JPG)>" % sys.argv[0])
print(" -s : Generate intermediate images (may generate a lot of"
" images !)")
sys.exit(1) for arg in args[:]:
if arg == "-s":
steps = True
args.remove(arg) output_file = args[0]
print("Output file: %s" % output_file) print("Looking for scanners ...")
devices = pyinsane.get_devices()
if (len(devices) <= 0):
print("No scanner detected !")
print("Devices detected:")
print("- " + "\n- ".join([str(d) for d in devices])) print("") device = devices[0]
print("Will use: %s" % str(device)) print("") source = 'Auto' if (device.options['source'].constraint_type
== pyinsane.SaneConstraintType.STRING_LIST):
if 'Auto' in device.options['source'].constraint:
source = 'Auto'
elif 'FlatBed' in device.options['source'].constraint:
source = 'FlatBed'
print("Warning: Unknown constraint type on the source: %d"
% device.options['source'].constraint_type) set_scanner_opt(device, 'resolution', 300)
set_scanner_opt(device, 'source', source)
set_scanner_opt(device, 'mode', 'Color') print("") print("Scanning ... ")
scan_session = device.scan(multiple=False) if steps and scan_session.scan.expected_size[1] < 0:
print("Warning: requested step by step scan images, but"
" scanner didn't report the expected number of lines"
" in the final image --> can't do")
print("Step by step scan images won't be recorded")
steps = False if steps:
last_line = 0
expected_size = scan_session.scan.expected_size
img ="RGB", expected_size, "#ff00ff")
sp = output_file.split(".")
steps_filename = (".".join(sp[:-1]), sp[-1]) try:
PROGRESSION_INDICATOR = ['|', '/', '-', '\\']
i = -1
while True:
i += 1
sys.stdout.write("\b%s" % PROGRESSION_INDICATOR[i])
sys.stdout.flush() if steps:
next_line = scan_session.scan.available_lines[1]
if (next_line > last_line):
subimg = scan_session.scan.get_image(last_line, next_line)
img.paste(subimg, (0, last_line))"%s-%05d.%s" % (steps_filename[0], last_line,
steps_filename[1]), "JPEG")
last_line = next_line
except EOFError:
pass print("\b ")
print("Writing output file ...")
img = scan_session.images[0], "JPEG")
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