平衡二叉树 JAVA实现 亲测可用
平衡二叉树的JAVA实现 亲测可用 包括LL LR RL RR四种情况的旋转算法 以及添加删除树结点之后对平衡二叉树的维护算法
都已经实现并测试过 没有问题。
代码地址可以直接上我的GIT clone:
以下附上class AVLTree 的实现代码:
public class AVLTree<T extends Comparable<T>>
{ public TreeNode<T> rootNode; public int getMaxHeight(TreeNode<T> root)
if(root == null)
return 0;
} int height = 1;
int leftSonHeight = getMaxHeight(root.lson);
int rightSonHeight = getMaxHeight(root.rson);
if(leftSonHeight > rightSonHeight)
height += leftSonHeight;
height += rightSonHeight;
} return height;
} public TreeNode<T> singleRotateLeft(TreeNode<T> k2)
TreeNode<T> k1 = k2.lson;
if(k1 == null)
return null;
} TreeNode<T> temp = k1.rson;
k1.rson = k2;
k2.lson = temp; k2.height = getMaxHeight(k2);
k1.height = getMaxHeight(k1);
return k1;
} public TreeNode<T> singleRotateRight(TreeNode<T> k2)
TreeNode<T> k1 = k2.rson;
if(k1 == null)
return null;
} TreeNode<T> temp = k1.lson;
k1.lson = k2;
k2.rson = temp; k2.height = getMaxHeight(k2);
k1.height = getMaxHeight(k1);
return k1;
} public TreeNode<T> doubleRotateLeftRight(TreeNode<T> k3)
k3.lson = singleRotateRight(k3.lson);
return singleRotateLeft(k3);
} public TreeNode<T> doubleRotateRightLeft(TreeNode<T> k3)
k3.rson = singleRotateLeft(k3.rson);
return singleRotateRight(k3);
} public TreeNode<T> insertTreeNode(TreeNode<T> insertNode)
return insertTreeNode(insertNode, this.rootNode);
} public TreeNode<T> insertTreeNode(TreeNode<T> insertNode, TreeNode<T> currentNode)
if(insertNode == null)
return currentNode;
} TreeNode<T> rootNode = currentNode;
if(currentNode == null)
currentNode = insertNode;
currentNode.height = 1;
currentNode.freq = 1;
rootNode = currentNode;
return rootNode;
} if(insertNode.data.compareTo(currentNode.data) > 0)
currentNode.rson = insertTreeNode(insertNode, currentNode.rson);
currentNode.height = getMaxHeight(currentNode);
rootNode = ajustAVLTree(currentNode);
else if(insertNode.data.compareTo(currentNode.data) < 0)
currentNode.lson = insertTreeNode(insertNode, currentNode.lson);
currentNode.height = getMaxHeight(currentNode);
rootNode = ajustAVLTree(currentNode);
currentNode.freq ++;
rootNode = currentNode;
} return rootNode; } public TreeNode<T> ajustAVLTree(TreeNode<T> currentNode)
TreeNode<T> rootNode = currentNode; int leftSonHeight = (currentNode.lson != null) ? currentNode.lson.height : 0;
int rightSonHeight = (currentNode.rson != null) ? currentNode.rson.height : 0;
if(2 == rightSonHeight - leftSonHeight)
int rightLeftSonHeight = (currentNode.rson.lson != null) ? currentNode.rson.lson.height : 0;
int rightRightSonHeight = (currentNode.rson.rson != null) ? currentNode.rson.rson.height : 0; if(rightLeftSonHeight > rightRightSonHeight)
rootNode = doubleRotateRightLeft(currentNode);
rootNode = singleRotateRight(currentNode);
else if(2 == leftSonHeight - rightSonHeight)
int leftLeftSonHeight = (currentNode.lson.lson != null) ? currentNode.lson.lson.height : 0;
int leftRightSonHeight = (currentNode.lson.rson != null) ? currentNode.lson.rson.height : 0; if(leftLeftSonHeight > leftRightSonHeight)
rootNode = singleRotateLeft(currentNode);
rootNode = doubleRotateLeftRight(currentNode);
} return rootNode;
} public TreeNode<T> deleteTreeNode(TreeNode<T> deleteNode, TreeNode<T> currentNode)
if(deleteNode == null || currentNode == null)
return currentNode;
} TreeNode<T> rootNode; if(deleteNode.data.compareTo(currentNode.data) > 0)
currentNode.rson = deleteTreeNode(deleteNode, currentNode.rson);
currentNode.height = getMaxHeight(currentNode); rootNode = ajustAVLTree(currentNode);
else if(deleteNode.data.compareTo(currentNode.data) < 0)
currentNode.lson = deleteTreeNode(deleteNode, currentNode.lson);
currentNode.height = getMaxHeight(currentNode); rootNode = ajustAVLTree(currentNode);
if(currentNode.freq >=2)
TreeNode<T> temp = currentNode;
if(currentNode.lson != null && currentNode.rson != null)
//get the min value node of right son tree, then replace the currentNode;
TreeNode<T> minValueRightSon;
temp = currentNode.rson;
while(temp.lson != null)
minValueRightSon = temp;
temp = temp.lson;
} currentNode.data = temp.data;
currentNode.freq = temp.freq;
currentNode.rson = deleteTreeNode(temp, currentNode.rson);
else if(currentNode.lson == null)
currentNode = currentNode.rson;
currentNode = currentNode.lson;
} if(currentNode != null)
currentNode.height = getMaxHeight(currentNode);
currentNode = ajustAVLTree(currentNode);
} }
rootNode = currentNode;
} return rootNode;
} public TreeNode<T> middleSearchTreeNode(T searchData, TreeNode<T> currentNode)
if(currentNode == null)
return null;
} TreeNode<T> result = null;
return currentNode;
result = middleSearchTreeNode(searchData, currentNode.lson);
if(result == null)
result = middleSearchTreeNode(searchData, currentNode.rson);
} return result;
} public void middleTraverseTree(TreeNode<T> rootNode)
if(rootNode == null)
return ;
} if(rootNode.data != null)
System.out.print(rootNode.data.toString() + " ");
} middleTraverseTree(rootNode.lson);
树结点的class TreeNode 定义:
public class TreeNode<T> {
public TreeNode(T data) {
this.data = data;
public T data;
public int freq;
public int height;
public TreeNode<T> lson;
public TreeNode<T> rson;
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