P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL

Server Database) 16 R1




May 2016


About This

Shared Topics
in This Guide
........................................................................ 12

Planning Your
Implementation .....................................................................

Planning Checklist
13 Client and Server Requirements .....................................................................

Factors Affecting Memory
Utilization by P6 Professional ........................................ 15

Guidance ....................................................................................

Security Guidance Overview
......................................................................... 17

Safe Deployment of P6
Professional ................................................................

Privileges Needed for Installation and Operation ........................ 17 Minimum Client Permissions Needed for P6
Professional ................................. 18

Physical Security Requirements for P6
Professional ....................................... 19 Authentication
Options for P6 Professional
........................................................ 19 Authorization for P6 Professional
................................................................... 20 Confidentiality for P6 Professional
.................................................................. 20

Data for P6 Professional
................................................................... 20 Reliability for P6 Professional
....................................................................... 20 Cookie Usage in P6 Professional
..................................................................... 21

Additional Sources for
Security Guidance .......................................................... 22

Database Installation
................................................................... 23

Automatic SQL Server
Database Installation Overview ........................................... 23

About the Database Wizard
.......................................................................... 24

Automatically Installing a
Microsoft SQL Server Database and Loading Application Data

25 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database
.................................... 25 Loading
Application Data ........................................................ 27

Base Currency
..................................................................... 28

Private Database Logins

Adding Private Database
Logins for P6 Professional ....................................... 29

Modifying Private Database
Logins for P6 Professional .................................... 30

Deleting Private Database
Logins for P6 Professional ..................................... 31

Resetting Private Database
Passwords ....................................................... 32

Manual SQL
Server Database Configuration
...................................................... 33

Manual SQL Server Database
Configuration Overview ............................................ 33

Creating the Database
Structure for Microsoft SQL Server and Loading Application Data 
35 Creating the P6 Professional Database Structure
............................ 35

Copying the Script Files to
a Local Drive ...................................... 35 Creating the Database
........................................................... 35

Creating Users and Tables .......................................................

Installing Sample Data and
Creating Your P6 Professional Admin Superuser

Password for Microsoft SQL
Server ............................................. 37 Creating
Remaining P6 Professional Database Objects ...................... 38

Dropping P6 Professional
Database Objects................................... 39

Changing the Database Base
Currency .............................................................. 39

Base Currency
39 Reviewing Currency Choices
.................................................................. 39

Changing the Base Currency
................................................................... 40

Private Database Logins

Resetting Private Database
Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm ......... 41 Adding Private Database Logins for P6
Professional ....................................... 42

Modifying Private Database
Logins for P6 Professional .................................... 43

Deleting Private Database
Logins for P6 Professional ..................................... 44

Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites ............................

Database Upgrade Process
........................................................................... 45

Convert Methodologies to
Projects ........................................................... 46

Risks Migration

Upgrading a Microsoft SQL
Server Database ....................................................... 48

Upgrading a Microsoft SQL
Server Database ................................................ 49

Configuring the Microsoft
SQL Server Database ............................................ 50

Database Administration ............................................................................
Background Processes and
Cleanup in P6 Professional ........................................... 51 RDBMS Scheduler Configuration
..................................................................... 51 Database Settings Table

Reading Setting Values

Using Code to Read Setting
Values for Microsoft SQL Server ............................. 53

Writing Setting Values

Using Code to Write Setting
Values for Microsoft SQL Server ............................ 54

Tracking Background Job
Execution ................................................................ 55

High Level Status Settings
..................................................................... 55

The BGPLOG Table..............................................................................

SYMON (System Monitor)
Procedures ............................................................... 56

Procedure ....................................................... 57

Procedure .................................................... 58

Tracking Concurrent Usage
of P6 Professional ............................... 60

DAMON (Data Monitor)
Procedures ..................................................................

................................................................. 61

Procedure ................................................................ 62 CLEANUP_PRMQUEUE Procedure
.............................................................. 63
........................................... 64 CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES
Procedure ..................................................... 65 PRMAUDIT_CLEANUP
Procedure .............................................................. 66
............................................................... 67

Procedure .................................................... 68

Safe Deletes

Turning Off Safe Deletes
....................................................................... 69

Native Database Auditing .............................................................................

Auditing Level
.................................................................. 70 Simple Configuration
........................................................................... 70

......................................................................... 71 Auditing Status
.................................................................... 71

Options Setting
.................................................................... 71

Procedure ........................................... 72 The Audit Table
73 Session Auditing .................................................................................

Column Audit Data

P6 Professional Database
Connections Using a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port ..... 75

Database Administrator
Settings for a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port ........ 75

Installing P6
............................................................................ 76

Database Client Software

Microsoft SQL Server
Database Client Software ............................................ 76

Running the Installation
Wizard ..................................................................... 77

Typical Installation

Advanced Installation
.......................................................................... 79

Running Database
Configuration After Installation
............................................... 80

Configuring a Microsoft SQL
Server Database Connection From the Command Line .. 81

Client Computers for a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port ........... 82 Enabling Excel Import/Export with the
64-Bit Version of P6 Professional ..................... 83 Setting the Industry Type

Installing Local Copies of
P6 Professional and Visualizer Help .................................. 85

Installing P6
Visualizer Only
........................................................................ 86

Installing Local Copies of
Visualizer Help .......................................................... 87

the P6 Professional SDK Only
........................................................... 88

Updating the Path System
Variable for the P6 Professional SDK ................................ 89

Job Service

Installing Job Service and
Distributed Job Service Only ......................................... 91 Configuring Windows 2008 Server for Job
Service ................................................ 92

Configuring Windows
2008/2012 Server R2 for Job Service ..................................... 92 Set the Job Service Log On Account
......................................................... 93 Configure the Job
Service to Send Jobs Directly to a Printer ...................................

Specify a Different
Language for Job Service .....................................................

Distributed Job Service ..............................................................

Distributed Job Service
Overview ................................................................... 94 Prepare the Controller and DJS Servers for
Installation and Configuration ................... 94 Installing
the Distributed Job Service
............................................................... 94 Disabling the Windows Firewall
...................................................................... 95 Configure Access to the Distributed Job
Service .................................................. 95 Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job
Service .................................................. 96 Configure the Controller and DJS Servers
.......................................................... 98

Job Service Registry
........................................................................ 99

Setup for P6 Professional
.......................................................... 103

Unattended Setup ....................................................................................
103 Running Unattended Setup
.......................................................................... 104

Creating Database
Connections for Unattended Setup .......................................... 107

About the
Administration Configuration Tool
................................................. 108

Installing the
Administration Configuration Tool
................................................. 108 Resetting
Private User Passwords
.................................................................. 109

Resetting Application User
Passwords ............................................................. 110

Database Configuration Manually .....................................................

in P6 Professional
............................................................... 112

About User Authentication
Modes .................................................................. 112 Configuring LDAP Servers
113 Provisioning LDAP User Information for the
First Time ......................................... 115

Configuring P6 Professional
Internal Plug-ins for Authentication .............................. 116 Login Procedures and Authentication in P6
Professional ....................................... 117

Troubleshooting Login
Errors ........................................................................

Users and

Security Concepts in P6
Professional .............................................................. 118

Security Configuration
Process in P6 Professional ........................................ 125

Useful P6 Professional
Terms .......................................................................

Admin superuser

Project superuser

Working with and defining
the OBS ................................................................ 127

Organizational breakdown
structure (OBS) overview ..................................... 127 Setting up the OBS

View the OBS
127 OBS security

an OBS element
........................................................................... 129 Assign an OBS element to a WBS element ..................................................129
Edit an OBS
129 Copy and paste an OBS element
............................................................. 130 Cut and paste
an OBS element ...............................................................
130 Delete an OBS element
....................................................................... 130
View the OBS chart display ...................................................................

Change the OBS chart
display ................................................................ 131 Move around the OBS chart
.................................................................. 131 Change the OBS chart information
.......................................................... 131 Assign responsibility for an issue
............................................................ 132

Assign responsibility for
threshold-generated issues ..................................... 132

Setting up and starting to
work with the EPS ..................................................... 132

Enterprise Project
Structure overview ..................................................... 132

Defining the Enterprise
Project Structure ................................................. 133 Set up the EPS structure
...................................................................... 133 Add a project to the EPS hierarchy
......................................................... 134 Delete an EPS node or project
............................................................... 134

Copy an EPS node or project
................................................................. 135

Managing User Security (P6
Professional Only) ................................................... 136

Setting up user security
(P6 Professional Only) ........................................... 136 Module access (P6 Professional Only)
....................................................... 137 Security profiles................................................................................

Global profiles

Global Privilege
Definitions (P6 Professional Only) ......................... 138

Project profiles

Privilege Definitions (P6 Professional Only) ........................ 144 Add new users (P6 Professional Only)
....................................................... 150 List number of users having access to P6
Professional (P6 Professional Only) ........ 152 Change
user security profiles (P6 Professional Only)
..................................... 152 Change
user passwords (P6 Professional Only)
............................................ 153 Enable
or disable user access to P6 Professional (P6 Professional Only) ..............
153 Remove users (P6 Professional Only)
....................................................... 153 Create global profiles (P6 Professional
Only) .............................................. 154

Assign global profiles (P6
Professional Only)............................................... 154 Change global profiles (P6 Professional
Only) ............................................. 154 Delete
global profiles (P6 Professional Only)
.............................................. 154 Create
project profiles (P6 Professional Only)
............................................ 155 Assign
project profiles (P6 Professional Only)
............................................. 155 Change
project profiles (P6 Professional Only)
............................................ 156

Delete project profiles (P6
Professional Only) ............................................ 156

Managing Resource Security
(P6 Professional Only) ............................................. 157

to Resource Security
........................................................... 157 Implementing Resource Security (P6
Professional Only) .................................159 Enable Resource
Security (P6 Professional Only) .......................................... 160

Disable Resource Security
(P6 Professional Only) ......................................... 161 Displaying
Resource Access Information (P6 Professional Only) ........................ 162

Change Resource Security
(P6 Professional Only) ......................................... 162

Settings and Global Data
........................................................... 163

Defining Administrative
Preferences (P6 Professional Only) ................................... 163

Administrative preferences
(P6 Professional Only) ....................................... 163 Change the global code separator (P6
Professional Only) ............................... 163 Set
the week start day (P6 Professional Only)
............................................. 163 Set
a default activity duration (P6 Professional Only)
................................... 164 Define
maximum hierarchy levels (P6 Professional Only)
................................ 164
maximum project activity codes (P6 Professional Only) ........................
164 Define maximum baselines (P6 Professional
Only) ........................................ 164

Define maximum ID lengths
(P6 Professional Only) ....................................... 165 Set default workhours (P6 Professional
Only) ............................................. 165 Set
abbreviations for displaying time (P6 Professional Only) ............................
165 Define default earned value settings (P6
Professional Only) ............................ 166

Set global summarization
options (P6 Professional Only) ................................ 167 Set the Online Help location (P6
Professional Only) ...................................... 168

Setting the Industry Type
..................................................................... 169

Defining Administrative
Categories (P6 Professional Only) ..................................... 170

Administrative categories
(P6 Professional Only) ......................................... 170

Types (P6 Professional Only)
...................................................... 170 Create a baseline type
.......................................................... 170 Edit a baseline type (P6 Professional
Only) .................................. 171

Delete a baseline type (P6
Professional Only) ............................... 171

Categories (P6 Professional Only) .................................................
172 Create expense categories (P6 Professional
Only) .......................... 172
expense categories (P6 Professional Only) ........................ 172

Delete expense categories
(P6 Professional Only) .......................... 172

Category (P6 Professional Only)
....................................................... 173 Edit the WBS category (P6 Professional
Only) ............................... 173 Create
WBS category values (P6 Professional Only) ........................ 173 Assign WBS Category values (P6
Professional Only) ......................... 173 Change
WBS category values (P6 Professional Only) ........................ 173

Delete WBS category values
(P6 Professional Only) ........................ 174

Categories (P6 Professional Only)
.............................................. 174 Create
document categories (P6 Professional Only) ........................ 174 Rename document categories (P6
Professional Only) ...................... 174

Delete document categories
(P6 Professional Only) ........................ 174

Statuses (P6 Professional Only)
.................................................175 Create a document status
(P6 Professional Only) ........................... 175 Change document status
names (P6 Professional Only) .................... 175

Delete a document status
(P6 Professional Only) ........................... 175

Risk Categories (P6
Professional Only) ...................................................... 176
Create risk categories (P6 Professional Only) ................................

Edit risk categories (P6
Professional Only) ................................... 176

Delete risk categories (P6
Professional Only) ................................ 176

Topics (P6 Professional Only)
.................................................... 177 Create notebooks (P6 Professional Only)
..................................... 177 Change
notebook names (P6 Professional Only) ............................. 177

Delete notebooks (P6
Professional Only) ..................................... 177

Units of Measure (P6
Professional Only) .................................................... 178

Define the units of measure
for material resources (P6 Professional Only)178

Delete Units of Measure (P6
Professional Only) ............................. 178

Defining Currencies (P6
Professional Only) ....................................................... 179

Currencies (P6 Professional
Only) ........................................................... 179 Add a view currency (P6 Professional Only)
............................................... 179

Define a base currency (P6
Professional Only) ............................................ 180

Setting User Preferences

user preferences
...................................................................... 181 Define how to display time information ....................................................
182 Specify a format for dates
.................................................................... 182 Specify a format for currency
................................................................ 183 Select a view currency
........................................................................ 183 Enter e-mail settings
.......................................................................... 183

wizard options .............................................................................
183 Change my password
.......................................................................... 184 Set startup options

a log of tasks
.......................................................................... 185 Define the range of financial periods to
display in columns ............................. 185 Set
resource analysis options ................................................................
186 Select Startup Filters
.......................................................................... 187

Select calculation options
for resource and role assignments .......................... 187

Terminal Services and Citrix
......................................................... 189

..................................................................... 190

Installing P6 Professional
on Terminal Services .................................................. 191

Using Oracle
Secure Global Desktop
............................................................ 193

Importing Projects from P3 to P6 Professional (P6 Professional Only)194

Enabling the P3 Option in
the P3/SDEF to XER Project Conversion Dialog Box .............. 195

196 For More Information

Where to Get Documentation
....................................................................... 197
Documentation Accessibility
........................................................................ 197
Where to Get Training ...............................................................................

Where to Get Support

Legal Notices

About This Guide

This guideis a step-by-step guide to installing and configuring P6
Professional software modules. It is organized as follows:


Provides an overview of P6 Professional
software components, discusses how to plan an implementation for your
organization, and offers an overview of the process of installing and
configuring P6 Professional software components. Security guidelines are also
outlined to assist you with creating a secure P6 Professional installation.

Database Installation and Configuration

Provides steps for using a wizard to
automate the process of creating the P6 Professional database on either Oracle
or Microsoft SQL Server and loading application data into the databases. This
part also details how to manually create a database and use a wizard to
automatically upgrade your database from previous versions of P6

Installation and Configuration

Describes how to install and configure P6
Professional and an additional component. This section explains how to:

Install P6 Professional.

Install an additional component, the P6 Professional
SDK (Software Development Kit).

Create and run an unattended setup.

Configure module connectivity to the P6 Professional

P6 Professional Application Administration

Describes how to customize P6 Professional
applications, once installed. Specifically, this section covers how to:

Set up users and configure security.

Modify application settings and global enterprise data.
Set up authentication and provision users.


See Security Guidance (on page 17) for
more information about security guidelines.


Shared Topics in This Guide

P6 Professional can connect to a P6
Professional database or a P6 EPPM database. Some of the information in the
documentation is relevant to only one of the databases. These topics are
qualified in the title of the topic.

When a topic title is followed by (P6
Professional Only), the topic is relevant only when P6

Professional is connected to a P6
Professional database. When a topic title is followed by (P6 EPPM Only), the
topic is relevant only when P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM

Some topics include information that is
relevant when connected to either database. These topics will not be qualified.
For example, the information in the topic, "Create a project,"
applies when P6 Professional is connected to either database.

Other topics are generally relevant to both
databases, but include some information that is only relevant when connected to
a P6 Professional database and some that is only relevant when connected to a
P6 EPPM database. In these cases, the topics include conditional phrases, such

"When connected to a P6 Professional

"When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM

"(P6 EPPM Only)"

"This icon only appears when P6 Professional is
connected to a P6 Professional database." Planning Your Implementation

Planning Your Implementation

Read this chapter when you
are ready to plan your implementation. For more detailed information and
assistance, please consult with Oracle Global Customer Support (if you have
questions about installation) or Oracle Primavera GBU Consulting (if you want
Oracle Primavera to assist you with your implementation.)

Planning Checklist

When planning your implementation, you will
first need to know which client modules and server components have to be
installed and configured, and where those modules and components need to be
installed. The following is a set of questions that you will want to answer
before you begin implementing P6 Professional on a Microsoft SQL Server.

Which workstations will require P6

All P6 Professional users will need access
to the database server. Before you install the Microsoft

SQL Server database, you must first install
and configure Oracle Gateway to use the Primavera Data Warehouse with P6
Professional. For more details, refer to the Primavera Data Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide.

Which workstations will require P6

All P6 Professional users will need access
to the database server. The required Microsoft SQL Server files are already
included with Windows.

Do you want your administrators to install P6
Professional using standardized preconfigured settings?

If you want your client module to be
configured identically, your administrators can run an unattended setup based
on a standard configuration. You can create one or more sets of unattended
setup files and share them on a network server.

Do you need to integrate your project data
with other global systems?

If you need to integrate your project data
with other global systems, such as Accounting or Human Resources applications,
you will need to install P6 Integration API or P6 EPPM Web Services on
computers that require access to the data. The P6 Integration API requires
knowledge of Java programming. P6 EPPM Web Services seamlessly integrates P6
Professional functionality into other applications via open standards,
including XML, SOAP, and WSDL.

Do some users require the ability to manage
their projects in Microsoft Project while utilizing P6 Professional to manage
global data? 

Your organization might currently use
Microsoft Project to manage projects. Use P6 and P6 Professional import/export
functionality to share projects, resources, and roles data with Microsoft
Project. For more information, see the P6
or the P6 Professional Help.

Will your team members use P6 Progress
Reporter to submit timesheets to the project/resource managers? If so, will you
require that resource and/or project managers review and approve resource

If team members will use P6 Progress
Reporter, you will need to install P6 Progress Reporter files on an application

If you require that resource and/or project
managers review and approve resource timesheets, you must install P6. The
Timesheet Approval application, which is installed on the P6 Professional
application server when you install P6, enables timesheet approval managers to
review, approve, and reject timesheets, communicate with P6 Progress Reporter
resources, and run timesheet reports. Once installed, you can configure access
to Timesheet Approval from P6.

Do you want to utilize password security

When the authentication mode
is set to "Native," most of P6 Professional, with the exception of
the P6 Professional SDK, offers a strong password policy feature. When enabled,
this feature requires that all new and modified passwords be between 8 and 20
characters and contain at least one number and one letter. If using LDAP
authentication, the security set on the host authentication server overrides
the password security features in P6 Professional.

Client and Server Requirements

After determining your P6 Professional
implementation plan, ensure that your hardware and software can support

For the full list of
system requirements, versions, and tested configurations, see the Tested Configurations document.

Planning Your

Factors Affecting Memory
Utilization by P6 Professional

Memory (RAM) utilization by P6 Professional
is impacted by several factors, which can be categorized broadly as project
complexity and presentation complexity. In general, an individual project with
more activities, relationships, multi-level WBS, multi-level OBS, and which is
planned over a longer period of time will require more memory than one with
fewer activities, relationships, a simpler WBS and a simpler OBS. Additionally,
a more complex User Interface experience – one in which multiple windows are
open, many groups are displayed, and many layouts are available will consume
more memory than a less complex User Interface experience.

