#Leet Code# Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- ["", "", "+", "", "*"] -> ((2 + 1) * 3) -> 9
- ["", "", "", "/", "+"] -> (4 + (13 / 5)) -> 6
- def is_op(c):
- return c in ['+', '-', '*', '/']
- def divide(x, y):
- if (x * y) < 0:
- return -1 * ((-x)/y)
- return x/y
- class Solution:
- # @param tokens, a list of string
- # @return an integer
- def evalRPN(self, tokens):
- opDict = {'+': lambda x,y: x+y,
- '-': lambda x,y: x-y,
- '*': lambda x,y: x*y,
- '/': divide}
- record = []
- for item in tokens:
- if is_op(item):
- second = record.pop()
- first = record.pop()
- record.append(opDict[item](first, second))
- else:
- record.append(int(item))
- return record[0]
- def is_op(c):
- return c in ['+', '-', '*', '/']
- def divide(x, y):
- if (x * y) < 0:
- return -1 * ((-x)/y)
- return x/y
- class Tree:
- def __init__(self, data):
- self.data = data
- self.parent = None
- self.left = None
- self.right = None
- class Solution:
- # @param tokens, a list of string
- # @return an integer
- def __init__(self):
- self.opDict = {'+': lambda x,y: x+y,
- '-': lambda x,y: x-y,
- '*': lambda x,y: x*y,
- '/': divide}
- def builtTree(self, tokens):
- if not is_op(tokens[-1]):
- return int(tokens[-1])
- # if element is an operator
- cur_tree = Tree(tokens[-1])
- top_tree = cur_tree
- for item in tokens[-2::-1]:
- if cur_tree.right is None:
- if is_op(item):
- cur_tree.right = Tree(item)
- cur_tree.right.parent = cur_tree
- cur_tree = cur_tree.right
- else:
- cur_tree.right = int(item)
- if cur_tree.right and cur_tree.left:
- cur_tree = self.getUpperNode(cur_tree)
- continue
- if cur_tree.left is None:
- if is_op(item):
- cur_tree.left = Tree(item)
- cur_tree.left.parent = cur_tree
- cur_tree = cur_tree.left
- else:
- cur_tree.left = int(item)
- if cur_tree.right is not None and cur_tree.left is not None:
- cur_tree = self.getUpperNode(cur_tree)
- return top_tree
- # Move to upper node if cur node if full. If top_node return.
- def getUpperNode(self, node):
- while node.right is not None and node.left is not None:
- if node.parent is None:
- return node
- node = node.parent
- return node
- def getValue(self, node):
- if type(node) is type(1):
- return node
- else:
- return self.getResult(node)
- def getResult(self, treeNode):
- leftValue = self.getValue(treeNode.left)
- rightValue = self.getValue(treeNode.right)
- result = self.opDict[treeNode.data](leftValue, rightValue)
- return result
- def evalRPN(self, tokens):
- topNode = self.builtTree(tokens)
- if type(topNode) is type(1):
- return topNode
- else:
- resultNum = self.getResult(topNode)
- return resultNum
备注-1:if cur_node.right is None 不能用 if cur_node.right 因为cur_node.right 如果是数字0的话会有问题 当然 不转成int的话直接存string等到运算时再转int应该就可以这样写了
备注-2:python的除法跟c++不太一样 3/-5 = -1
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