The Dole Queue 

In a serious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National Green Labour Rhinoceros Party has decided on the following strategy. Every day all dole applicants will be placed in a large circle, facing inwards. Someone is arbitrarily chosen as number 1, and the rest are numbered counter-clockwise up to N (who will be standing on 1's left). Starting from 1 and moving counter-clockwise, one labour official counts off k applicants, while another official starts from N and moves clockwise, counting m applicants. The two who are chosen are then sent off for retraining; if both officials pick the same person she (he) is sent off to become a politician. Each official then starts counting again at the next available person and the process continues until no-one is left. Note that the two victims (sorry, trainees) leave the ring simultaneously, so it is possible for one official to count a person already selected by the other official.


Write a program that will successively read in (in that order) the three numbers (N, k and m; k, m > 0, 0 < N < 20) and determine the order in which the applicants are sent off for retraining. Each set of three numbers will be on a separate line and the end of data will be signalled by three zeroes (0 0 0).


For each triplet, output a single line of numbers specifying the order in which people are chosen. Each number should be in a field of 3 characters. For pairs of numbers list the person chosen by the counter-clockwise official first. Separate successive pairs (or singletons) by commas (but there should not be a trailing comma).

Sample input

10 4 3
0 0 0

Sample output

 4  8,  9  5,  3  1,  2  6,  10,  7

where  represents a space.



 // UVa133 The Dole Queue
#define maxn 25
int n, k, m, a[maxn];
int go(int p, int d, int t) {
while(t--) {
do {p=(p+d+n-)%n+;} while(a[p] == );
return p;
} int main() {
while(scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &k, &m) == && n) {
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++) a[i] = i;
int left = n;
int p1 = n, p2 = ;
while(left) {
p1 = go(p1, , k);
p2 = go(p2, -, m);
printf("%3d", p1); left--;
if(p2 != p1) { printf("%3d", p2); left--; }
a[p1] = a[p2] = ;
if(left) printf(",");
return ;


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