Also the amount of memory needed during
Scheduling is impacted primarily by the number of relationships among
activities and the depth of relationships among activities. When there are more
complex relationships among activities, Scheduling will consume more memory.

Factors Impacting Project Complexity:

Number of Activities

Number of Relationships

Number of Currently Opened Projects

Number of Baselines

Project Length

Depth of WBS Structure

Depth of OBS Structure

Number and length of Activities/Assignments

Language: Whether double-byte/Unicode Language or
single-byte language

4 Number of Code Assignments

4 Assigned to

4 Assigned to

4 Assigned to

Number of UDFs and Data Type of UDFs

4 UDF Assignments

4 Assigned to

4 Assigned to

4 Assigned to

4 EPS Complexity

4 It takes more
memory to represent a complex, multi-level EPS than a flat EPS

4 Summary data is
stored at each EPS level

Resource Assignments

4 Having a large number of resource assignments will affect resource
summary records and thus have an impact on memory usage.


Calendars will not significantly impact memory usage,
unless there are many calendar exceptions and the Gantt view is shown with bar


Factors Impacting Presentation Complexity:

Number of Windows Open

Number of Columns displayed

Number of Layouts available

4 Grouping

4 Number of
Grouping Rows

4 Number of
Grouping Levels


Security Guidance

This chapter provides
guidelines on creating an overall secure environment for P6 Professional. It
summarizes security options to consider for each installation and configuration
process and details additional security steps that you can perform before and
after P6 Professional implementation.

Security Guidance Overview

During the installation and configuration
process for P6 Professional, several options are available that impact
security. Depending on your organization's needs, you might need to create a
highly secure environment for all P6 Professional environments. Use the
following guidelines to plan your security strategy for P6 Professional:

Review all security documentation for applications and
hardware components that interact or integrate with P6 Professional. Oracle
recommends you harden your environment. See Additional Sources for Security
(on page 22) for links to information that can help you get

Read through the summary of considerations for P6
Professional included in this document. Areas covered include: safe deployment,
authentication options, authorization, confidentiality, sensitive data,
reliability, and cookies usage.


As with any software
product, be aware that security changes made for third party applications might
affect P6 Professional applications.

Safe Deployment of P6

To ensure overall safe
deployment of P6 Professional, you should carefully plan security for all
components, such as database servers and client computers that are required for
and interact with P6 Professional. Certain components for P6 Professional are
only available for 64-bit or 32-bit installations. In addition to the
documentation included with other applications and hardware components, follow
the P6 Professional-specific guidance below.

Administrative Privileges Needed
for Installation and Operation

As the P6
Professional Administrator, you should determine the minimum administrative privileges
or permissions needed to install, configure, and operate P6 Professional.

Minimum Client Permissions
Needed for P6 Professional

Users do not have to be administrators on
their machines to run P6 Professional. Instead, you can grant minimum permissions
to create a more secure environment.

The following is a summary of the minimum
system requirements needed to access and run components of P6 Professional:


The following files in <local
drive>\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional require Read&Execute/Read permission to run
P6 Professional applications and to create and modify database alias







DbExpPrC.dll (only needed when using P6 Compression


dbxadapter.dll (only needed when using P6 Compression

Note: On a 64-bit target
computer with a 32-bit installation, the file path is <local
drive>\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional.

The following file in <local
drive>\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional\P6Tools requires Read&Execute/Read permission to log
in to P6 Professional applications: 4 PrimaveraAdminConfig.exe

Note: On a 64-bit target computer with a
32-bit installation, the file path is <local drive>\Program Files
(x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional\P6Tools.

The default location for pm.ini and PrmBootStrapV2.xml is \%LOCALAPPDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional.

During installation, this file is also
copied to \%PROGRAMDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6

Professional. This file is not modified
during use of P6 Professional, so you can copy it to the current user location
(USERPROFILE or LOCALAPPDATA) if you need to revert P6 Professional back to its
original state (for example, if files become corrupted).

The Output
directory for File, Export, Log output files requires Read&Execute/Read/Write to create and write output files.

Registry Keys

For a 32-bit platform on a 32-bit operating system or a
64-bit platform on a 64-bit operating system:


For a 32-bit platform on a 64-bit
operating system:


Note: For the Update
Baseline and Schedule Comparison tools, the key is opened in Read/Write/Delete

Physical Security Requirements
for P6 Professional

You should physically secure all hardware
hosting P6 Professional to maintain a safe implementation environment. Consider
the following when planning your physical security strategy:

4 You should install, configure, manage, and maintain your environment
according to guidance in all applicable installation and configuration
documentation for P6 Professional.

4 You should install P6 Professional components in controlled access
facilities to prevent unauthorized access. Only authorized administrators for
the systems hosting P6 Professional should have physical access to those
systems. Such administrators include the Operating System Administrators,
Application Server Administrators, and Database Administrators.

4 You should use
Administrator access to client machines only when you install and configure P6
Professional modules.

Authentication Options for P6

Authentication determines the identity of
users before granting access to P6 Professional modules. P6 Professional offers
the following authentication modes:

Native is the default mode for P6 Professional. In Native mode, the P6
Professional database acts as the authority and the application handles the
authentication of the user who is logging into that application.

Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
users through a directory and is available for P6 Professional applications. P6
Professional supports LDAP referrals with Oracle Internet Directory and
Microsoft Windows Active Directory. LDAP referrals allow authentication to
extend to another domain. You can also configure multiple LDAP servers, which
supports failover and enables you to search for users in multiple LDAP stores.
In LDAP mode, an LDAP directory server database confirms the user's identity
when they attempt to login to a P6 Professional application.

LDAP helps you create the most secure
authentication environment available in P6 Professional.

Authorization for P6

Grant authorization carefully to all
appropriate P6 Professional users.

To help you with security planning,
consider the following authorization-related options:

4 Use Global profiles to limit privileges to global data. Assign the
Admin Superuser account sparingly.

4 Use Project profiles to limit privileges to project data. Assign the
Project Superuser account sparingly.

Assign OBS elements to EPS and WBS nodes to limit
access to projects.

Assign resource access limitations to each user.

Confidentiality for P6

Confidentiality ensures only authorized
users see stored and transmitted information. In addition to the documentation
included with other applications and hardware components, follow the P6
Professional-specific guidance below.

4 For data in transit, use SSL/TLS to protect network connections
among modules. If you use LDAP authentication, ensure you use LDAPS to connect
to the directory server.

4 For data at
rest, refer to the documentation included with the database server for
instructions on securing the database.

Sensitive Data for P6

Protect sensitive data in P6 Professional,
such as user names, passwords, and e-mail addresses. Use the process below to
help during your security planning:

4 Implement security measures in P6 Professional to carefully grant
users access to sensitive data. For example, use a combination of Global
Profiles, Project Profiles, and OBS access to limit access to data.

4 Implement
security measures for applications that interact with P6 Professional, as
detailed in the documentation included with those applications.

Reliability for P6 Professional

Protect against attacks that could deny a
service by:

Installing the latest security patches.

4 Replacing the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a
manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier.

4 Ensuring log settings meet the operational needs of the server
environment. Do not use "Debug" log level in production environments.

4 Documenting the configuration settings used for servers and create a
process for changing them.

Protecting access to configuration files with physical
and file system security.

Cookie Usage in P6 Professional

When using P6 Professional, the server may
generate the following cookies and send them to the user’s browser. The user’s
machine stores the cookies, either temporarily by the browser, or permanently
until they expire or are removed manually.

Cookie Name




Encrypted ?


Applies only for the Help system. Stores the last search term used
in the help system.

working directory only on the current host (for example, if located at
http://host/ help, only valid for
the http://host/ help directory).


(expires at end of session)



Applies only for the Help system. Stores the type of search used
in the help system. Value corresponds as: 0: All words, 1: Any words, 2:
Exact phrase. Any other value is invalid.

working directory only on the current host (for example, if located at
http://host/ help, only valid for
the http://host/ help directory).


(expires at end of session)



Applies only for the Help system. Stores the current style for the
help system. Only valid values are "contrast" or

location on the current domain.

One year


Additional Sources for Security

You should properly secure the databases,
platforms, and servers you use for your P6 Professional. You might find the
links below helpful when planning your security strategy.

Oracle Database 11g


Oracle Database 12c


Oracle Linux Security Guide http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/servers-storage-admin/secure-linux-env-1841089.ht

Microsoft Windows Server 2012


Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Database


Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Database


Note: This is not a comprehensive list.


Automatic Database Installation

Follow the steps in
this chapter to set up and load the P6 Professional database on a server using
the automatic install process.

Automatic SQL Server Database
Installation Overview

One database is used to run P6 Professional
and store data used by all P6 Professional applications.

For detailed steps on installing Microsoft
SQL Server, refer to Microsoft's SQL Server database documentation.

P6 Professional supports Oracle and
Microsoft SQL Server databases. See Client and Server Requirements (on
page 14) for details on which versions are supported. Microsoft SQL Server
software must be installed on the database servers before you can create the

You can run the database
wizard to automatically create a database structure and load application data
into it; or, you can manually configure the database structures and then run a
batch file to load application data. This chapter walks you through the
automatic method. See Manual SQL Server Database Configuration
(on page 33) for the manual instructions.

Note:See Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and

Prerequisites (on page 45) for details if you have previously installed and
configured P6 Professional databases and want to upgrade to the current

See Database Administration (on page 51)
for additional tips and considerations related to database performance along
with additional settings.

Microsoft SQL Server Considerations

Before installing the P6 Professional
database, consider the following:

4 If you intend to run P6 Professional on a Microsoft SQL Server
database server, the required Microsoft SQL Server client files are
automatically installed when you install P6 Professional on a client machine.

To prevent duplicate values in P6 Professional modules
appearing due to leading or trailing spaces, ensure that the ANSI_PADDING
setting in Microsoft SQL Server is Off.
For example, if one user enters "Equipment" and another user enters
" Equipment" (with a leading space) for resource codes, the database
will store both of these as valid values if ANSI_PADDING is On. If ANSI_PADDING is Off, the database will remove the
leading space in the second entry and tell the user to enter a unique ID. See
the documentation included with Microsoft SQL Server for more information.

See P6 Professional Database Connections Using a
Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port if you will be using a non-default port
for Microsoft SQL Server for additional configuration instructions after

Note: P6 Professional does
not support passwords with multi-byte characters.

To configure the SQL
database server for SSL, please see instructions for configuring SQL Database
Server SSL in the Microsoft Documentation. Questions and support for SQL Server
installation or configurations should be directed to the database vendor,

About the Database Wizard


The Database wizard guides you through the steps for creating
a new database structure and loading the application data into it. You do not need
to be an experienced DBA to perform these steps; however, Oracle or Microsoft
SQL Server must already be installed on the database server.

You can run the Database wizard to create a
new database from a client computer or from the server itself. The Database
wizard creates any necessary file structures and database users for you.

For information on
how to run the Database wizard from a command line, refer to My Oracle
Support's Knowledge Articles.

Automatically Installing a
Microsoft SQL Server Database and Loading Application Data

Complete the
following steps to automatically create a Microsoft SQL Server database and
load application data.

a Microsoft SQL Server Database

To create a Microsoft SQL Server database:

Set the JAVA_HOME location: In
your Windows system environment:

  1. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
  2. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Advanced tab, click Environment
  3. In the Environment Variables dialog box, under System variables, click New.
  4. In the New System Variable dialog box:
    1. In the Variable name
      field, enter JAVA_HOME.
    2. In the Variable value
      field, enter the location where Java is located (for example, C:\Program
  5. Click OK to exit out of the open dialog boxes.

For Linux, add
the JAVA_HOME Environment variable to the dbsetup.sh (in the Database folder of
the physical media or download) file before running it. For example: export


Run dbsetup.bat (dbsetup.sh for
Linux) from the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or

Note:Click Next on each wizard screen to advance
to the next step.

On the Primavera P6 dialog box:

  1. Choose Install a new database.
  2. Choose Microsoft SQL Server as the server type.

On the Connection Information dialog box:

  1. In the DBA user name field, type the Microsoft SQL Server system
    administrator name to register to the server.
  2. In the DBA password field, type the password for this system
  3. In the Database host address field, enter the server machine name or IP
    address where Microsoft SQL Server is installed.
  4. In the Database host port field, enter the port number that Microsoft SQL
    Server is using. The default is 1433.

On the Configure Microsoft SQL Server dialog box:

  1. In the Database name field, enter a unique name for the database you are
  2. Accept the default values for
    the other fields or change them as appropriate for your installation.

Note: Do not use special characters in
the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] :
; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `

The data file
contains the database tables and procedures. The log file contains a record of
changes. By default, the Database wizard stores these files in the folder on
your server where Microsoft SQL Server is installed. The database name that you
specify is used to name the files. If you change the location, the destination
folder must exist on the server.

The database
code page will default to what is already selected for Microsoft SQL Server.
Select a different code page, if necessary.

On the Create SQL Server Users dialog box, specify the SQL database
privileged and public user names and passwords. If you already have a
privileged or public user you want to use, you can select the Use existing option.



  • Use a unique name for all your user names; do not use duplicate
    names. Repeating user names will cause conflicts.
  • Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6
    Professional contain between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and
    one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper
    and lower case letters.
  • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user,
    or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ &
    * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `

Click Next.

Clicking Next will begin the initial creation of
the P6 Professional database, so you will no longer be able to click Previous
to change your prior selections. However, in Loading Application Data

(on page 27), you will have the option to
either click Install or Cancel.

Loading Application Data

To continue installing the SQL database and
load application data:

In the Configuration Options dialog box:

  1. In the Application User section, enter the application administrative user
    name and password. By default, the application administrative user will be
    granted Admin Superuser access rights.


  • P6 Professional does not support passwords with multi-byte characters.
  • Oracle recommends using strong
    passwords. Strong passwords in P6 Professional contain between 8 and 20
    characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further
    strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters.
  1. Select the Load sample data option if you want to include sample project data
    in a non-production database. If you do not select the Load sample data option,
    empty data is loaded in a secure state and includes only the most basic
    information needed to run the P6 Professional database.

Caution: You must choose the base currency if you do not want the database
to use US dollars ($) as the base currency. You cannot change the base currency
once projects are in progress.

  1. If you want to use a currency other than US Dollars as the base
    currency for the database, select a different base currency in the Currency field.
  2. Click Install to start
    the process of loading the database tables with application data.

On the Primavera Database Setup Wizard dialog box, click Next after the processes have

Note: If the database creation fails, see

PrimaveraDatabaseSetup.log located in the user home directory (for example, C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator). Contact Oracle Global Customer Support if you need
further assistance.

Click Finish to exit the wizard.

Note: When the
installation successfully completes, delete the installation log.

Once the application data is installed you
can begin to install and configure the client module.

See Database
(on page 51) for information on configuring database
settings to optimize performance.

Base Currency

The base currency is the monetary unit used
to store cost data for all projects in the database and is controlled by a
global administrative setting. The default base currency for P6 Professional is
US dollars ($). The view currency is the monetary unit used to display cost
data in P6 Professional and is controlled by a user preference.

The exchange rate for the base currency is
always 1.0. When a user selects a different currency than the base currency to
view cost data, the base currency value is multiplied times the current
exchange rate for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost
and price fields.

For example, if the base currency is US
Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate for Euros is $1 =
€0.75, a value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as €7.5 in cost and
price fields. Similarly, if you enter €7.5 in a cost or price field, it is
stored in the database as $10.

When data is displayed in a view currency that is different than the
base currency, some cost and price values can vary slightly (e.g., due to
rounding). As long as the correct base currency is selected during database
installation, a user can view completely accurate cost and price data by
changing the view currency to match the base currency.

Private Database Logins

Private database logins are used primarily
by administrators to gain direct access to a database. For example, the
privileged user login that you use to access the P6 Professional database is a
private database login. You can add, modify, or delete existing logins using
the Database Logins tool.

P6 Professional includes an encryption
algorithm that provides enhanced security for private database logins; however,
when you manually configure your database, the database does not automatically
enforce the encryption algorithm. If you manually configure your database,
Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must
reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords
(on page 32) for instructions. If you automatically configure your database,
you do not need to configure the encryption algorithm.

User logins and passwords are not affected.

Adding Private
Database Logins for P6 Professional

Use the steps that follow to add private
database logins for P6 Professional.

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter a user name.
  3. Enter a password.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit.

Private Database Logins for P6 Professional

Use the steps that follow to modify private
database logins.

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Select the private database user name that you wish to modify.
  2. Enter a new user name.
  3. Highlight the password, and change it.
  4. Click the Update Password button.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.

Deleting Private
Database Logins for P6 Professional

Use the steps that follow to delete private
database logins for P6 Professional:

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Select the private database
    user name that you wish to remove.

Note: You must have at
least one private user name for the P6 Professional database at all times.

  1. Click Delete.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.

Private Database Passwords

Complete the following steps to reset
private database passwords to use the new encryption algorithm:

Go to P6 Professional <release_level>\database and run databaselogins.bat (with Windows) databaselogins.sh (with UNIX or Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Select the private database user name that you wish to reset.
  2. Highlight the password and change it (or simply re-enter the
    existing password).
  3. Click the Update Password button.

Note: To reverse a change, click Undo.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit the
    Database Logins tool.


Manual SQL
Server Database Configuration

Manual SQL Server Database Configuration

Read this chapter to
manually set up the central P6 Professional database on a server running
Microsoft SQL Server.

Manual SQL Server Database
Configuration Overview

The P6 Professional database stores all P6
Professional data used by all P6 Professional applications.

P6 Professional supports Oracle and
Microsoft SQL Server databases. See Client and Server

Requirements (on page 14) for details on which versions are supported. The
Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle server software must be installed on the
database servers before you can create the database.


See P6 Professional Database
Connections Using a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port
(on page 75)
if you will be using a non-default port for Microsoft SQL Server for additional
configuration instructions after database configuration.

P6 Professional
includes an encryption algorithm that provides enhanced security for private
database logins; however, the encryption algorithm is not automatically
enforced when you manually configure or upgrade your database. If you manually
configure or upgrade your database, Oracle recommends that you use this
encryption algorithm. To do so, you must reset the private database login. See Resetting
Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm
(on page
41) for instructions. If automatically installing or upgrading your database,
no configuration is needed after the upgrade to use the encryption algorithm.
User logins and passwords are not affected.


P6 Professional does not support passwords with
multi-byte characters.

4 See Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites (on
page 45) for instructions on automatically upgrading your databases to the
current version if you have manually configured P6 Professional databases for
an earlier version. If you want to manually upgrade your databases, see the Manually Upgrading the P6 Professional
Database for Microsoft SQL Server

4 For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace
the default database users' (privuser and pubuser) passwords immediately after
a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier.
Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public
user name for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _
| / \ ~ ` _

4 Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6
Professional are defined as passwords containing between 8 and 20 characters
and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the
password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters.

4 See Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional (on page
30) for instructions on how to replace the private database login. For all
other database user names and passwords, use the tools included with Microsoft
SQL Server.

4 For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace
the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database
installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier.

If you wish to prevent the appearance of duplicate
values in P6 Professional modules due to leading or trailing spaces, ensure
that the ANSI_PADDING setting in Microsoft SQL Server is set to OFF. For
example, if one user enters "Equipment" and another user enters
" Equipment" (with a leading space) for resource codes, the database
will store both of these as valid values if ANSI_PADDING is set to ON. If
ANSI_PADDING is set to OFF, the database will remove the leading space in the
second entry and warn the user that a unique ID must be entered. See the  documentation included with Microsoft SQL
Server for more information.                       

