PAT 1069. The Black Hole of Numbers (20)
For any 4-digit integer except the ones with all the digits being the same, if we sort the digits in non-increasing order first, and then in non-decreasing order, a new number can be obtained by taking the second number from the first one. Repeat in this manner we will soon end up at the number 6174 -- the "black hole" of 4-digit numbers. This number is named Kaprekar Constant.
For example, start from 6767, we'll get:
7766 - 6677 = 1089
9810 - 0189 = 9621
9621 - 1269 = 8352
8532 - 2358 = 6174
7641 - 1467 = 6174
... ...
Given any 4-digit number, you are supposed to illustrate the way it gets into the black hole.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case which gives a positive integer N in the range (0, 10000).
Output Specification:
If all the 4 digits of N are the same, print in one line the equation "N - N = 0000". Else print each step of calculation in a line until 6174 comes out as the difference. All the numbers must be printed as 4-digit numbers.
Sample Input 1:
- 6767
Sample Output 1:
- 7766 - 6677 = 1089
- 9810 - 0189 = 9621
- 9621 - 1269 = 8352
- 8532 - 2358 = 6174
Sample Input 2:
- 2222
Sample Output 2:
- 2222 - 2222 = 0000
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <functional>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- const int blackHole=;
- const int digits=;
- vector<int> int2vec(int n)
- {
- vector<int> buf(digits,);
- for(int i=;i<digits;++i,n/=)
- {
- buf[i]=n%;
- }
- return buf;
- }
- int vec2int(vector<int>& vec)
- {
- int n=;
- int radix=;
- for(int i=digits-;i>=;--i)
- {
- n+=radix*vec[i];
- radix*=;
- }
- return n;
- }
- bool beingTheSame(vector<int>& vec)
- {
- size_t size=vec.size();
- for(int i=;i<size;++i)
- {
- if(vec[]!=vec[i])
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- int repeat(int n)
- {
- vector<int> vec=int2vec(n);
- sort(vec.begin(),vec.end(),greater<int>());
- int first=vec2int(vec);
- sort(vec.begin(),vec.end());
- int second=vec2int(vec);
- int difference=first-second;
- printf("%.4d - %.4d = %.4d\n",first,second,difference);
- return difference;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- freopen("1069.txt","r",stdin);
- int n;
- scanf("%d",&n);
- vector<int> vec=int2vec(n);
- if(beingTheSame(vec))
- {
- printf("%.4d - %.4d = 0000\n",n,n);
- return ;
- }
- n=repeat(n);
- while(blackHole!=n)
- {
- n=repeat(n);
- }
- return ;
- }
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