MOV[.W]      Move source to destination
MOV.B      Move source to destination

Syntax     MOV   src,dst  or       MOV.W  src,dst
        MOV.B src,dst

Operation   src −> dst


  The source operand is moved to the destination.The source operand is not affected. The previous contents of the destination are lost.

Status Bits   Status bits are not affected.

Mode Bits   OSCOFF, CPUOFF, and GIE are not affected.

Example   The contents of table EDE (word data) are copied to table TOM. The length of the tables must be 020h locations.

        MOV #EDE,R10         ; Prepare pointer
   MOV #020h,R9         ; Prepare counter
Loop   MOV @R10+,TOM−EDE−(R10)  ; Use pointer in R10 for both tables
DEC R9           ; Decrement counter
  JNZ Loop           ; Counter ≠ 0, continue copying
  ......             ; Copying completed

Example   The contents of table EDE (byte data) are copied to table TOM. The length of the tables should be 020h locations

         MOV #EDE,R10           ; Prepare pointer
MOV #020h,R9       ; Prepare counter
Loop MOV.B @R10+,TOM−EDE−(R10) ; Use pointer in R10 for
; both tables
DEC R9          ; Decrement counter
JNZ Loop          ; Counter ≠ 0, continue
       ; copying
......        ; Copying completed


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