Manual SQL
Server Database Configuration

Creating the Database Structure
for Microsoft SQL Server and Loading Application Data

The Microsoft SQL Server DBA creates the P6
Professional database, then runs P6 Professional SQL scripts that create each
database’s structure (tables, indexes, relationships, etc.). These instructions
assume you are a DBA or are familiar with how to administer Microsoft SQL
Server databases. You must complete these steps in the order specified. If you
have any questions about the manual setup process, please contact Oracle Global
Customer Support before proceeding.

the P6 Professional Database Structure

Complete the
following steps to create the P6 Professional database Microsoft SQL Server
database structure.

the Script Files to a Local Drive

copy the script files:

1) Copy the \database folder to a local drive from the physical media or

Creating the Database

To create the database:

Log in to the server as the SA

Open Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio. Go to

and execute the ssppm_init_db.sql script. This script creates a database called
PMDB. If you want to use a different database name, modify the line in the
script as follows:

set @DB_NAME='<database_name>'

where <database_name> is the name for the database


  • Instead of running the ssppm_init_db.sql
    script, you can manually create a database named PMDB with a data file of 500
    MB or more and a log file of 200 MB or more.
  • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user,
    or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ &
    * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `
  • You can change the initial data
    file and log file sizes and increase or decrease these amounts depending on how
    much data you plan to store in the database. You can also select the Automatically
    Grow File option to specify that these values automatically increase based on

Creating Users and Tables

Note: Oracle recommends
that you use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to perform the following

To create users and tables:

Log into the P6 Professional
database as SA user.

Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and execute the
ssppm_create_users.sql script to
create the privuser and pubuser users.


  • You must execute the create script even if privuser and pubuser
    users already exist on the server; otherwise, later scripts will return
    errors.  Note that if these users do
    already exist, the names and passwords will not be updated by the script.
  • If you have created other user names and want to use those when
    running P6 Professional database scripts, replace the private and public user
    names with your custom user names in all applicable scripts before running
  • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user,
    or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ &
    * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `

Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and execute the
ssppm_tables.sql script in the
database you created when you ran the ssppm_init_db.sql.

Note: The ssppm_tables.sql
script makes reference to the default user names privuser and pubuser. If you
are not using the default usernames in your environment, open the script in a
text editor and update the default user name references with your custom user
names before executing the script.

Manual SQL
Server Database Configuration

Installing Sample Data and Creating Your P6
Professional Admin Superuser Password for Microsoft SQL Server

To install sample data:

Open a command prompt and
change your directory to the location of the rundataloader.bat file, which is
on the root of the database folder by default.

Execute a statement similar to
one of the following.

Use this command if you want to load sample data.

rundataloader.bat sample:ppmdb_mk.zip sa@sqlserver:host:port:instance

where sa is the administrator for the system

host is the server machine name or IP
address where Microsoft SQL Server is installed,  sa
is the system administrator or database user, 
port is the port number that
Microsoft SQL Server is using (the default is 1433), and  instance
is the database name (for example, PMDB).

Use this command if you do not want to load sample
data. Empty data is loaded in a secure state and includes only the most basic
information needed to run the P6 Professional database.

rundataloader.bat sample:ppmdb_mk_empty.zip sa@sqlserver:host:port:instance

where sa is the administrator for the system

host is the server machine name or IP address where Microsoft SQL Server
is installed,  port is the port number that Microsoft SQL Server is using (the
default is 1433), and  instance is the database name (for
example, PMDB).

3) In the Please select a
password for the P6 'admin' SuperUser account
prompt, enter or verify your
superuser password.

Remaining P6 Professional Database Objects

scripts in this task are located in:

Install scripts: \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> Source scripts: \database\scripts\source\PPM_<release
level> To create remaining database objects:

Log on to the P6 Professional
database as the SA user.

Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and execute the
ssppm_querylib.sql script.

Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and execute the
ssppm_ins_aux.sql script.

Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and execute the
ssppm_settings.sql script.


  • The ssppm_ins_aux.sql script has a grant that reads: GRANT SELECT ON
    PUBUSER TO PUBUSER. If you changed the default pubuser name, do not change the
    name of the PUBUSER table, only change the user name. For example: GRANT SELECT
  • If you changed the default privuser and pubuser names, update the ssppm_ins_aux.sql script with your
    custom privuser and pubuser names.
  • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user,
    or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ &
    * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `

Go to \database\scripts\source\PPM_<release level> and execute the ssppm_src.plb script.


  • If you changed the default privuser name, update the ssppm_src.plb script with your custom
    privuser name.
  • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user,
    or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ &
    * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `

Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and execute the
ssppm_database_version.sql script.
If you used a non-default privuser name, you must do the following:

  1. Log into the databaselogins.bat (on Windows) or databaselogins.sh (on Unix) database as
    privuser (use your custom privuser name if you created a custom user name and
  2. Update the privuser name and
    password to match what you used when you created users in Creating Users and Tables
    (on page 36).

Dropping P6 Professional Database Objects

If you make a mistake or want to recreate
the database objects for the P6 Professional database:

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as SA user.

Expand Databases.

Select the database you want to
delete (for example, PMDB).

Right-click the database and
select Delete.

In the Delete Object dialog box, click OK.

Start over at Creating
the P6 Professional Database Structure
(on page 35).

Changing the Database Base

If you do not want
the P6 Professional database to use US dollars ($) as the base currency, you
must change the base currency after manually creating and configuring the P6
Professional database.

Caution: You cannot change the base currency after projects begin.

Base Currency

The base currency is the monetary unit used to store cost data for
all projects in the database and is controlled by a global administrative
setting. The default base currency for P6 Professional is US dollars ($). The
view currency is the monetary unit used to display cost data in P6 Professional
and is controlled by a user preference.

The exchange rate for the base currency is
always 1.0. When a user selects a different currency than the base currency to
view cost data, the base currency value is multiplied times the current
exchange rate for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost
and price fields.

For example, if the base currency is U.S.
Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate for Euros is .75, a
value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as 7.5 Euros in cost and price
fields. Similarly, if you enter 7.5 Euros in a cost or price field, it is
stored in the database as $10.

When data is
displayed in a view currency that is different than the base currency, some
cost and price values can vary slightly (e.g., due to rounding). As long as the
correct base currency is selected during database installation, a user can view
completely accurate cost and price data by changing the view currency to match
the base currency.

Reviewing Currency Choices

To change the base currency you need
to edit and run the P6 Professional script provided. By default, US dollars is
the base currency, and USD is the short name used in the script. To know which
short name to use, review the list of available short names for P6 Professional
by running the following query on the P6 Professional database: select curr_type, curr_short_name from

the Base Currency

To change the base currency:

On the P6 Professional physical
media or download:

  1. Go to \database\scripts\common.
  2. Copy the ss_set_currency.sql
    script to a local drive.

If you copied the script from
the physical media, turn off the script's read-only attribute. Since files on
physical media are read-only, this attribute turns on when you copy a file from
a CD or DVD.

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file.
  2. Choose Properties.
  3. Clear the Read-Only

Open the script for editing and
locate the line containing v_new_base_currency:
= ‘USD’
4) Replace USD with the currency short name of your choice.

5) Save your changes and run the modified

Private Database Logins

Private database logins are used primarily
by administrators to gain direct access to a database. For example, the
privileged user login that you use to access the P6 Professional database is a
private database login. You can add, modify, or delete existing logins using
the Database Logins tool. This can also be accomplished using the
Administration Configuration tool.

P6 Professional includes an encryption
algorithm that provides enhanced security for private database logins; however,
when you manually configure your database, the database does not automatically
enforce the encryption algorithm. If you manually configure your database,
Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must
reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords
(on page 32) for instructions. If you automatically configure your database,
you do not need to configure the encryption algorithm.

User logins and passwords are not affected.

Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm

Use the steps that follow to reset private
database passwords to use the new encryption algorithm.

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Select the private database user name that you wish to reset.
  2. Highlight the password and change it (or simply re-enter the
    existing password).
  3. Click the Update Password button.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.

Private Database Logins for P6 Professional

Use the steps that follow to add private
database logins for P6 Professional.

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter a user name.
  3. Enter a password.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit.

Private Database Logins for P6 Professional

Use the steps that follow to modify private
database logins.

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for
    example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the database.
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Select the private database user name that you wish to modify.
  2. Enter a new user name.
  3. Highlight the password, and change it.
  4. Click the Update Password button.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.

Private Database Logins for P6 Professional

Use the steps that follow to delete private
database logins for P6 Professional:

From the Database folder in the P6
Professional for <platform> folder of the physical media or download:

Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux).

On the Database Connection dialog box:

  1. Select the database.
  2. Type the user name and password
    of a privileged database user (for example, privuser). This login should have
    administrative rights on the database.
  3. Enter the host address, host
    port, and database/instance name specific to your installation.

The Port field
displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next.

On the Private Database Logins dialog box:

  1. Select the private database
    user name that you wish to remove.

Note: You must have at
least one private user name for the P6 Professional database at all times.

  1. Click Delete.

Note: To reverse a change,
click Undo. Undo will reverse any
changes made during the current session.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.


Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites

Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and

Read this chapter to upgrade your P6
Professional database to the current release when version 6.2.1 or later is
already installed. You need to upgrade your database if you want to preserve
your project data to use with the new version of P6 Professional. A wizard
automatically upgrades your database for you.

Oracle recommends
that you upgrade your database automatically; however, if you want to manually
upgrade your database, see the P6 EPPM
Manual Upgrade Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database)

Database Upgrade Process

You can upgrade your
existing P6 Professional database (release 15 or version 6.2, 6.2.1, 7, 8.1,
8.2, 8.3, or 8.4) to P6 Professional 16 R1. You must upgrade your P6
Professional database so it will work with the new version. Use the Database
wizard to upgrade your database automatically. The wizard runs the necessary
scripts to upgrade the database structure and an upgrade program to add data
required by the new version.

Note: If you are upgrading
from release 5.0, 6.0, or 6.1, you must first upgrade to release 6.2.1. See the
6.2.1 documentation for more information.

If you are upgrading from a release earlier
than version 8.1, all risk data fields are migrated during the upgrade;
existing fields are mapped to new fields. See Risks Migration (on page
47) for more information.

Methodologies are not
migrated; you must convert them to projects before upgrading. See Convert
Methodologies to Projects
(on page 46) for details.

Convert Methodologies to

To migrate Methodology
Management version 7.0 or earlier data to P6 Professional 8.x projects, use
Project Architect in the Project Management module (version 7.0 or earlier) to
convert the data from a methodology to a project.

Note: You can create only
one project at a time. If you want all of your Methodology Management data
moved to projects, contact Oracle Consulting to automate the process.

To convert Methodology Management data to a

Create a new EPS node in
Project Management where you can store all your Methodology Management

Use Project Architect in
Project Management to create projects from Methodology Management data. For
more information on using Project Architect, see version 7.0 of the Oracle Primavera P6 Project Management
Reference Manual

After you have
converted all your Methodology Management data to projects, you can upgrade P6

Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites

Risks Migration

This topic applies
only if you are upgrading from a version earlier than P6 Professional 8.2. The
following table illustrates the risks data field mapping when upgrading from P6
Professional database (version 6.2.1 through 7.0 SP3) to P6 Professional 8.x.

Note: Some fields will
migrate to text fields instead new fields because certain fields no longer
correspond. The new text fields are noted below.

Risks Fields Migration Table


P6 Professional database (version 6.2.1 through 7.0

SP3) Risks Fields

P6 Professional 8.x Risks Field

Risk ID




risk_code (PROJRISK appended with risk_id)

Risk Name







Risk Status



Open= Open; Closed=Managed


Risk Category ID



Risk Control


cause (with 'Risk Control' heading)

Risk UDFs



Applies to WBS


cause (with 'Applies to WBS' <WBS
name> heading)

Applies to Resource



Responsible Manager


cause (with 'Responsible Manager' <OBS
name> heading)



cause (with 'Priority'
<priority_type> heading)

Project ID



Date Identified



Impact Date


cause (with 'Impact Date' <add_date in
mmm-dd-yyyy format > heading)


Professional database (version 6.2.1 through 7.0

SP3) Risks Fields

P6 Professional 8.x Risks Field



cause (with 'Probability'
<prbly_pct> heading)

Impact - Labor Units


cause (with 'Impact - Labor Units'
<impact_work_qty> - 2 decimals heading)

Impact -

Nonlabor Units


cause (with 'Impact - Nonlabor Units'
<impact_equip_qty> - 2 decimals heading)

Impact -

Material Units


cause (with 'Impact - Material Units'
<impact_mat_qty> - 2 decimals heading)

Impact -



cause (with 'Impact - Expenses'
<impact_expense_cost> - 2 decimals heading)

Risk Control


cause (with 'Risk
Control'<risk_control> heading)

Risk Category



Risk Category Sequence ID



Upgrading a Microsoft SQL Server

If you want to use the database from
Primavera 6.0 and later with P6 Professional, you need to upgrade the database
by performing the following sets of steps. Although recommended, it is not
required that these steps be performed by an experienced database

The wizard runs the
necessary scripts to upgrade the database structure and an upgrade program to
add data required by the new version. You must upgrade the P6 Professional

Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites

Upgrading a Microsoft SQL Server

To upgrade a Microsoft SQL Server database:

Perform a full backup of the
current databases.

If you are unsure how to back up your
Microsoft SQL Server database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your
database administrator, your database vendor, or Oracle Global Customer Support
for assistance in backing up your database before performing the database
upgrade. Also, ensure that you are familiar with the process of restoring the
backup copy of the database in case you need to do so.

Double-click dbsetup.bat in the Database folder of
the P6 Professional physical media or download to start the Database wizard.

Note: Click Next on each
wizard screen to advance to the next step.

On the Primavera P6 dialog box:

  1. Choose Upgrade an existing database.
  2. Choose Microsoft SQL Server as the server type.

On the Connection Information dialog box:

  1. In the Administrative User Name field, type the Microsoft SQL Server
    system administrator name to register to the server. If you chose the defaults
    during the Microsoft SQL Server installation, leave SA as the system
    administrator name.
  2. In the Administrative Password field, type the password for this system
    administrator. If you chose the defaults during the Microsoft SQL Server
    installation, leave the password field blank.
  3. In the Database host address field, enter the server machine name or IP
    address where Microsoft SQL Server is installed.
  4. In the Database host port field, enter the port number that Microsoft SQL
    Server is using. The default is 1433.
  5. In the Database name field, enter the name of the existing database that
    you want to upgrade.

On the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data dialog box:

  1. Verify that the current version
    of your existing database is listed correctly.
  2. Choose Yes, upgrade my database.
  3. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade
process could take several minutes, depending on its size.

On the Primavera Database Setup Wizard dialog box, click Next after the process has completed.

Note: If the database upgrade fails, see

located in the user home directory (for example, C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator). Contact Oracle Global Customer Support if you need
further assistance.

On the Finish dialog box, click Finish
to exit the wizard.

the Microsoft SQL Server Database

To verify that the isolation level setting
on the upgraded database has been set to "read committed snapshot":

Open Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio.

Open a new query window for the
updated database and execute the following command:

dbcc useroptions

Look for isolation level in the Set Option column and verify that the value
is set to read committed snapshot.

If the value is read committed snapshot, you do not
need to do anything. If the value is set to read committed, proceed to step 5.

Caution: Only the
connection executing the alter database command is allowed in the database. You
must close all connections in the database until the execution of the command

Execute the following command
to fix the isolation level setting:

alter database database name set read_committed_snapshot on

Your database is
now ready to use with P6 Professional 16 R1.



Database Administration

Read this chapter to
learn how to configure the job scheduler supplied by your RDBMS, how to
optimize performance of your P6 Professional database, and how to configure the
PRMAUDIT feature to monitor edits, deletions, and additions to the databases.

Background Processes and Cleanup
in P6 Professional

Because cleanup tasks can be resource
intensive and time consuming, in P6 Professional, these tasks are initiated by
two background jobs that run on the database server using the background job
processes user name:

4 SYMON (System Monitor), responsible for running procedures that take
less than a few seconds to complete.

DAMON (Data Monitor), responsible for running
procedures that take longer than a few seconds to complete.

Both of these jobs are pre-configured with
default settings. Since the default settings are optimal for most environments,
you generally do not need to tune them. However, if you need to optimize your
background process further, you can use the background job processes user to
change the settings to tune the behavior of the background jobs for specific

The background process will:

Update the settings table with a record each time a job

Update the settings table with a HeartBeatTime record
for both the SYMON and DAMON processes. The background processes regularly
refresh the record to indicate that they are still running.

When you initiate background jobs:

Execute the stored procedure INITIALIZE_BACKGROUND_PROCS.

4 Locate the logs
of background process activity in BPLOGS
and SETTINGS tables within the
Primavera database.

RDBMS Scheduler Configuration

Since background jobs are initiated by the
job scheduler supplied by the RDBMS, you need to ensure that the scheduler for
your specific RDBMS is properly configured.

P6 Professional uses
the SQL Agent service to automatically schedule background job execution for
Microsoft SQL Server. Background jobs handles the maintenance of the utilities
tables (for example, USESSION and REFRDEL). As part of background jobs, the
agent runs the SYMON and DAMON stored procedures at specific intervals.

Settings Table

Settings Table Overview

The settings table contains name-value
pairs that configure the behavior of the background processes.


The namespace component is a dot-notation
string representing a formal path to the parameter.

Setting Name

The setting name identifies the name of the


Values in the SETTINGS table are
case-sensitive. The value portion of the pair can be:

String: The string data type is a free text value. The most common string
sub-type is interval which represents an interval of time by combining a
numeric portion with a unit portion as depicted in the table below.

Interval Subtype Table

Unit portion



Numeric portion




Thirty day interval



Two hour interval



Ten minute interval



Thirty second interval

Numeric: The numeric data type consists of any number.

Boolean: The Boolean data type can have one of two values: true or false,
where zero represents false and any non-zero number represents true. 4 Date: The date data type consists of dates.

Setting Example

The following is an example of a setting:

Namespace: database.cleanup.Usession

4 Setting Name: ExpiredSessionTimeout

4 Value: 2h (two hour


Reading Setting

You can configure settings through the
Settings API Procedures. These procedures are similar to registry or INI file
procedure calls.

Reading Settings Values

Use the following SETTINGS_READ_*
procedures to determine the current value of specific settings:

SETTINGS_READ_STRING(ret_val,namespace,settings_name,default) 4

SETTINGS_READ_NUMBER(ret_val,namespace,settings_name,default) 4

Using Code to Read Setting
Values for Microsoft SQL Server

The following code snippets for the
Microsoft SQL Server database demonstrate how the SETTINGS_READ_* procedures
read the setting values.

To retrieve the value of the KeepInterval
setting in SQL:

Use the following code:

declare @vset varchar(255) exec
settings_read_string @vset

OUTPUT,'database.cleanup.Usession','ExpiredSessionTimeout' print @vset

The following message should

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.  SQL>
print vset   

Writing Setting

Use the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING procedure to
set the value of a specific setting:

SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING(new value,namespace,settings_name);

Using Code to Write Setting
Values for Microsoft SQL Server

The following code snippets for Microsoft
SQL Server databases demonstrate how the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING procedure sets
the value of the ExpiredSessionTimeout setting to twelve hours.

To set the value of the
ExpiredSessionTimeout setting to twelve hours in a Microsoft SQL Server

Open the Query Analyzer/SSMS
and connect as privuser.

