CCNA Cloud CLDFND 210-451 QUIZ: Server Virtualization
1.Which of the following is not a server hardware component?
a. Storage controller
b. NIC
c. Operating system
d. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
e. RAM
2. Which of the following is not a server operating system?
a. Microsoft Windows
b. Free BSD
c. Cisco IOS
d. Linux
3. Which of the following advantages were achieved through mainframe virtualization in the early-1970s? (Choose two.)
a. Performance increase
b. Legacy application support
c. Downsizing
d. User isolation
4. Which of the following is not an advantage from server virtualization on x86 servers? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Hardware efficiency
b. Network provisioning
c. Legacy application support
d. Management cost decrease
5. Which of the following are Type-1 hypervisors? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Linux KVM
b. Xen
c. Microsoft Hyper-V
d. VMware Workstation
6. Please select the options with a hypervisor and its corresponding VM Manager. (Choose all that apply.)
a. KVM and oVirt
b. vSphere and ESX
c. Hyper-V and Hyper-V Manager
d. vSphere and vCenter
e. KVM and OpenStack Nova
7. Which of the following is not a virtual machine file?
a. Virtual disk
c. Swap memory
d. NFS
e. Log
8. Which of the following is false?
a. VM high availability enables the restarting of virtual machines that were running on failed hosts.
b. Live migration is a disaster recovery feature that allows the migration of VMs after a physical server suffers a major hardware failure.
c. Resource load balancing allows automatic host selection when you are creating a virtual machine.
d. VM fault tolerance reserves double the resources a virtual machine requires.
9. Which of the following feature is disruptive to a virtual machine?
a. Fault tolerance
b. Live migration
c. High availability
d. Resource load balancing
10. Which of the following feature is more aligned with cloud computing pooling characteristics?
a. Fault tolerance
b. Live migration
c. High availability
d. Resource load balancing
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