Select the P6 Professional
database, then run the following statement (using 12 hours as an example):

'12h','database.cleanup.Usession',  'ExpiredSessionTimeout'

Background Job Execution

You can track the
execution of background jobs by monitoring the high level status settings or by
inspecting the BGPLOG table.

High Level Status Settings

Each time a job runs it will update the
SETTINGS table for the setting_name = 'HeartBeatTime.' The job can update this
value multiple times during the execution. You can monitor the maximum
difference between this time and the current date to ensure that the job is
running promptly. Refer to the High Level Status Settings table below for
information about the HeartBeatTime setting.

High Level Status Settings

Last date and time
background job SYMON ran.



Setting Name


Default Setting


Last date and time
background job DAMON ran.



Setting Name


Default Setting





You can also track the execution of
background jobs by inspecting the BGPLOG table. The BGPLOG table holds detailed
entries from the background processes including informational, elapsed time,
and error entries. Refer to the BGPLOG Table Descriptions for information about
what this table contains.

BGPLOG Table Descriptions





Time when background process made a log



Program generating log entry



Type of message



Message from the background process

A variable message followed by a number in
parenthesis that represents the number of rows that processed. As an example,
the message "Complete BGPLOG (40)" indicates that forty rows

SYMON (System Monitor)

SYMON runs simple P6 Professional tasks on a
quick schedule. By default, the job runs every minute; the tasks assigned to
this job should take only a few seconds to complete on each run. Do not change
the scheduled run time (every minute) for this procedure.

Procedures performed by SYMON

The procedures run by SYMON perform these

4 Processing the PRMQUEUE entries for Project Security by queuing
OBSPROJ updates to the PRMQUEUE table.

Marking expired USESSION records as logically deleted.

Note: You can manually run
queries to assist you with tracking concurrent usage of P6 Professional.


PRMQUEUE entries for Project Security. It defers processing of OBSPROJ updates
by queuing the updates to the PRMQUEUE table.

Refer to the following table for
information about the settings associated with the OBSPROJ_PROCESS_QUEUE


Setting Description: Maximum project-level queue records to
process on each run.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Maximum EPS-level queue records to process on
each run.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description:
Maximum times to re-process a failed entry before marking it as an error.



Setting Name


Default Setting







USESSION records that have not updated their last_active_time based on the
Expired Session settings. Marking expired USESSION records as logically deleted
maximizes the number of module access logins that are available. Since it is
not cleaning up the underlying data (physically deleting rows), the task
completes quickly.

Values in the SETTINGS table control the
cleanup of expired sessions. By default, although the cleanup of expired
sessions occurs every two hours, the SETTINGS table does not contain a value
for this setting. Use the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING (value, namespace, setting) stored procedure to change the
default cleanup value.

For example, setting the value to
"2d" deletes expired sessions older than two days.

Note: Oracle recommends
that you set the ExpiredLongSessionTimeout sessions to at least one hour longer
than your longest job. For example, if your longest job is a summarizer job
that usually takes 12 hours, you should set the value in the SETTINGS table to
at least 13.

Refer to the table below for information



Description: ExpiredSessionTimeout determines how long an inactive user
session will remain in the records before it is marked deleted. User sessions
are created when a P6 Professional user logs into P6 Professional.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Description: ExpiredLongSessionTimeout determines how long a session that is
running a job-like operation (that is still processing) will remain in the
records before it is marked deleted. Job-like operations are processed by job
services and some are performed by logged in P6 Professional users.
Operations that are considered job-like are:

4 Scheduling

4 Leveling

4 Apply Actuals

4 Update Progress

4 Copy/Paste Project

4 Create Project from Template

4 Maintain Baselines (create new baseline)

4 Approve Timesheets

4 Summarize

4 PX Publish (For P6 Professional with an P6 Professional database
only) 4 Export

4 Import



Setting Name


Default Setting




Tracking Concurrent Usage of P6 Professional

To track concurrent
usage of P6 Professional, you can run queries against the USESSION and USESSAUD
tables to perform self-audits. See sample queries below.

Note: See DAMON
(Data Monitor) Procedures
page 61)
for information on how to set up the USESSAUD procedure. To ensure
accuracy of these queries, run them before physically deleting remaining
USESSION records and cleaning up the USESSAUD table.

Against the USESSION table, run the following query to
determine how many users are logged in at a given time:

select count(*) from usession where delete_session_id is null

4 Against the USESSION table, run the following query to determine how
many users are logged into a specific P6 Professional product at a given time:

select count (*) from usession where
delete_session_id is null and app_name='P6 Professional product name' where P6 Professional product
is the application abbreviation.

Note: You can view all available application abbreviations by running
the following query as an administrative database user: select
distinct(db_engine_type) from usereng

Against the USESSAUD table, run a query similar to the
following to determine how many users logged into P6 Professional on a specific
date during a specified time range. You can alter the date, time range, and P6
Professional product as needed. The following example will search for all users
who logged into P6 Professional on February 17, 2010 between 9am and 10am: select
* from usessaud where login_date between

'2010-02-17 09:00' and '2011-02-17 10:00' and app_name='Project


Monitor) Procedures

The second database job is the DAMON data
monitor job. The DAMON job runs the majority of the background processing and
is responsible for running background clean up processes required by the
application that can potentially take a relatively long time to run.

Microsoft SQL Server and DAMON

By default, DAMON runs every Saturday. You
can set it to run every two weeks or on a specific day. To run DAMON every two
weeks, use the following command to set the interval: -eg 2W

To set DAMON to run on a specific day, use
the following setting under namespace: 'Database.background.Damon'

DAMON Procedures  DAMON cleans the:

BGPLOG table containing the background logs.

REFRDEL table.


Remaining USESSION records.

Logically deleted records.


USESSION audit table (USESSAUD).

You can also dynamically extend DAMON
functionality via the user-defined procedure,



This procedure keeps the BGPLOG table at a
reasonable size. The default cleanup interval is 5 days which will result in a
table size of about 54,000 records.

Refer to the following table for
information about the settings associated with the BGPLOG_CLEANUP procedure.


Setting Description: The oldest records to
keep in the BGPLOG table.



Setting Name


Default Setting





This procedure deletes records from the
REFRDEL table. REFRDEL_CLEANUP runs based on the frequency of data_monitor_job,
which has a default frequency of one week. Alternatively, you can run
REFRDEL_CLEANUP by itself if needed.

Refer to the following table for
information about the settings associated with the REFRDEL_CLEANUP procedure:


Setting Description: Identifies the number
of days that records are stored in the

REFRDEL table before they can be removed. For example, the default
setting keeps the REFRDEL records from the last five days.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Identifies the number
of days that are set to be removed from the REFRDEL table starting with the
oldest record in the table.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Description: Determines the intervals of time (in minutes) in which data is
grouped and removed from the REFRDEL table. The number of IntervalSteps is
equal to DaysToDelete (in minutes) divided by IntervalStep.



Setting Name


Default Setting





This procedure deletes records from the
PRMQUEUE table based on the value of the KeepInterval setting. The remaining
settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP.

Refer to the following table for
information about the settings associated with the CLEANUP_PRMQUEUE procedure:


Setting Description: The
oldest records to keep in the PRMQUEUE table. Default is five days.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description:
Determines whether the procedure will delete all of the PRMQUEUE records
possible on each pass.



Setting Name


Default Setting

0 (false)



Setting Description:
Determines whether all of the records are cleaned. If the total record count
is less than this number then all the records are cleaned.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Percentage of records to delete on each pass.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Maximum rows to delete on each pass.



Setting Name


Default Setting





This procedure
physically deletes all logically deleted USESSION records. This procedure does
not have settings associated with it: All logically deleted USESSION records
are cleared.


This procedure
removes logically deleted rows based on the value of the KeepInterval setting.
Records in the database can be marked as deleted (logically deleted) by setting

column to a non-null value. By default, records that were deleted more than 5
days ago will be deleted by this procedure.


  • The CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure will not delete records whose
    DELETE_SESSION_ID column is set to a negative value.
  • This procedure will not delete records older than the earliest user
    session in USESSION, as determined by the minimum value in the login_date

Refer to the following table for
information about the settings associated with the CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES


Setting Description: The oldest logically
deleted records to keep in tables.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Determines whether
the procedure will delete all of the logically deleted records possible on
each pass.



Setting Name


Default Setting

0 (false)



Setting Description: Maximum rows to
delete on each pass.



Setting Name


Default Setting





If the auditing feature is enabled, this
procedure will physically delete records from the table based on the value of
the KeepInterval setting.

Refer to the following table for
information about the settings associated with the PRMAUDIT_CLEANUP procedure:


Setting Description: Should the procedure
attempt PRMAUDIT records cleanup.



Setting Name


Default Setting

1 (true)



Setting Description: The oldest audit
records to keep in PRMAUDIT.



Setting Name


Default Setting





The CLEANUP_USESSAUD procedure deletes
records from the USESSAUD table based on the KeepInterval parameter setting.
All other settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP procedure. The following
table describes the settings associated with the CLEANUP_USESSAUD procedure.


Setting Description: Determines the oldest records to keep in the

Based on the logout time,
data beyond the KeepInterval parameter value will not deleted. The
KeepInterval parameter setting overrides all other CLEANUP_USESSAUD settings.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Deletes all the REFRDEL records that satisfy
the KeepInterval setting on each pass. The DeleteAll parameter setting
overrides the settings of DeleteAllThreshold, DeletePercentage, and
MaxRowsToDelete parameters.



Setting Name


Default Setting

0 (false)



Description: Determines the minimum number of records to delete after
satisfying the KeepInterval parameter setting. By default, a minimum of 1000
records are deleted. If the total record count is less than this setting, all
records are deleted. The DeleteAllThreshold parameter setting overrides the
settings of the DeletePercentage and MaxRowsToDelete parameters.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Description: Determines the maximum rows to delete on each pass after
satisfying the KeepInterval parameter setting. The MaxRowsToDelete parameter
setting overrides the DeletePercentage parameter setting.



Setting Name


Default Setting




Setting Description: Determines the percentage of records to
delete on each pass after satisfying the DeleteAllThreshold and
MaxRowsToDelete settings. However, the percentage of records deleted is
limited to the default value of the MaxRowsToDelete setting.



Setting Name


Default Setting

10 (%)




This procedure is an
optional customer procedure that DAMON runs. This procedure does not have
settings associated with it.

Safe Deletes

The P6 Professional database normally
handles restoring select deleted data using a safe delete setting. While using
P6 Professional, the Undo command (Edit, Undo) allows users to restore certain
types of data that have been deleted. Deleted data remains in the P6
Professional database until the CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure clears it
(after 5 days, by default).

See the P6
Professional Help
for more information about using undo.

Turning Off Safe Deletes

You can turn off safe deletes to save
storage space. Turning off safe deletes disables undo functionality and
instantly clears deleted data from the P6 Professional database.

To turn off safe deletes:

Verify the current state of
your safe deletes setting. In the database, if the table

ADMIN_CONFIG has the following row, a
CONFIG_VALUE of 'N' means turn off safe deletes.


Note: This is only loaded at startup. If
you change CONFIG_VALUE while a user is running P6 Professional, the setting
will not apply until the user restarts the P6 Professional session.

Once you have determined the
current state of your safe deletes setting, run one of the following

4 To turn off
safe deletes for the first time:



4 To turn on safe
deletes after it has been turned off:



4 To turn off
safe deletes after it has been turned on:


Native Database Auditing

Native database auditing permits you to log
the edits, additions, and deletions made by users of

P6 Professional applications. When users
make changes, they create a Data Manipulation

Language (DML)
INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. Native database auditing uses the Data
Manipulation Language (DML) INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement being executed
against tables in the database schema. Since every application table in the
schema has its own auditing trigger, you can log changes made to each table
regardless of who made the change or when the change was made. The database
schema owner owns the auditing trigger: you can bypass trigger execution.

Auditing Level Configuration

You can adjust the amount of information
that is logged by adjusting the audit level for each table. You can refine the
audit further by setting the audit level individually for insert, updates, and
deletes within each table.

Auditing Levels



Level 0

No audit.

Level 1

Row-level audit. Audit only the operation
without column details

Level 2

Column-level Audit without blobs. Audit changes to the data at the
column level but without blob changes

Level 3

Full Audit. Audit changes to the data at
the column level. For Microsoft SQL server, column level changes to blobs are
not included.

Simple Configuration

You can use two configuration procedures to
provide simple control of the auditing feature:

level) 4 auditing_disable(table_name)

You can set the audit level
on an individual table or the same audit level for all of the tables. However,
the simple configuration procedures do not allow for setting individual
auditing levels for insert, update, or delete operations within a table.


You can configure auditing trigger behavior
by changing values in the settings table that enable or disable:

The auditing feature itself

The auditing of specific tables

The auditing of table insert, update, or delete
operations within each table

You can enable or disable the auditing
feature by using the database.audit.Enable setting. Use the settings_write_bool
procedure to enable/disable the auditing feature.

Microsoft SQL Server Example

To enable the auditing feature in Microsoft
SQL Server, use the following code:

exec settings_write_bool 1,'database.audit','Enabled'

Each table's auditing settings are
controlled by the Options setting in each table's auditing namespace (for
example, database.audit.TASK). The Options setting is a three character string
with a numeric value in each character position representing the audit level
for insert, update, and delete.

Auditing Level Options Setting by Table Operation










No audit.




Row-level audit. Audit only the operation without column details.




Column-level audit without blobs. Audit changes to the data at the
column level but without blob changes.




Full Audit. Audit changes to the data at the column level. For
Microsoft SQL server, column level changes to blobs are not included.

The following
table provides some examples of the options setting:

Setting the Auditing Level Options Setting by Table Operation








Fully audit any insert

and update operations. Do not audit any delete operations.



Row-level audit on deletes only.



Fully audit.


You can change table audit settings using
the settings_write_string procedure.

Microsoft SQL Server Example

To set the table settings to fully audit
insert and update operations but ignore any delete operations, use the
following code for Microsoft SQL Server:

exec settings_write_string '330','database.audit.TASK','Options'

Note: Changes to auditing settings will
not appear immediately in the application. The program will need to close the
database connection and then reconnect to the database to get the new settings.

The Audit

Audit records are inserted into the PRMAUDIT
table. One record is inserted into the audit table for each row changed in the







Date and time of change



Table Name

pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4


Primary key values for audited record



I=Insert, U=Update, D=Delete



Professional user name if the change was made in P6 Professional applications



Column changes up to 4000 characters
(Level 2 and 3 only)



Blob changes and overflow from audit_info
(Level 2 and 3 only)



Flag for deletes that are logical (marked)
rather than a physical delete



Database user name (usually privuser)



Operating system user name of connected session



Name of program connecting to the database



Computer name of connected session



Name of application connected to the



IP or MAC address of connected session

* Values will differ for depending on your database.

Note: Grant select
privileges to the administrative user on V_$SESSION to ensure correct values
for several auditing table values.

Session Auditing

Activity for the USESSION
table is audited with its own trigger and table. When an application user logs
out of the system they logically delete, or mark, their session record in the
USESSION table. One record is written to the USESSAUD table for each logout.
The format of the USESSAUD table mirrors that of the USESSION table. This audit
can be enabled using the usessaud_enable procedure and disabled using the
usessaud_disable procedure.

Column Audit Data

The data changes for each audit are stored
in the audit_info and audit_info_extended columns. The audit_info column
contains all the row changes as long as they do not exceed 4000 characters.
Changes over 4000 characters or any edit to a blob will be written to the
audit_info_extended BLOB column.

Data in the two audit_info columns has a
specific format. Each column audit within the data begins with either
":O" (old data) or ":N" (new data) to distinguish between
the audit of the previous (old) or the changed (new) value (for BLOB columns
the data starts with :BLOBO or :BLOBN). Directly after this is the name of the
column in lowercase. Following the column name is the length of the audited
value in a fixed four character field. Finally the actual data is placed in the
audit record. Updates will have both an old and new value for each change.
Inserts will have only a new value and deletes only an old value.

The following is an example of the audit
record for TASK to change the task_code from 'A1010' to


audit_info =>:Otask_code: 5:A1010:Ntask_code: 4:B102

P6 Professional Database
Connections Using a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port

If you use a port other than the default
(1433) to connect to your Microsoft SQL Server P6 Professional database, you
might have to perform additional configuration steps to allow users access to
functions within P6 Professional that rely on the P6 Integration API (for
example, Update Baseline). Not all users will experience access issues. See Configuring
Client Computers for a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port
(on page

Once you have determined which users are
affected, you can either globally specify the connection string in the P6
Professional database SETTINGS table or install Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Backward Compatibility Components on each client machine.

See Database Administrator Settings
for a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port
(on page 75) if you choose
to specify the connection string.

Database Administrator Settings
for a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port

To enable users to utilize P6 Integration
API functionality within P6 Professional when using a non-default Microsoft SQL
Server port, add an ADMINISTRATOR_SETTINGS row to the SETTINGS table for each
Microsoft SQL Server database you use with P6 Professional. The table below
summarizes the settings.


Setting Description: Points to the JDBC
connection URL for a P6 Professional Microsoft SQL Server database.



Setting Name


Setting Value

<jdbc connection url>

When entering a value for jdbc connection url for Microsoft SQL
Server, use the standard connection string. For example: jdbc:sqlserver://<servername>:<portnumber>;database=<databasename>;


Installing P6 Professional

This section describes how to install P6
Professional, the P6 Professional SDK, P6 Visualizer, and Job Service. Run the
Installation Wizard on the client/desktop computers that will be used by
project personnel.

Install P6 Professional
only after you install and configure the database server. The Setup wizard
needs to connect to the database server when installing P6 Professional.

Database Client Software

Before you install P6
Professional, first install the client software for the database you will be
using. The database client software enables the client computer to connect over
the network to the database on the server computer.

Microsoft SQL Server Database
Client Software

When you install P6 Professional on a client
computer, the Microsoft SQL Server client files necessary to connect to P6
Professional are automatically installed for you. Alternatively, you can use
your Microsoft SQL Server installation CD to install the client network
utility. If you are unfamiliar with this process, please contact your database

If you use a port
other than the default (1433) to connect to your Microsoft SQL Server P6
Professional database, see Configuring Client Computers for a
Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port
(on page 82) after you install P6

Running the
Installation Wizard

When you run the Installation Wizard, you
are presented with the following installation options: Typical and Advanced.

Use the Typical installation option to install the version of P6
Professional appropriate to your operating system. If you are running a 32-bit
operating system, the Typical option installs the 32-bit version of P6
Professional; if you are running a 64-bit operating system, the Typical option
installs the 64-bit version of P6 Professional. 
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not installed with this option.

Use the Advanced installation option when the Typical option does not
apply. For example:

If you want to install the 32-bit version of P6
Professional with a 64-bit operating system.

4 If you want to install both the 32-bit version and the 64-bit
version of P6 Professional with a 64-bit operating system.

If you want to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
along with P6 Professional.

If you want to control the installation of specific P6
Professional components, such as Visualizer, the Software Development Kit (32-bit
only), and the P6 Professional Database Tools.

Before You Begin

Before you run the Installation Wizard,
review the following items that may impact a successful installation:

You must have full administrative rights to
the computer on which you are installing P6 Professional.

Download and extract (unzip) the software to a folder
on the local hard drive, such as C:\Temp.

4 Avoid downloading the software too deep within the Windows folder
structure. It can limit the file name to 256 characters.

4 Even though you are running P6 Professional as a standalone, a
network interface card or modem must be installed and TCP/IP networking
software must be running on the computer.

4 Ensure the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) setting, Turn on DEP for
all programs and services except those I select, is not enabled as it can block
the creation of the database.

4 Ensure anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, security software
and/or any firewalls are not enabled as they may block programs, protocols, or
ports necessary for database creation.

4 Ensure the UAC
(User Account Control) is not enabled as it may block the installation and         creation
of the database.  


Use the Typical installation option to install the version of P6
Professional appropriate to your operating system. If you are running a 32-bit
operating system, the Typical option installs the 32-bit version of P6
Professional; if you are running a 64-bit operating system, the Typical option
installs the 64-bit version of P6 Professional. 
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not installed with this option.

To install P6 Professional with the Typical option:

Download and extract the media
zip file locally to the client computer.

In the extracted media zip
file, in the Client_Applications
folder, double-click setup.exe to
launch the installation wizard.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows
Installer, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to run P6 Professional.
If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and then restart
your computer as needed. Allow setup.exe
to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts to complete
installation of the required components.

Select the Typical option.

Click OK.

Click Install.

When P6
Professional is installed, the Next
window appears.

Click OK to automatically run Database Configuration immediately after
installation. See Running Database Configuration After Installation (on page 80)
for details.

Note: You do not need to run Database
Configuration immediately after installation, however you do need to run it
before you can use P6 Professional. You can run Database Configuration manually
at any time. See Running Database Configuration Manually (on page 111) for


Use the Advanced installation option when the Typical option does not
apply. For example:

If you want to install the 32-bit version of P6
Professional with a 64-bit operating system.

4 If you want to install both the 32-bit version and the 64-bit
version of P6 Professional with a 64-bit operating system.

If you want to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
along with P6 Professional.

4 If you want to
control the installation of specific P6 Professional components, such as
Visualizer, the Software Development Kit (32-bit only), and the P6 Professional
Database Tools.

Note: If you are using the
32-bit version of Microsoft Office and intend to use Excel Import/Export with
P6 Professional, you must install the 32-bit version of P6 Professional.

To install P6 Professional Standalone with
the Advanced option:

Download and extract the media
zip file locally to the client computer.

In the extracted media zip
file, in the Client_Applications
folder, double-click setup.exe to
launch the installation wizard.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows
Installer, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to run P6
Professional. If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and
then restart your computer as needed. Allow setup.exe to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts
to complete installation of the required components.

Select the Advanced option.

Click OK.

Select the options to be

Click Next.

Click Install.

Click OK to automatically run Database Configuration immediately after
installation. See Running Database Configuration After Installation (on page 80)
for details.


  • You do not need to run Database Configuration immediately after
    installation, however you do need to run it before you can use P6 Professional.
    You can run Database Configuration manually at any time. See Running
    Database Configuration Manually
    (on page 111) for details.
  • If you installed the P6 Professional SDK, you must add the P6
    Professional SDK installation location to the Path system variable. See Updating
    the Path System Variable for the P6 Professional SDK
    (on page 89) for

Running Database
Configuration After Installation

If you selected the Run Database Configuration option during installation, the Database
Configuration wizard launches automatically after P6 Professional installation
is complete. You can also run it manually at any time. Use Database
Configuration to create a database connection for P6 Professional and Job

You can also run
Database Configuration manually at any time. See Running Database Configuration
(on page 111) for details.

To change database connection settings, the

Configuration wizard must access the module’s PrmBootStrapV2.xml

This file is located in <local

drive>\%LOCALAPPDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional.

To run Database Configuration after
installation, complete the following steps:

On the Select Driver Type dialog box, in the P6 Professional driver type field, select Microsoft SQL Server/SQL Express.

Click Next.

On the Configure SQL Server Connection dialog box, do the following:

  1. In the Host Name field, enter the name of the computer or IP address where
    Microsoft SQL Server is installed, along with the port number. For example, localhost,
  2. In the Database name field, enter the database name was specified when the
    database was created. For example, PMDB.

On the Enter Public Login Information dialog box, enter your public login
information that was defined by your administrator.

On the Validate Database Connection dialog box, review the settings and
click Next to test the database

If the connection is
successful, click Finish.

If the
connection is not successful, click Back
to revise the database information.

Configuring a
Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection From the Command Line

You can configure the database connection
by opening a command window as an Administrator and running dbconfig.exe.

The following are default location for dbconfig.exe:

4 <local
drive>\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
(with the 32-bit version of P6 Professional on a 32-bit operating

4 <local
drive>\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
(with the 32-bit version of P6 Professional on a 64-bit operating

drive>\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
(with the 64-bit version of P6 Professional on a 64-bit operating

Use the following command line parameters with dbconfig.exe:



-a<Alias Name>

Where <Alias Name> is any valid Alias Name value.

-s<Driver type>

following are valid values for <Driver type>: Oracle, MSSQL, or PrCSdrv

Driver Type values are case-sensitive.

-d<Database Name>

Specify a
valid SqlServer database name, such as PMDB.

For a Compression Server, specify


Name><@HostName> or



-h<Host Name>

Specify a valid SQL Server Database <ServerName> or <IP Address, PORT>.

-u<Database pubuser name>

Where <Database
pubuser name> is the valid pubuser name.

-w<Database pubuser's password>

Where <Database
pubuser's password> is the valid pubuser's

-b<Public Group ID>

Optional. A valid value is any integer. The default is 1.


  • The parameters can be positioned in any order.
  • Ensure there is no space after each parameter keyword and its value,
    and ensure there is one space between each parameter. For example, this is
    correct: -amySqlServerAlias -sMSSQL.
  • The following example is incorrect because there is a space between
    the parameter keyword and its value: -a mySqlServerAlias -s
  • The following example is incorrect because there is no space between
    parameters: -amySqlServerAlias-sMSSQL.


4 The following example creates or
modifies the sqlserver alias (mySqlServerAlias):

dbconfig -amySqlServerAlias -h10.140.179.3,1433 -upubuser
-wpubuser -sMSSQL -dpmdb

4 The following example creates or
modifies the compression server alias (myCSAlias):

-amyCSAlias -upubuser -wpubuser -sPrCSdrv
-dMyCompressionServer@[http] where:

MyCompressionServer is the value for the
CompressionServerDatabase Name part of
the -d<Database Name> parameter.

4 is the value for the IPaddress part of the -d<Database Name> parameter.

5555 is the value for the Port part of the -d<Database Name> parameter.

Configuring Client Computers for
a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port

If you use a port other than the default (1433) to connect to
your Microsoft SQL Server P6 Professional database, you might need to perform
additional configuration steps. To determine if you need to perform those
steps, complete the following steps after installing P6 Professional:

Launch P6 Professional from the
client computer.

Choose Help, About Primavera P6

From the About Primavera P6 Professional dialog box, click the System tab.

Under BRE Database, locate the database port number.

If the non-default port number appears, no further action is necessary and
you can proceed to the next topic.

If port number 1433 is listed, the user
does not have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components
installed. Proceed to the next step.

Choose to either globally
specify the connection string in the P6 Professional database SETTINGS table or
install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components on each
client computer.

See Database
Administrator Settings for a Non-Default Microsoft SQL Server Port
page 75) if you choose to specify the connection string. If you choose to
configure each client computer, proceed to the next step.

Go to

Download the Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components (SQL Server2005_BC.msi for a 32-bit operating system or SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi for a 64-bit
operating system).

Enabling Excel Import/Export with the 64-Bit Version of P6

The 64-bit version of
P6 Professional requires the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010
Redistributable for Excel import and export.

Note: If you installed the
32-bit version of P6 Professional, skip this procedure.

If you installed the 64-bit version of P6
Professional, complete the following steps:

Go to
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255 to download the
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.

Close all Microsoft Office

Open a command line and enter
the following:

directory_location>\AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /passive


  • You must install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010

Redistributable using /passive mode. Otherwise, the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010
Redistributable will interfere with Microsoft Office applications.

  • The Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable may
    already be installed on some systems depending on your version of Microsoft

Setting the Industry Type

After installing P6 Professional, you must
set the industry type for the software. The industry type determines the
terminology and default calculation settings that display in P6 Professional.

To set the industry type, complete the
following steps:

Log in to P6 Professional.

Choose Admin, Admin Preferences.

Click the Industry tab.

Select the option that most
closely aligns with your industry.

Note: If you set the
industry type and later change it, the new industry setting is immediately
effective for new users. However, the change will not take effect for users who
have logged in since it was last set. For information on how to make it
effective for existing users, refer to the article "How To Change The P6
Industry Type In P6 PPM (Professional), P6 EPPM R8.2 And Later Releases"
(Doc ID 1386047.1) at http://support.oracle.com.

The following table lists each industry
type and its corresponding terminology and default settings:

Industry Type

Industry Terminology Examples

Engineering and Construction

Budgeted Units

Budgeted Cost

Original Duration

Government, Aerospace, and Defense

Planned Units

Planned Cost

Planned Duration

High-Technology, Manufacturing, and Others

Planned Units

Planned Cost

Planned Duration

Utilities, Oil, and Gas

Budgeted Units

Budgeted Cost

Original Duration

Installing Local Copies of P6 Professional and Visualizer Help

By default, online
Help for P6 Professional and Visualizer is available on Oracle Technology
Network (OTN). If you prefer to access Help locally, you can install a local
copy of the Help.

Note: OTN will always
contain the most current version of P6 Professional and Visualizer Help.

To install a local of the P6 Professional
and Visualizer Help, complete the following steps:

Download the Help from
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E68202_01/client_help/zip/P6_Pro_Help.zip and extract
it locally.

In the extracted media zip
file, double-click P6ProHelpInstaller.msi
to launch the installation wizard.

Click Next.

Expand Local Help Files.

Do the following to install a
local copy of P6 Professional Help.

  1. Expand PM Help.
  2. Click the drop-down for the
    language you use in the P6 Professional user interface and select Will be installed on local hard drive.

Note: P6 Professional Help is available
in English, French, German, Japanese, and simplified Chinese.  Selecting any other language installs Help in

Do the following to install a
local copy of Visualizer Help.

  1. Expand Visualizer Help.
  2. Click the drop-down for the
    language you use in the Visualizer user interface and select Will be installed on local hard drive.

Note: Visualizer Help is
available in English only. Selecting any other language installs Help in

Click Next.

Click Install.

Click Finish.


Installing P6 Visualizer Only

P6 Visualizer is installed by default when
installing P6 Professional. You can also install P6 Visualizer as a standalone.

To install P6 Visualizer only:

Download and extract the media
zip file locally to the client computer.

In the extracted media zip
file, in the Client_Applications
folder, double-click setup.exe to
launch the installation wizard.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows
Installer, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to run P6
Professional. If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and
then restart your computer as needed. Allow setup.exe to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts
to complete installation of the required components.

Select the Advanced option.

Click OK.

Deselect the Primavera P6 Professional option.

Expand Primavera P6 Professional, P6
Professional Common Components

Select the Visualizer option.

Click Next.

Click Install.

Click OK to automatically run Database Configuration immediately after
installation. See Running Database Configuration After Installation (on page 80)
for details.

Note: You do not need to run Database
Configuration immediately after installation, however you do need to run it
before you can use P6 Professional. You can run Database Configuration manually
at any time. See Running Database Configuration Manually (on page 111) for

Installing P6
Visualizer Only

Installing Local Copies of Visualizer Help

By default, online
Help for P6 Professional and Visualizer is available on Oracle Technology
Network (OTN). If you prefer to access Help locally, you can install a local
copy of the Help.

Note: OTN will always contain the most current version of Visualizer

To install a local of the Visualizer Help,
complete the following steps:

Download the Help from
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E68202_01/client_help/zip/P6_Pro_Help.zip and extract
it locally.

In the extracted media zip
file, double-click P6ProHelpInstaller.msi
to launch the installation wizard.

Click Next.

Expand Local Help Files.

Expand Visualizer Help.

Click the drop-down for the
language you use in the Visualizer user interface and select Will be installed on local hard drive.

Note: Visualizer Help is
available in English only. Selecting any other language installs Help in

Click Next.

Click Install.

Click Finish.


Installing the P6 Professional SDK Only

The P6 Professional SDK makes P6
Professional data available for use by external applications. In addition to
data, the P6 Professional SDK provides application business rules and
calculated values and enforces application security. The P6 Professional SDK
supports the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard for connecting to the
P6 Professional database. ODBC-compliant interfaces, such as OLE DB, are also

The P6 Professional
SDK is installed by default with the 32-bit version of P6 Professional. You can
also install it as a standalone.

Note: The P6 Professional SDK is only available as a 32-bit application.

To install the P6 Professional SDK only:

Download and extract the media
zip file locally to the client computer.

In the extracted media zip
file, in the Client_Applications
folder, double-click setup.exe to
launch the installation wizard.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows
Installer, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to run P6
Professional. If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and
then restart your computer as needed. Allow setup.exe to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts
to complete installation of the required components.

Select the Advanced option.

Click OK.

Deselect the Primavera P6 Professional option.

Expand Primavera P6 Professional (x86), P6 Professional Common Components.

Select the Software Development Kit option.

Click Next.

Click Install.

Click OK to automatically run Database Configuration immediately after
installation. See Running Database Configuration After Installation (on page 80)
for details.


the P6 Professional SDK Only


  • You do not need to run Database Configuration immediately after
    installation, however you do need to run it before you can use P6 Professional.
    You can run Database Configuration manually at any time. See Running
    Database Configuration Manually
    (on page 111) for details.
  • After installing the P6 Professional SDK, you must add the P6
    Professional SDK installation location to the Path system variable. See Updating
    the Path System Variable for the P6 Professional SDK
    (on page 89) for

Updating the Path System
Variable for the P6 Professional SDK

When you install the P6 Professional SDK,
you must add the P6 Professional SDK installation location to the Path system
variable. To update the Path system variable, complete the following steps:

Open the Windows Control Panel and click System.

Click Advanced System Settings.

On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

In the System variables pane, locate the Path variable.

Click Edit.

In the Variable Value field, add the P6 Professional SDK installation
location. The default is C:\Program
Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
(with 64-bit) or C:\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6
(with 32-bit).

Click OK.

Click OK.

Click OK.


Installing Job Service

Job Service enables you to
automate certain functions. You can apply actuals, run a batch report, export
projects, schedule projects, and summarize projects. These operations run in
the background at specified intervals. Job Service runs as a Windows 2003/2008
service and can support an unlimited number of jobs, each with its own schedule
of execution. Jobs are defined in P6 Professional and stored in the
organization’s project management database.

Note: The Job Service component is
available under Advanced Options only when the 64-bit platform option is

Job Service

Installing Job Service and Distributed Job Service Only

To install Job Service and Distributed Job
Service only:

Download and extract the media
zip file locally to the client computer.

In the extracted media zip
file, in the Client_Applications
folder, double-click setup.exe to
launch the installation wizard.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows
Installer, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to run P6
Professional. If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and
then restart your computer as needed. Allow setup.exe to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts
to complete installation of the required components.

Select the Advanced option.

Click OK.

Deselect the Primavera P6 Professional option.

Expand Primavera P6 Professional (x64), P6 Professional Common Components, Tools for P6 Professional Database
. 7) Select the Job Service


  • If you want to run Job Service jobs in a language other than
    English, you must install P6 Professional on the Job Service computer. You can
    install it along with the Job Service, or you can install it at another time.
  • Job Services is available only with 64-bit P6 Professional.
  • If the Job Service Windows Service is to be run by a user other than
    the user that installed the software, the PrmBootStrapV2.xml

must be present in the other user's profile. The default location of

PrmBootStrap.xml is \%PROGRAMDATA%\Oracle\Primavera
P6\P6 Professional

Click Next 9) Click Install.

Click OK to automatically run
Database Configuration immediately after installation. See Running Database Configuration
After Installation
(on page 80) for details.

Note: You do not need to
run Database Configuration immediately after installation, however you do need
to run it before you can use P6 Professional. You can run Database
Configuration manually at any time. See Running Database Configuration Manually
(on page 111) for details.

After running
Database Configuration, you are prompted to test the Job Service alias. Click Yes to test the database connection.
If the test fails, you can still continue the installation.

Caution: If you are
installing on a SERVER machine in a Distributed Job Services environment, DO
NOT test the Job Service alias.

Once the Job Service
is installed on your computer and it is able to successfully connect to the
database, the service periodically runs any user-defined jobs that are
scheduled in P6 Professional. If you are using Windows 2008 Server, refer to
required configuration instructions below.

Configuring Windows 2008 Server
for Job Service

After installing Job Service, the following
configuration steps are required for Windows 2008 Servers:

From the command line (or
Start, Run utility), run dcomcnfg.
The Component Services dialog box appears.

In the Component Services dialog box, expand the tree in the left panel by
clicking Component Services, Computers, My Computer, DCOM Config.

Right-click on the {9E521861-5A76-11D5-98F4-00C04F680F1F}
entry in the right panel and select Properties.

In the Properties dialog box, on the Identity
tab, select the This User option.
Enter the Password for a user who has administrative privileges on the machine
you are using.

Click OK to close the dialog box.

Configuring Windows 2008/2012
Server R2 for Job Service

After installing Job Service, the following
configuration steps are required for Windows 2008 R2 Servers:

1) From the command line (or Start,
Run utility), run mmc -32 2) From
the File menu select Add / Remove

Select Component services from Available
and Add it to selected snap-ins using Add button.

Click OK.

Navigate to DCOM Config node in
left hand side tree view.

On the right pane, locate the
DCOM entry:


Right-click on the DCOM entry
in the right panel and select Properties.

In the Properties dialog box, on the Identity
tab, select the This User option.
Enter the Password for a user who has administrative privileges on the machine
you are using.

Click OK to close the dialog box.

Job Service

Set the Job
Service Log On Account

From the Windows Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, Services.

Double-click the Primavera P6 Job Service.

On the Primavera P6 Job Service Properties dialog box, select the Log On tab.

Select the This Account option and enter the account and password of an
operating system administrative user.

Click Apply, OK.

Configure the Job Service to
Send Jobs Directly to a Printer

To send jobs directly to a printer, you must
run the Job Service using an administrator account that can access a printer
rather than the general system account. On the machine running the Job Service,
complete the following steps to login to the Job Service using your
administrator user name and password.

From the Windows Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, Services.

Double-click the Primavera P6 Job Service.

On the Primavera P6 Job Service Properties dialog box, select the Log On tab.

Select the This Account option and enter the account and password of an
operating system administrative user.

Click Apply, OK.

Specify a Different Language for
Job Service

You can specify the output language for Job
Service jobs. Complete the following steps to specify a language other than

Log in to Job Service using an
administrator account (rather than the system account).

If you did not install P6
Professional when you installed Job Service, install the P6 Professional module
on the Job Service computer.

After P6 Professional is
installed and the is database configured, start P6 Professional by selecting Start, All Programs, Oracle -
Primavera P6
, P6 Professional <release level>.

In the Login Name and Password
fields, enter the same administrator account information that you used to log
in to Job Service.

In the Language field, select the language you want to use. 6) Click OK.

Note: As long as you used
an administrator account to log in, Job Service runs jobs in the selected
language. If you use a different account, you must repeat these steps using
that account. You cannot run Job Service jobs in a different language using the
local system account.

Configuring Distributed Job Service

Use the Distributed Job
Service (DJS) to run jobs independently on multiple Job Service servers at the
same time. You can configure a controller server that manages the distributed
Job Service by distributing jobs to multiple machines.

Distributed Job Service Overview

The Distributed Job Service (DJS) is an
extension of the Job Service that enables a controller machine to manage
multiple machines (servers) running job services. Non-distributed job services
run jobs on a single machine; installing the non-distributed job service on
multiple machines results in each service running independently on each

With distributed job
services, each designated server runs jobs as requested by the controller via
DCOM communication. This distributes the job service load across multiple
machines. The controller can also run jobs.

Prepare the Controller and DJS
Servers for Installation and Configuration

Be sure to complete the following before
you install and configure DJS on the Controller and servers:

4 On the Controller and all DJS servers, define the "Temp"
and "TMP" variables in Environment variables (both User variables and
System variables).

4 Synchronize the
system clocks of the Controller and all DJS servers to have identical time
stamps in the log files.

Installing the Distributed Job

Before installing the Distributed Job
Service, identify the Controller and servers (maximum 10).

Install the Job
Service on each machine as described in Installing Job Service (on page 90).
When you finish the installation, return to this section to configure user

Note: Oracle recommends that the
controller and all related servers be in the same network domain. Also, each
machine should have a Windows Server operating system with Firewall turned off.

Disabling the Windows Firewall

The Windows Firewall, which is enabled by
default on Windows systems, prevents DCOM connections from functioning. You
must disable the firewall on the controller and each DJS server.

To disable the Windows Firewall, perform
the following steps:

From the Windows Control Panel,
click Windows Firewall.

In the General tab of the Windows Firewall dialog, select Off. then click OK.

Configure Access to the
Distributed Job Service

Before configuring DCOM and the DJS, you
must create users that have privileges to launch the Job Service, access the
registry and path information on the Controller, and access applications across
the network.

On the server that controls the domain in
which the Controller and DJS servers reside, perform the following steps:

Create a user group (for
example, PrmAdmins).

For the Controller and each DJS
server, add a user name to the user group you just created. For example,

Name of
Controller : ControllerUser

Name of Server1 (DCOM Server) :

Name of Server2 (DCOM Server) :

Name of Server3
(DCOM Server) : Server3User

On the Controller and each DJS
server, add the group you created to the Local Administrator Group.

In the Security tab of the DCOM
Configuration dialog, add the group you created to each Custom permission.

Note: The example above illustrates a
multi-user scenario. You can also configure single-user access. For example,
you could create a single domain user (e.g., ControllerUser) and add that user
to the Local Administrator group on the Controller and each DJS server. Then,
when configuring DCOM, you could use the ControllerUser instead of the
PrmAdmins user group shown above.

Configure DCOM for the
Distributed Job Service

To configure DCOM for the Distributed Job
Service on servers running Windows Servers perform the following steps for the
Controller and each DJS server.

From the command line (or
Start, Run utility), run dcomcnfg.
The Component Services dialog is displayed.

In the Component Services dialog, expand the tree in the left panel by
clicking Component Services, Computers,
My Computer, DCOM Config

Right click on the {9E521861-5A76-11D5-98F4-00C04F680F1F}
entry in the right panel and select Properties.

In the Properties dialog, General
tab, set the Authentication Level to

Note: Make sure the Controller and all DJS servers are set to the same

Level. You can set Connect as the Default Authentication Level in the Default
Properties tab of the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog.

In the Properties dialog, Location
tab, select the Run application on this

In the Properties dialog, Security
tab, ensure that the Customize
options are selected for all permission types.

In the Properties dialog, Security
tab, click the Edit button
associated with Launch and Activation

In the Launch Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add.

In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group
name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK.

In the Launch Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you
added (for example, PrmAdmins), and select Allow
for all permissions
. Click OK.

In the Properties dialog, Security
tab, click the Edit button
associated with Access Permissions.

In the Access Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add.

In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group
name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK.

In the Access Permission dialog, Security
tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and select Allow for all permissions. Then click OK.

In the Properties dialog, Security
tab, click the Edit button
associated with Configuration Permissions.

In the Change Configuration Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add.

In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group
name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK.

In the Change Configuration Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example,
PrmAdmins), and ensure that permissions are set as shown in the following
figure. Then click OK.

In the Properties dialog, Identity
tab, select the This User option.
Enter the Password for a user who has administrative privileges on the machine
you are using.

Click OK to close the dialog.

On the Controller, launch the Services
Control Panel

In the Services dialog, double-click the P6 Job Service (JSDB) to open the Properties dialog.

In the Properties dialog, select This
and enter the password of an administrative user on the Controller.

Note: Steps 21 - 23 enable the DJS to
use the name and password of the administrator you specified during DCOM
configuration as the launching user for all servers.

Click OK to close the dialog.

Configure the Controller and DJS

Configure the Controller and DJS servers
using the Distributed Job Services Configuration tool. Follow the instructions
to access the configuration tool and configure the Controller and DJS servers.

On the Controller, run theDistributedJobsAdmin.exe from the
following file location: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional\
or C:\Program Files

P6\P6 Professional\ on a 64-bit operating system with a 32-bit installation.

The Distributed
Job Service Configuration dialog opens.

In the Distributed Job Service
Configuration dialog, click Browse. Navigate to C:\Program
Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional\ 
or C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional\ on a
64-bit operating system with a 32-bit installation and select PrmJobSv.exe.

In the Distributed Job Service
Configuration dialog, click Add. For each server listed, select the


Note: If you have already
used the configuration tool, all servers you previously configured appear in
the list of servers.

Set the Status
(Enabled/Disabled) for the Controller and each DJS server.

Note: You can disable the
DJS on any machine (e.g., if you want to execute jobs only on the servers and
not on the Controller). However, a disabled machine may still run jobs if no
enabled machine is available (e.g., due to network problems).

Click Test to verify that the DCOM configuration and PrmJob installation
is working correctly on each machine.

Click Save Settings, Close.

Reboot the Controller and all
DJS servers.

Note: When the Controller restarts, its job scheduling actions are
listed in the Event Viewer. Log files for all jobs are located in the
appropriate folder of the Controller (not on the servers).

Note: After you reboot the Controller and DJS servers, if you modify the

DCOM settings you specified in
Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service, you must reboot the machines on
which you made the modifications.

Job Service Registry Settings

You can edit the registry settings that
apply to the (Distributed) Job Service and the summarizer service (in both the
Job Service and P6 Professional).

Edit (Distributed) Job Service registry

Type 'regedit' in the
Start, Run utility to open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor,
navigate to the following directory:



The following table summarizes the Job
Services registry settings.

[Job Service settings]



Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values


Number of times to try to connect to
database on startup.




The maximum number of recurring (Project Management)
jobs that can run simultaneously.


1-(no maximum)


[test purposes only] If set to false, log
file "Prm*.tmp" will not be deleted.

1 (true)


1  (true)

Edit registry settings for summarizer jobs

Type 'regedit' in the Start, Run utility to
open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following


You can add any of
the following settings as D Words and modify the defaults to the recommended

Note: The following
settings apply to the Job Service and the P6 Professional. You would typically
modify them to improve performance.




Setting Name and





Number of
projects that can be summarized at the same time by the Job Service or the P6
Professional. To achieve the best possible performance, Oracle recommends
that the value of this setting = 20.




percentage threshold that determines how the summarizer will analyze a
project’s need for

If the value of the equation shown below is less than the threshold, each
project is considered for summarization individually. If the value of the
following equation is greater than the threshold, all projects to be

for summarization are analyzed simultaneously. The equation that determines
this behavior is:

# of projects to be summarized / # of projects user can




maximum remaining duration or the maximum original duration, in hours, that
an activity or activity assignment can have in order to be summarized. If an
activity or activity assignment has a remaining duration greater than this
threshold, it is ignored during summarization. To ensure that all activities
are summarized, Oracle recommends that the value of this setting = 100000.



Note: The following
settings are also available. However, you would not typically need to modify
their values, unless you are performing tests.




Setting Name and





true, resources are summarized.

Applies to the Job Service and the P6 Professional.

1 (true)


1  (true)


Controls how frequently to
commit EPS summary records to the database, based on the number of rows of
data that have been processed. Useful for improving performance when
summarizing large jobs.

value commits the EPS summary records when processing is complete.

If you assign a value, this value is applied to both the Job
Service and P6 Professional.

1000 for
the Job Service

No value for P6


1-(no maximum)


If true,
logs memory usage of PrmJob in megabytes.

Applies only to the Job Service.

0 (false)


1  (true)


time, in milliseconds, to wait between retry attempts when there is a
connection failure.

Applies only to the Job Service.




maximum number of retry attempts to make when there is a connection failure.

Applies only to the Job Service.




Set to true to log all settings to a
Job.txt file for the summarization job.

Applies only to the Job Service.

0 (false)


1  (true)


TASKSUMFIN records for all projects before summarizing the entire EPS.

Set to
false to use a "load on demand" approach that will conserve memory
but will be much slower due to an increased number of SQL queries for

Applies to
summarizing Financial Periods in the Job Service and P6 Professional. Does
not affect the performance of summarization by Weeks or Months.

1 (true)


1  (true)


TASKSUMFIN records for each project before summarizing that project.

Set to
false to use a "load on demand" approach that will conserve memory
but will be much slower due to an increased number of SQL queries for

Applies to
summarizing Financial Periods in the Job Service and P6 Professional. Does
not affect the performance of summarization by Weeks or Months.

1 (true)


1  (true)


TRSRCSUMFN records for each project before summarizing any project. Also,
during summarization of the entire EPS, it preloads all TRSRCSUMFN records
for one resource or role at a time.

Set to
false to use a "load on demand" approach that will conserve memory
but will be much slower due to an increased number of SQL queries for

Applies to
summarizing Financial Periods in the Job Service and P6 Professional. Does
not affect the performance of summarization by Weeks or Months.

1 (true)


1  (true)

Setup for P6 Professional

Unattended Setup for P6 Professional

This chapter provides instructions for
performing unattended setup of P6 Professional. An unattended setup enables
administrators to run setup in silent mode and ensures that each user receives
the same configuration.

As an administrator, you
have several options for installing P6 Professional on client computers using
the unattended setup. For example, you can physically run the unattended setup
on each computer, write scripts that will run the unattended setup on the
client computers you specify, or provide these instructions to users with
administrator privileges, who can run the unattended setup on his/her computer.

Unattended Setup

An unattended setup allows an administrator
to install P6 Professional on a client computer without having to answer the
configuration prompts of the P6 Professional Setup wizard. All configuration
details for the installation are specified in the command line. Unattended
installations ensure that the client module is configured identically at setup.

To create an unattended setup, you format a
command lines to silently launch setup.

The unattended setup can be run by an
administrator on client computers by entering the appropriate command lines.
The unattended setup will silently install P6 Professional according to the
parameters you specify in the command line.

The following prerequisites, available in
the Client_Applications folder of the P6 Professional physical media or
download, must be installed on each client computer before running unattended

Microsoft .NET Framework


An administrator
should push these prerequisites to client computers before running unattended
setup. The versions of these prerequisites on the physical media or download
work with this release; check the tested configurations document before using
newer versions.

Running Unattended Setup

Note: The P6 Professional
installer uses the Oracle Universal Installer, which does not use a response
file. Instead, save your setup command line in a batch file in the install
directory and execute the batch file for silent installs.

Complete the following steps to run
unattended setup:

Copy the contents of the files
in the Client_Applications folder to
a local folder.

recommends creating a new folder, such as 'Installer.' Do not include spaces in
the folder name.

Open a command line by choosing
Start, Run. Enter cmd and click

On the command line window, go
to location of the Installer folder. For example,

cd c:\Installer

On the command line window, enter the following command: setup /q

Note: This command
silently runs a Typical Installation, which installs P6 Professional and
Visualizer to the default location (<local
drive>\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
). The

64-bit versions
are installed on 64-bit computer and the 32-bit versions are installed on
32-bit computer.

Installing individual components

(64-bit) Only

To install Visualizer (64-bit), enter the
following command:

setup.exe /package /q


Professional (64-bit) only

To install P6 Professional (64-bit), enter
the following command:

setup.exe /package /q


Service only  

To install Job
Service, enter the following command:

Setup for P6 Professional

setup.exe /package /q

Configuration (64-bit) only  

To install Admin Configuration (64-bit),
enter the following command:

setup.exe /package /q ADDLOCAL=msi_p6pro_64;AdminConfig

Database Migration Tool (64-bit) only

To install the Standalone Database
Migration Tool (64-bit), enter the following command:

setup.exe /package /q

Upgrade Tool (64-bit) only

To install Standalone Upgrade Tool
(64-bit), enter the following command:

setup.exe /package /q

(32-bit) only

To install Visualizer (32-bit), enter the
following command:

setup.exe /package /q


Professional (32-bit) only

To install P6 Professional (32-bit), enter
the following command:

setup.exe /package /q


P6 Professional SDK only

To install the P6 Professional SDK, enter
the following command:

setup.exe /package /q ADDLOCAL=msi_p6pro_32;PMSDK


Configuration (32-bit) only  

To install Admin
Configuration (32-bit), enter the following command:

setup.exe /package /q

Database Migration Tool (32-bit) only

To install the Standalone Database
Migration Tool (32-bit), enter the following command:

setup.exe /package /q

Upgrade Tool (32-bit) only

To install Standalone Upgrade Tool
(32-bit), enter the following command:

setup.exe /package /q


4 PM and Visualizer components will be installed by default if you do
not use REMOVE parameter.

Component names are case-sensitive.

4 If you do not specify the INSTALLDIR property, the default location
is used. The default location for 64-bit is <local drive>\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
and the default location for 32-bit is <local
drive>\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional

To create a verbose installer log file, add the /L*V
parameter. For example:

setup.exe /package /q
ADDLOCAL=msi_p6pro_64;PM /log "<LogFileLocation>"


where <LogFileLocation> is the folder where you want to save the log file.

You can save your setup command line in a batch file in
the install directory and run the batch file.

4 Enter setup.exe
/help to access documentation for command-line

The SDK is compatible with 32-bit installations only.

4 P6 Professional Job Service is only compatible with 64-bit
installations. Jobs can be submitted to P6 Job Service for both 32-bit and
64-bit clients.

4 If you
installed the P6 Professional SDK, you must add the P6 Professional SDK
installation location to the Path system variable. See Updating the Path System Variable
for the P6 Professional SDK
(on page 89) for details.

Setup for P6 Professional

Creating Database Connections
for Unattended Setup

Create the database connection on one
administrator computer. After configuring the database connection, push the PrmBootStrapV2.xml file from the
administrator computer (host computer) with database configuration details to
each target client computer.

Install P6 Professional on one
administrator computer (host computer).

Create the database connection
on the host machine. See Running Database Configuration Manually
(on page 111) for details.

The default location of PrmBootStrapV2.xml for the host computer

\%LOCALAPPDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional

The default location of PrmBootStrapV2.xml for the target
computer is:

\%PROGRAMDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional


About the Administration Configuration Tool

The Administration Configuration tool can
be installed with P6 Professional. It enables you to do the following:

Reset private database logins.

Reset user passwords. 4 Specify LDAP

LDAP authentication can be used with a P6
Professional database or a P6 Professional database.

If you plan to use
LDAP authentication, use the Advanced option in the P6 Professional setup
wizard to install the Administration Configuration tool. After installation,
use the Administration Configuration tool to set up LDAP servers.

Installing the Administration
Configuration Tool

To install the Administration Configuration
Tool only:

Download and extract the media
zip file locally to the client computer.

In the extracted media zip
file, in the Client_Applications folder,
double-click setup.exe to launch the
installation wizard.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows
Installer, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to run P6
Professional. If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and
then restart your computer as needed. Allow setup.exe to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts
to complete installation of the required components.

Select the Advanced.

Click OK.

Deselect the Primavera P6 Professional option.

Expand Primavera P6 Professional, P6
Professional Common Components, Tools for P6 Professional Database (Only)

Select the Administration Configuration option.

Click Next.

Click Install.

Click OK.

About the
Administration Configuration Tool

Resetting Private User Passwords

You can use the Administration
Configuration tool to reset private user passwords.

Click Start, then choose Programs,
Oracle - Primavera P6, P6 Professional R8.x, P6 Professional Help & Tools,
Administration Configuration

Enter a privileged user name
and password for the P6 Professional database.

Enter the Server Name, Database
Name, and Port Number for the P6 Professional database.

Click the Reset Private User Password tab.

In the Privileged Database User Name field, select a user whose password
you want to reset.

In the New Password field, enter a new password for the selected user.

In the Confirm New Password field, enter the password again, to verify it.

In the Public Group ID field, change the number if necessary. In a
standard configuration, the Public Group ID is 1.

Click Save to continue working or click Save and Close if you are finished.

Resetting Application User

If P6 Professional is using native
authentication mode, you can use the Administration Configuration tool to reset
application user passwords.

Click Start, then choose Programs,
Oracle - Primavera P6, P6 Professional R8.x, P6 Professional Help & Tools,
Administration Configuration

Enter a privileged user name
and password for the P6 Professional database.

Enter the Server Name, Database
Name, and Port Number for the P6 Professional database.

Click the Reset Application User Password tab.

In the Application User Name field, select a user whose password you want
to reset.

In the New Password field, enter a new password for the selected user.

In the Confirm New Password field, enter the password again, to verify it.

Click Save to continue working or click Save and Close if you are finished.


  • If the Enable password policy setting is selected in the Password
    Policy field of the Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only), enter
    a password that is a minimum of 8 characters long, and that contains one alpha
    and one numeric character.
  • If the Enable password policy setting is not selected, enter a
    password up to 20 characters long.
  • If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password
    management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your
    password through the Administration Configuration tool and the Reset
    Application User Password tab is not selectable.
  • Passwords are case-sensitive.
  • Passwords that were set before the new password policy was enabled
    are valid and usable.


Database Configuration Manually

Running Database Configuration Manually

Use Database
Configuration to change connection settings for the client module if your
database server configuration changes. For example, if the database is moved to
a new server, run Database Configuration to configure the connection to the new

To change database connection settings, the

Configuration wizard must access the PrmBootStrapV2.xml file, which is
located in <local drive>\%LOCALAPPDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6

To run Database Configuration manually, complete
the following steps:

If Database Configuration does
not launch automatically, click Start,
All Programs, Oracle - Primavera P6, P6 Professional <release level>, P6
Professional <release level> Help and Tools
, Database Configuration.

Click Next.

On the Select Database Alias Task dialog box, choose to either Modify an existing database alias or Create a new database alias.

On the Select or Create Alias dialog box, select values for the following

  1. In the Database alias field, enter a new alias. For example, PMDB.
  2. In the Driver type field, select the Microsoft
    SQL Server / SQL Express
    driver. 5) On the Configure SQL Server Connection dialog box, do the following:
    1. In the Host Name field, enter the name of the computer or IP address where
      Microsoft SQL Server is installed, along with the port number. For example, localhost,
    2. In the Database name field, enter the database name was specified when the
      database was created. For example, PMDB.

On the Enter Public Login Information dialog box, enter your public login
information that was defined by your administrator.

On the Validate Database Connection dialog box, review the settings and
click Next to test the database

If the connection is
successful, click Finish.

If the
connection is not successful, click Back
to revise the database information.


Authentication in P6 Professional

This chapter
describes the authentication modes for P6 Professional and outlines the steps
required to implement an authentication scheme. It also details steps on how to
import user information from an LDAP server.

Note: If you are using
LDAP, you need to verify your field mappings and alter them to match the fields
for your LDAP environment. See

Provisioning LDAP User
Information for the First Time
(on page 115)
for more information.

About User Authentication Modes

P6 Professional provides support for the
following authentication modes to validate user logins.

4 Native: Native mode is the default user authentication scheme for all
Oracle Primavera P6 Professional applications. When a user attempts to log on
to a Primavera application, native mode confirms the user’s identity in the

4 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): LDAP mode confirms a user's identity in       the
designated directory server database when a user attempts to log on to an

Configuring LDAP Servers

P6 Professional uses native authentication
mode by default. If using LDAP mode, use the Administration Configuration tool
to configure one or more LDAP servers.

To configure LDAP servers:

Click Start, then choose Programs,
Oracle - Primavera P6, P6 Professional R8.x, P6 Professional Help & Tools,
Administration Configuration.

Enter a privileged user name
and password for the P6 Professional database.

Enter the Server Name, Database
Name, and Port Number for the P6 Professional database.

Click the LDAP Configuration tab.

Click the LDAP Servers row then click the

Click the plus sign to expand
rows. These settings represent what should be entered for an Oracle Internet
Directory (OID) LDAP server and Microsoft Active Directory.

In the USER_NAME field, enter the LDAP field name that
holds the user's login ID.

Example: uid or
samaccountname (for Microsoft Active Directory)

4 In the EMAIL_ADDR field, enter the LDAP field name that holds the
user's email address. Example: mail

In the ACTUAL_NAME field, enter the LDAP field name
that holds the user's full name.

Example: cn or displayname
(for Microsoft Active Directory)

Enter the details for your LDAP server by clicking the
fields and entering the information in the right column. Specify the LDAP
directory server host name or IP address, listening port, and base directory

For Base
Directory Node
, specify the location in the directory information tree
(DIT) that is the location from which to start the search for module users
during login. Base Directory Node is
also the location where the provisioning function begins the search for
directory server users.

SSL protocol is recommended for secure communication to
the LDAP server. To use SSL protocol for communication with the LDAP server,
select True for the Enable SSL option. 4 Referrals chasing allows authentication to extend to another domain.
To use referrals, select True for
the Chase Referrals option.

Note: Referral chasing is
supported with Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Windows Active
Directory. For Oracle Internet Directories, referrals chasing only works when
the directories are configured to allow anonymous searches.

If the LDAP server does not
allow anonymous searches, type the user name of an LDAP server user who has
search access for the Base Directory Node you specified.

Click Test. If you entered a user name you are prompted for the user's



  • The password is encrypted and stored in configuration data. The
    Administration Configuration tool does not unencrypt the password, so the
    password must be reentered every time Test
    is clicked.
  • Test must be executed for each LDAP server you configure

If you see a message saying
Test Passed, your LDAP server is properly configured.

Click Save & Close to exit the Administration Configuration tool.

Provisioning LDAP User
Information for the First Time

Follow the instructions in Add
new users (P6 Professional Only)
(on page 150) to add a new user (in
Native mode) that exactly matches an LDAP server user with rights to read the
LDAP directory. Make sure to assign a global profile that contains privileges
to add new users and search the LDAP directory, and assign the appropriate
project profiles and module access. The Admin Super profile has all appropriate

Log back into the Administration Configuration Tool.

From the LDAP Configuration tab select True
for Enable LDAP Authentication.

Log into P6 Professional as the
LDAP user created in step 1.

Choose Admin, Users.

Click Add, the Import Domain Users dialog box will appear:

Either click the Load LDIF
button, or enter an LDAP query under LDAP User Search Criteria (for example,
UID=* or samaccountname=*).

If you clicked the Load LDIP
button, browse to the location of the LDIF file, and click Open. If you entered
an LDAP query, click Search.

A list of users will appear,
grouped by category. For example, LDAP repository users that do not exactly
match P6 Professional users will be grouped together. If users exist in the
LDAP repository, the Login Name, Personal Name, User EMail Address, and Office
Phone fields are populated based on the field mappings in the LDAP
configuration settings.

Select the Import option next
to each Login Name that you with to import. New or modified users are
automatically selected.

Click Import Users.

Click Close in the Users dialog


  • You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Users privilege and the Provision
    Users from LDAP privilege to search the LDAP directory. You do not need the
    Provision Users from LDAP privilege to import users from the LDIF file.
  • The new users will be assigned the default global profile.


When you provision users,
changed records are updated in the P6 Professional database and new users are
added. However, users that have been deleted from the LDAP directory or LDIF
file are not automatically removed from the P6 Professional database. You will
need to manually delete these users.

Configuring P6 Professional
Internal Plug-ins for Authentication

P6 EPPM and P6
Professional come with built-in applications that use P6 Integration API
technology. You must configure these plug-ins separately for Single Sign-On or
LDAP authentication. These applications read a configuration stored in the
database (called INTERNAL_PLUGINS
by default) to determine how to authenticate.


  • This procedure is not applicable for the P6 Professional Cloud
    Connect driver type.
  • For information to enable SAML authentication for P6 Professional,
    refer to the Primavera Oracle Access
    Manager Configuration Guide

This procedure uses two utilities:

dbconfig.cmd: To create a new temporary
configuration to launch the Internal API Administration utility, admin.cmd.

admin.cmd: To access and modify the INTERNAL_PLUGINS configuration used by the Internal API tools.

To change the authentication type, complete
the following steps:

Launch the Internal API
Database Configuration utility, dbconfig.cmd.

For P6 EPPM, the
database configuration utility is located in %P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6


For P6
Professional, the database configuration utility is located in

%P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6 Professional\PRO\Java\dbconfig.cmd

Create a new temporary
configuration called TEMP_CLIENT_SETUP, to access the administration utility.

Launch the Internal API
administration utility admin.cmd.

For P6 EPPM, the
API administration utility is located in %P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6


For P6
Professional, the API administration utility is located in

%P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6 Professional\PRO\Java\admin.cmd

Log in using the Privileged
Database username and password. 5) Click on the Authentication tab.

  1. Expand the INTERNAL_PLUGINS configuration.
  2. In the Authentication folder, set the Login
    equal to the authentication mode configured for P6.
  3. In the Database Instance: <your_instance_name>
    folder, set the Authentication Mode
    equal to the authentication mode configured for P6.

In the Configurations tab, select the TEMP_CLIENT_SETUP configuration.

  1. Right-click and delete TEMP_CLIENT_SETUP.
  2. Click OK in the Confirmation window.
  3. Click Save, and OK in the
    Confirmation window.

Exit the administration
utility, admin.cmd.

Delete the BREBOOTSTRAP.XML file located in %P6PROFESSIONAL_HOME%\P6



For more information on P6 Integration API, see the P6 EPPM and P6 Professional Integration API
Reference Guide

Login Procedures and
Authentication in P6 Professional

The authentication modes have different
login procedures:

In Native mode

P6 Professional presents a login dialog
that prompts for a user name and password. Depending on whether you enabled the
password policy option in Application Settings in P6, the user may have to
create a strong password.

In LDAP mode

All P6 Professional applications and the P6
Professional SDK require a login password.

4 Since the LDAP
directory stores and authenticates passwords, users cannot change their
passwords in P6 Professional.

Troubleshooting Login Errors

For information about troubleshooting login
errors, visit


Users and Security

Security Concepts in P6

Each person who will be using any module of
P6 Professional must be registered as a "user" with the appropriate
module access. Additional security privileges determine each user’s access to

To ensure security at various levels of
data, there are two sets of security profiles:

Global profiles Define a user’s access to application-wide information and settings,
such as the enterprise project structure (EPS), resources, roles, and cost
accounts. Each user must be assigned a global profile.

Project profiles Define a user’s access to project-specific information. It is not
required that each user be assigned a project profile; however, users cannot
access projects unless they are assigned: a project profile, the global profile
Admin Superuser, or as a resource assignment when they are a project owner.

You can create a set of profiles that limit
access to global information and then assign the appropriate global profile to
each user. Similarly, to limit privileges for each project, you assign the appropriate
project profile to each user via an organizational breakdown structure (OBS)
element. When you create the EPS for your company, you must identify an OBS
element, or person responsible, for each node and project within the EPS. This
OBS element assignment determines the user’s rights to the EPS level (and all
levels below it). You can further control access to specific project data by
assigning a responsible OBS element to each work breakdown structure (WBS)
element within a project. Additionally, you can control user access to activity
data via activity editing restrictions in user interface views, and you can
control user access to resource data by implementing resource security.

The following diagram illustrates the
relationships between a user, the OBS, EPS, and WBS.

Security Samples

Review the following portions of a sample
EPS for Capital Improvement projects in Oak County and its corresponding
portion of the OBS.

With these structures defined, you can map
users to their corresponding roles in the OBS, which in turn can be assigned to
each level in the EPS. The EPS level to which you assign the OBS determines the
nodes/projects the associated user can access. For example, if you assign an
OBS element to the root node of the EPS, the users associated with that OBS
element can access the projects in the entire EPS. If you assign an OBS element
to one branch of the EPS, the associated users can access only projects within
that branch.

The project profile associated with each
OBS element determines which data items in the projects the user can access.
Only one OBS element can be assigned to each EPS level.

For example, suppose that
two project profiles are defined: one that allows edit access to all data,
including administration rights (Administrator profile), and one that allows
viewing and editing of most, but not all, project data (Project Manager
profile). Joe Nolan, the President of Labor

Management, is assigned to the P6
Administrator profile. The OBS element, Labor Mgmt President, is assigned as
the responsible manager at the Oak County node of the EPS, indicating that Joe
Nolan has access to all nodes and projects within Oak County.

If Tim Ryan is the Director of the
Department of Transportation (DOT), he can be assigned P6 Administrator rights
to all projects under DOT.

You can further control the access to
projects by assigning OBS elements at the project and/or

WBS level. In the previous example, if Marie
Ross is the Project Manager in the Engineering Division responsible for the
Highway 101 project, you can assign her to that OBS element with a Project
Manager profile. She would then have editing access to just that project.

As another example, if the Design Team needs
access to only the design portion of the Highway 101 Project. You can assign
the Design Team to just the WBS branch in the Highway 101 project that involves
the project design.

You can assign
multiple users to the same OBS element and/or you can assign each user to
multiple OBS elements. This flexibility enables you to provide access to the
same EPS branch or project to more than one responsible manager (OBS element),
and it allows you to control access by the same user across different EPS nodes
and projects.

For example, suppose Marie Ross, who is a
Project Manager in the Engineering Division responsible for the Highway 101
project, also needs access to the Pine Avenue project; however, you want to
limit her access to reviewing and editing financial data only. Also suppose
that Jim Harkey, another Project Manager in the Engineering Division, is
responsible for the Pine Avenue project. He needs Project Manager access to the
Pine Avenue project, but he also needs to review financial information in
Marie’s Highway 101 project.

You first would create another project
profile that specifies viewing/editing rights to just project costs and
financial data (Account Manager profile) and then make the following

To designate that Jim Harkey has Project
Manager rights to the Pine Avenue project and Marie Ross has Account Manager
rights to the Pine Avenue project, you would need to add another element to the

With these assignments, Jim Harkey and
Marie Ross now have Project Manager rights to their primary projects and
Account Manager rights to their secondary projects.

The following section
provides guidelines for setting up users and administering security in P6

Configuration Process in P6 Professional

Organization-wide project management
involves a structured approach to managing several ongoing projects and teams
across multiple locations at the same time. To ensure good results, up-front
planning and coordination by various members of the organization are essential.
Before you can use P6 Professional to manage your projects successfully, you
must first administer users and set up structures, including the organizational
breakdown structure (OBS), enterprise project structure (EPS), and resource
hierarchy. Once users and structures are in place, you can implement security
to restrict and/or provide access to project data.

The following bullets provide guidelines and
a general process for administering users and security in P6 Professional.
Because the structures are global across the company, some processes might
require information from many participants. You can vary the order depending on
your company’s implementation plan. Also, some of these processes, such as
defining resource security and user interface views, are optional depending on
the needs of your organization.

Create global and project security profiles in P6

Define a standard set of profiles that
determine access rights to global and project-specific data. Most likely,
administrators perform this step.

Add users in P6 Professional.

You must add each
user who needs access to any P6 Professional module. At a minimum, each user is
assigned a login name, module access, and a global profile. 4 Set up the OBS for your company.

Identify your
company’s management structure and include the roles or names of those who will
be responsible for the projects and work to be completed.

4 After setting up the OBS, assign the appropriate users and project
profiles to each element of the OBS.

4 Set up the EPS for your company.

Identify your
company’s project structure, which is global across the organization.

After setting up the EPS, assign the responsible
manager (OBS) to each EPS node.

Define the resources necessary to complete the projects
across the organization.

Define user access to resource data.

Add projects to the EPS and define the WBS for each

Project managers usually perform this
step. They can further control security within their own projects by assigning
specific OBS elements to WBS levels.

4 Set preferences for
data in P6 Professional.

Useful P6
Professional Terms

Review the following P6 Professional terms
to help you better understand how to administer users and security:

Any person who needs access to P6 Professional.

The people, materials, and/or equipment that
perform the work on activities. You can build a resource hierarchy that
includes the required resources across all projects in the organization.
Resources are assigned to activities in P6 Professional.

OBS A global hierarchy that represents the managers responsible for the
projects in your organization. The OBS usually reflects the management
structure of your organization, from top-level personnel down through the
various levels constituting your business. The OBS can be role-based or

EPS A hierarchy that represents the breakdown of projects in the
organization. Nodes at the highest, or root, level might represent divisions
within your company, project phases, site locations, or other major groupings
that meet the needs of your organization, while projects always represent the
lowest level of the hierarchy. Every project in the organization must be
included in an EPS node.

WBS A hierarchical arrangement of the products and services produced
during and by a project. In P6 Professional, the project is the highest level
of the WBS, while an individual activity required to create a product or
service is the lowest level. Each project in the EPS has its own WBS.

An OBS is not the same as a
resource pool. While resources are assigned to activities, OBS elements are
associated with EPS nodes and projects. The OBS element corresponding to an EPS
node is the manager responsible for all work included in that branch of the
hierarchy. In this way, an OBS supports larger projects that involve several project
managers with different areas of responsibility.

Admin superuser

A global profile that
gives a user read/write privileges for application-wide information and
features. This information includes all projects, resources, cost accounts, and
users. An Admin superuser always has access to all resources. If resource
security is enabled, resource access settings will be ignored.

Project superuser

A project profile
that gives a user read/write privileges for all project/ OBS specific
information and features.

Working with
and defining the OBS

Organizational breakdown
structure (OBS) overview

The organizational breakdown structure
(OBS) is a global hierarchy that represents the managers responsible for the
projects in your enterprise. The OBS usually reflects the management structure
of your organization, from top-level personnel down through the various levels
constituting your business. You can associate the responsible managers with
their areas of the EPS (Enterprise Project Structure) — either nodes or
individual projects. When you associate a responsible manager with an EPS node,
any projects you add to that branch of the EPS are assigned that manager
element by default.

The OBS hierarchy is
also used to grant users specific access privileges to projects and the WBS
(work breakdown structure) levels within projects.

Setting up the OBS

Because the OBS is maintained as a
separate, global hierarchy, you have flexibility in making your OBS assignments
as responsibilities change throughout a project life cycle.

You may want to create your OBS to match
each EPS node and project set up in the EPS. You could initially match OBS
names to the EPS node and project names. You could then assign users, by their
login names, to the OBS elements to grant access to the corresponding EPS nodes
or projects.

The type of access
granted to a user is determined by the project security profile assigned to the

View the OBS

You can view an organizational breakdown
structure (OBS) in two ways. You can use the OBS chart to view a graphical
display of information, and you can use the OBS table to view information in a
column format.

Choose Enterprise, OBS.

If the Organizational Breakdown
Structure dialog box currently displays the Chart View, click the Display
Options bar and choose Table View.

To view the OBS hierarchy, click the OBS
Name column label.

To list and sort OBS elements, click the
OBS Name column label again.


Project profiles define a user's access to
each project according to a specified OBS element. The specified OBS element
determines which work breakdown structure (WBS) elements, activities, issues,
and thresholds the user can edit in a project.

The OBS is a global hierarchy that
represents the management responsible for the projects in your enterprise. The
OBS hierarchy is used primarily to grant users specific access privileges to
projects and to the WBS levels within projects. To access a project, a user
must have access permissions for an OBS element within the project. This
provides user access to WBS information for which the specified OBS element is
responsible, as well as limits user access to WBS information that may lie
beyond the user's scope.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6
Professional database, profiles and corresponding privileges are defined using
the Security Profiles dialog box and are associated with the login name of the
user. When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database Profiles and
corresponding privileges are defined using P6.

When you assign users to OBS elements using
their login names, the security profile is automatically associated.


 4 You can assign
a user a security profile for any number of enterprise OBS nodes.

Add an
OBS element

Choose Enterprise, OBS.

A root OBS element
is automatically assigned to the root EPS node so that a default OBS element
can be assigned to each project you add to the EPS root.

Click the OBS Name column label
to display the OBS hierarchy.

The outline symbol  in the OBS Name column label indicates a
hierarchy display.

Select the OBS element
immediately above and at the same hierarchy level as the element you want to
add, then click Add.

Click the General tab, type the
OBS Name, then click Modify to type a description of the OBS element in an HTML

In the editor, you
can format text, insert pictures and tables, copy and paste information from
other document files (while retaining formatting), and add hyperlinks.

Click the Users tab to view the
users and corresponding security profiles associated with an OBS element. You
can also assign users from this tab, if you have appropriate access rights.

Click the Responsibility tab to
quickly see where responsible managers (OBS elements) are assigned across the
enterprise. Select the OBS name for whom you want to see assignments.


To change the element's position in the OBS hierarchy,
click the appropriate arrow buttons.

Assign an OBS element to a WBS

Choose Project, WBS.

Select the WBS element to which
you want to assign an OBS element.

Click the General tab, then
click  in the Responsible Manager field.

Select the OBS element you want
to assign, then click the Select button.

Edit an OBS element

Choose Enterprise, OBS.

Click the OBS Name column label
to display the OBS hierarchy.

The outline
symbol  in the OBS Name column label indicates a
hierarchy display.

Select the OBS element you want
to edit.

To change the element's
information, click the General tab and enter new information.

To change the element's
position in the OBS, click the appropriate arrow buttons.

Copy and
paste an OBS element

Choose Enterprise, OBS.

Click the OBS Name column label
to display the OBS hierarchy.

Select the OBS element you want
to copy, then click Copy.

Select the OBS element to which
you want to add the copied OBS element, then click Paste.

Cut and paste an OBS element

Choose Enterprise, OBS.

Click the OBS Name column label
to display the OBS hierarchy.

Select the OBS element you want
to cut and paste, then click Cut.

Select the OBS element to which
you want to add the cut OBS element, then click Paste.

Delete an OBS element

Choose Enterprise, OBS.

Click the OBS Name column label
to display the OBS hierarchy.

Select the OBS element you want
to delete, then click Del/Merge.

If the OBS element
you want to delete has work breakdown structure (WBS), issue or threshold
assignments, you are prompted to merge the element with its parent OBS.

Click Yes.


4 If you delete a
parent OBS element, all of the elements contained in the parent element are

View the OBS chart display

Use the OBS chart to view a graphical
display of OBS information.

Choose Enterprise, OBS, then click the Display Options
bar and choose Chart View.


4 To view the OBS
table display again, click the Display Options bar, then choose Table View.

the OBS chart display

Choose Enterprise, OBS, then
click the Display Options bar and choose Chart Font and Colors.

To change the appearance of the
display's text, click Font, then select a new font.

To change the display's
background color, click Back Color, then select a new color.

To change the display's OBS box
color, click Box Color, then select a new color.


4 To change the
displayed information, click the Display Options bar, choose Chart Box
Template, then select Customize.

Move around the OBS chart

You can change the level of detail that
appears onscreen.

Click the Display Options bar and choose Zoom. You can
zoom in, zoom out, or zoom to best fit.


You can also use your mouse to control the level of
detail that appears onscreen:

To Do This

Zoom in

Hold down
the Alt key, click the background, and then drag the pointer down while
holding down the mouse button.

Zoom out

Hold down
the Alt key, click the background, and then drag the pointer up while holding
down the mouse button.

Change the OBS chart information

Choose Enterprise, OBS, then
click the Display Options bar and choose Chart Box Template, Customize.

Click Add.

In the Field Name field, select
a template element.

Specify a width and height for
the template element.

Click the up and down arrows to
place the element within the OBS box.


4 To remove an
element from the OBS box, select the element, then click Delete.

To revert to the default OBS box fields, click Default.

responsibility for an issue

Choose Project, Issues, then
select the issue.

Display Issue Details, then
click the General tab.

In the Responsible Manager
field, click .

Select the name of the
responsible OBS member, then click the Select button.

Assign responsibility for threshold-generated

Choose Project, Thresholds.

Select the threshold, then
click the General tab.

In the Responsible Manager
field, click .

Select the name of the OBS
element, then click the Select button.

Setting up and starting to work with the EPS

Enterprise Project Structure

The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) forms
the hierarchical structure of your database of projects. Each EPS node (or
folder) can be subdivided into multiple levels to represent the work that needs
to be done in your organization. The number of levels and their structure
depend on the scope of your projects and how you want to summarize data. You
can use the EPS to

4 Perform
top-down budgeting and resource and cost analysis

4 Organize work breakdown and organizational breakdown structures into
one common structure

4 Manage multiple projects from the highest levels of the organization
to the individuals that perform specific project tasks

4 Implement
coding standards for flexible reporting

Maintain appropriate security throughout the enterprise

All projects in the enterprise exist within
the EPS hierarchy, a graphical representation of your project structure.

When P6 Professional is connected a P6 EPPM
database you can define the EPS using either P6 Professional or P6.

The levels and structure of your company’s
EPS depends on the scope of your projects and how you want to summarize data.
You can define one or multiple root nodes, up to 50 combined WBS/EPS levels and
as many projects as necessary to complete the required work set forth by the
operations executive and project managers in your organization.

Before you begin
defining your company’s EPS, you should become familiar with the structures and
procedures established for your enterprise, such as codes, calendars, and other
company-wide standards. Once the EPS hierarchy is defined, you can begin to
develop projects by adding information, activities, and resources.

Users and

Defining the
Enterprise Project Structure

All projects in the enterprise exist within
the EPS hierarchy, a graphical representation of your project structure. A root
node is automatically created for the hierarchy during installation. The levels
and structure of your company’s EPS depends on the scope of your projects and
how you want to summarize data. You can use the Admin Preferences, Data Limits
tab to define one or multiple root nodes, up to 50 combined WBS/EPS levels and
as many projects as necessary to complete the required work set forth by the
operations executive and project managers in your organization.

Before you begin defining your company’s
EPS, you should become familiar with the structures and procedures established
for your enterprise, such as codes, calendars, and other company-wide
standards. Once the EPS hierarchy is defined, you can begin to develop projects
by adding information, activities, and resources.

Set up the EPS structure

You can use P6 Professional or P6 to set up
the EPS. If you use P6 Professional, choose Enterprise, Projects to specify
project details such as dates, resource and budget information, and so on.

When you create the enterprise project
structure, you must identify an OBS element, or person responsible for each
node and project within the EPS. For steps on defining the OBS.

Choose Enterprise, Enterprise
Project Structure.

Click the EPS Name column where
you want to add a new element.

Click Add.

Type an ID and name for the EPS
node. In the Responsible Manager field, select an OBS element for the new

If necessary, you can change
the hierarchical position of the new element by clicking the arrow keys.

Click Close.

Choose Enterprise, Projects
then specify project details such as dates, resource and budget information,
and so on.


4 A default root
node displays in the top left position in the hierarchy. All projects listed
below it are part of the same structure. You can also define multiple root
nodes to separate various components of your enterprise. For example, you might
want to exclude inactive or what-if projects from the main enterprise. To
define a root node, click the left arrow key to move an EPS element to the top
left position in the hierarchy, then add the hierarchy of projects below this

Add a
project to the EPS hierarchy

Once you set up the EPS structure, you can
add an unlimited number of projects as follows:

Choose Enterprise, Projects,
then select the EPS node or root element to which you want to add a

Click  on the Edit Toolbar or choose Edit, Add.

Follow the instructions in the
Create a New Project Wizard.

To quickly add a new
project using the default settings, click Finish on the Create a New Project

Use the detail tabs across the
bottom of the Project window to add details specific to this project.


Delete an EPS node or project

1) Choose Enterprise, Projects, then select
the EPS node or project that you want to delete. Choose Edit, Delete. 2) Click
Yes to confirm.


4 When you delete
an EPS node, all projects in that branch of the hierarchy are also removed. To
save projects in a branch before deleting it, first copy and paste those
projects to another area of the hierarchy.

Copy an
EPS node or project

Choose Enterprise, Projects,
then select the EPS node or project you want to copy.

Choose Edit, Copy.

Click the location in the EPS
where you want to paste the new EPS node/project.

Choose Edit, Paste.

Mark the checkboxes beside any
optional information you want to include in the copied EPS node or project in
the Copy Project Options, Copy WBS Options, and Copy Activity Options dialog


4 When connected to a P6 EPPM database: When you copy an EPS node, any
template projects in that EPS are copied even though you cannot see them in P6

When connected to a P6 EPPM database: P6 Professional
uses a job service to copy projects and EPS nodes. This means that you can
carry on working while the project or EPS is copied in the background. To see
the progress of the job, choose Tools, Job Status.

The administrator should not assign any of the following
privileges to users who should not have access to view cost information while
copying and pasting project/EPS or assigning WBS and Fill Down on the WBS
column in the Activities view: View Project Costs/Financials, Edit WBS
Costs/Financials, and Edit EPS Costs/Financials.

You must group the projects (to copy) by EPS in order
to copy Summary Data.


When you select an
EPS node to copy, all of the selected EPS node’s subordinate EPS nodes/projects
are also copied, even if you do not select them.

Managing User
Security (P6 Professional Only)

Setting up user security (P6
Professional Only)

For each user, you perform the following
steps to implement access to P6 Professional.

Choose Admin, Users.

Click Add to add a user.

On the General tab:

4 Enter the
user's login name and personal name.

4 Click Password to enter the user's password. The minimum password
requirements depend on the status of the password policy, and are described in
the Change Password dialog box.

On the Global Access tab:

4 Assign a global security profile to the user. Global security
profiles determine the global actions the user can perform and are defined in
the Security Profiles dialog box (choose Admin, Security Profiles).

Enable or disable resource security for the user. To
enable access to all resources, mark the All Resource Access checkbox (Admin
Superusers automatically get All Resource Access). To restrict resource access
to a specific resource node, select the resource node. To disable access to all
resources, clear the All Resource Access checkbox (if necessary), and do not
select a resource node.

On the Project Access tab,
click Assign to assign the user to an OBS element (responsible manager), then
select an existing project security profile.

This grants the
user access to WBS elements (and associated activities) for which the assigned
OBS element is responsible, in all projects. For the projects the user can
access based on the user's OBS assignment, the project security profile
determines the actions the user can perform for these projects.

On the Module Access tab, mark
the checkbox for P6 Professional. This enables the user to access the


4 Only an Admin Superuser can add, edit, delete, cut, copy, or paste
Admin Superusers or change an Admin Superuser's password.

4 Only an Admin
Superuser can apply the Admin Superuser profile to a user, and only an Admin
Superuser can apply the Project Superuser profile to a user.

access (P6 Professional Only)

The P6 Professional module access option
controls whether users can attempt to log into the P6 Professional application.

The Visualizer module access option
controls whether users can attempt to log into the Visualizer application.

For each defined
user, a user with the required security privilege can enable or disable access
to the products listed in the Users dialog box (choose Admin, Users, then click
the Module Access tab).

Security profiles

Security profiles determine a user's level
of access to project information. The security profiles include both global
profiles and project profiles. A global profile determines the user's access to
application-wide information. A project profile determines the user's level of
access to each project within the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS).

When connected to a P6 EPPM database: When
you assign a project profile to a user as defined in P6, you also associate the
project profile with an OBS element/responsible manager.

When connected to a P6 Professional
database: When you assign a project profile to a user, you also associate the
project profile with an OBS element/responsible manager.

The user's access
privileges, as defined in the project profile, will then apply only to those
elements of the EPS that are assigned to the OBS element/responsible manager
you selected.


P6 Professional requires that all users
have a global profile. A global profile defines a set of privileges for access
to global, or application-wide, information such as cost accounts, resources,
and roles.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database:

To control user access to global
information, you create global profiles using P6, and then assign specific
profiles to individual users.

To allow complete access to all global
information and all projects (assuming all applicable options have been applied
using P6), you can assign a global profile called Admin superuser (on page
126). You can assign the Admin Superuser profile to as many users as you like.
However, since the Admin Superuser profile enables access to all information,
you would typically restrict the number of users to whom you assign this
profile. You cannot edit the Admin Superuser security profile.

Note: Only an Admin Superuser can apply the Admin Superuser profile to a

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database:

To control user access to global
information, you create global profiles, and then assign specific profiles to
individual users.

To allow complete
access to all global information and all projects (assuming all applicable
checkboxes are marked on the Users dialog box, Module Access tab), you can
assign a global profile called Admin superuser (on page 126).

Global Privilege Definitions (P6 Professional

A global profile definition specifies the
individual access privileges associated with the profile. For a global profile,
access privileges apply to application-wide information and settings. The
module requires you to assign a global profile to each user.

Edit Global Change Definitions option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove Global Change specifications available to
all users in P6 Professional.

Add/Edit/Delete Categories option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify and remove categories data as defined in the Admin
Categories dialog box.

Delete Resources option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove resource data. This privilege also selects the 'Add Resources'
and 'Edit Resources' global privileges.

Add Resources option

whether the profile will enable users to create resource data. This privilege
also selects the 'Edit Resources' global privilege.

Edit Resources option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify resource data. This privilege also enables users to assign,
modify, and remove role assignments. To display resources' price/unit in
reports, users must have this privilege and the 'View Resource and Role
Costs/Financials' global privilege assigned to their profile. To display
resource skill level (a resource’s role proficiency) in the application and in
reports, users must have this privilege and the 'View Resource Role
Proficiency' global privilege assigned to their profile.

View Resource Role Proficiency option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to display, group/sort, filter, search, and report on resource and role
proficiency. To display resource skill level (a resource's role proficiency),
users must have this privilege and the Edit Resources global privilege assigned
to their profile.

Add/Edit/Delete Cost Accounts option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove cost accounts data.

Import Project Management XER and MPX option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to import projects, resources, and roles from XER and MPX formats using
P6 Professional. To create new projects when importing, users must also have
the 'Create Project' project privilege assigned to their profile. Users must be
an Admin or Project Superuser to update a project from an XER file.

Import XML option

whether the profile will enable users to import projects from P6 Professional
and Microsoft Project using XML format. To create new projects when importing,
users must also have the 'Create Project' project privilege assigned to their

Note: For Microsoft Project imports, you can only create a new project
(not update an existing one) during import. Also, P6 Professional supports
imports from Microsoft Project 2002.

Import XLS option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to import projects, resources, and roles from XLS files into P6
Professional. Users must also be a Project Superuser to update a project from
XLS format.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Reports option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global reports, including editing report
groups and global report batches and saving global reports created or modified
in P6 Professional.

Edit Global Tracking Layouts option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global tracking layouts in P6 Professional.

Add/Edit/Delete Roles option

whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove roles data.

Edit Global Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify global activity codes data. This privilege also enables users
to create, modify, and remove global activity code values and associated
Visualizer colors.

Add Global Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create global activity codes and code values data. This privilege also
selects the 'Edit Global Activity Codes' global privilege.

Delete Global Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove global activity codes and code values data. This privilege also
selects the 'Add Global Activity Codes' and 'Edit Global Activity Codes' global

Add/Edit/Delete Global Calendars option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global calendars data.

Add/Edit/Delete Resource Calendars option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove resource calendars data. This privilege
also enables users to edit Shifts in P6 Professional.

Add/Edit/Delete Security Profiles option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global and project security profiles, which
grant access to application-wide and project-specific information.

Add/Edit/Delete Users option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove P6

Professional user data. To search the LDAP
directory when provisioning, users must also have the Provision Users from LDAP
global privilege.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Activity and Assignment
Layouts and Filters

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global activity and resource assignment
layouts and filters.

Add/Edit/Delete OBS option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove hierarchical data for the global
Organizational Breakdown Structure.

Edit Project Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify project codes data. This privilege also enables users to
create, modify, and remove project code values.

Add Project Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create project codes and code values data.

This privilege
also selects the 'Edit Project Codes' global privilege.

Delete Project Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove project codes and code values data. This privilege also selects
the 'Add Project Codes' and 'Edit Project Codes' global privileges.

Edit Resource Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify resource codes data. This privilege also enables users to
create, modify, and remove resource code values.

Add Resource Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create resource codes and code values data. This privilege also
selects the 'Edit Resource Codes' global privilege.

Delete Resource Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove resource codes and code values data. This privilege also
selects the 'Add Resource Codes' and 'Edit Resource Codes' global privileges.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Portfolios option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global portfolios.

Administer Global External Applications option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove entries in the list of global external
applications in P6 Professional.

Add/Edit/Delete Funding Sources option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove funding source data.

View Resource and Role Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to display all values for labor, material, and nonlabor resource costs,
price/unit values for roles, and costs for resource and resource assignments
User Defined fields. For users who do not have this privilege assigned to their
profile, all areas that display monetary values for labor, material, and
nonlabor resources and roles will display dashes and cannot be edited. For
resources, such areas include resource price/unit, values in resource
spreadsheets and histograms in Resource Analysis and Team Usage, and Cost data
types for Resource User Defined fields. For roles, the area is the price/unit
value in roles data. To display resources' price/unit, users must have this
privilege and the 'Edit Resources' global privilege assigned to their profile.

Administer Job Services option

whether the profile will enable users to set up the Apply Actuals, Batch
Reports, Export, Schedule, and Summarize services to run at specific time
intervals using the Job Service.

Add/Delete Secure Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create and remove all secure project codes, global and EPS-level
activity codes, and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure
issue codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Secure
Codes,' 'Assign Secure Codes,' and 'View Secure Codes' global privileges.

Edit Secure Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes
and associated activity code value colors, and resource codes and code values
data, as well as all secure issue codes, and code values data. This privilege
also selects the "Assign Secure Codes" and "View Secure Codes"
global privileges.

Assign Secure Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to assign all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes,
and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure issue codes and
code values data. This privilege also selects the 'View Secure Codes' global

View Secure Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to display all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes,
and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure issue codes and
code values data.

Add/Edit/Delete Currencies option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove currencies data.

Add/Edit/Delete Categories option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify administrative categories as defined in the Admin Categories
dialog box.

Edit Admin Preferences option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify administrative preferences as defined in the Admin Preferences
dialog box.

Provision Users from LDAP

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to search the LDAP directory when provisioning. For users who do not have
this privilege assigned to their profile, the option to load an LDIF file to
provision users will still be enabled. To search the LDAP directory, users also
must also have the 'Add/Edit/Delete Users' global privilege.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts option

whether the profile will enable users to edit, rename, and delete global
Visualizer layouts, and allows users to promote (add) layouts from the User or
Project Layouts category. To promote layouts from the Projects Layout category,
you also need the Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts privilege.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Filters option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global filters in Visualizer.

View All Global/Project Data via SDK option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to view All Global and Project Data via P6 Professional SDK. For Admin
Superusers, access to the P6 Professional SDK will be read/write. For all other
users, access will be read only.

Add/Edit/Delete Resource Curves option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove resource distribution curves definitions.

Add/Edit/Delete User Defined fields option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove User Defined fields. Even without this
privilege, users can still display User Defined fields information.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Project/WBS Layouts option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove global project and WBS layouts.

Add/Edit/Delete Microsoft Project and
Primavera Templates

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove templates that are used to import/export
data from/to Microsoft Project or Primavera XML formats.

Add/Edit/Delete Activity Step Templates option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove Activity Step Templates, which are used to
add a set of common steps to multiple activities.

Add/Edit/Delete Financial Period Dates option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove financial periods data. To edit period
data, users must also have the 'Edit Period Performance' project privilege
assigned to their profile.


4 P6 Professional includes a global profile called Admin Superuser.
This profile automatically gives a user all of the preceding privileges for all
projects and P6 Professional features (assuming all applicable checkboxes are
marked on the Users dialog box, Module Access tab). To enable read/write
privileges for all projects and features, you can apply the Admin Superuser
profile to a user.

4 The previous
table groups each privilege by functionality. The privileges are listed in the
same order as displayed in the Security Profiles dialog box. To view the
privileges in alphabetical order in the Security Profiles dialog box, click the
Privileges bar.

Project profiles

A project profile defines a set of
privileges for access to project-specific information. Project profiles are
assigned to users based on the OBS hierarchy. To control access to
project-specific information, you create project profiles, and then assign
specific OBS elements and associated project profiles to individual users. When
P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database, you do those tasks using
P6. The assigned OBS element determines the EPS and WBS elements for which the
user can access project information. The assigned project profile determines
the type of access privileges the user has to that project information.

All WBS elements must have an assigned
responsible OBS. If a user's project profile assignment includes a WBS
element's responsible OBS, then the user can access all activities and issues
related to that WBS element. Similarly, all thresholds and project issues also
have an assigned responsible OBS. If a user's project profile assignment
includes a threshold or issue's responsible OBS, then the user can access that
threshold or issue.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 Professional database:

The module does not require that each user
have a profile for every project. However, unless a user's global profile is
Admin Superuser, that user cannot access a project without a project profile.
See Admin
(on page 126). To allow complete access to a project/OBS
assignment, the module includes a project profile called Project Superuser. You
can apply the Project Superuser profile to as many users and for as many
projects as you like. See Project superuser (on page 126).

Note: Only an Admin Superuser can apply the Project Superuser profile to
a user.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6 EPPM database:

When Each user does not
require a profile for every project.However,
unless a user's global profile is Admin Superuser, that user cannot access a
project without a project profile. See Admin superuser (on page 126). To
allow complete access to a project/OBS assignment, you can apply a project
profile called Project Superuser.You
can apply the Project Superuser profile to as many users and for as many
projects as you like. See Project superuser (on page 126).

Project Privilege Definitions (P6 Professional

A project profile definition identifies the
specific access privileges that are granted by the profile. Each project
profile is associated with an organizational breakdown structure (OBS) element
to determine which EPS structure elements an individual user can access.

Add Projects option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify EPS budget logs, funding sources, and spending plans.

Delete Projects option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to delete, cut, and paste projects within the EPS node.

Summarize Projects option

Determines whether the
profile will enable users to summarize data for all projects in the EPS.

Edit Project Details Except Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to edit fields in General, Dates, Defaults, Resources, and Settings tabs
in Project Details. To assign a project baselines, users must also have the
"Assign Project Baselines" project privilege assigned to their

Administer Project External Applications option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify entries in the External Applications feature in P6

Schedule Projects option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to schedule a project.

Level Resources option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to level resources.

Apply Actuals option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to apply actuals to activities in a project.

Store Period Performance option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to track an actual this period value for actual units and costs in a
project. A user must be assigned the Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships
project privilege before you can assign this privilege.

Edit Period Performance option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify period performance values for labor and nonlabor units as well
as labor, nonlabor, material, and expense costs using P6 Professional. The
'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' and 'View Project Costs/Financials'
project privileges are also required for this functionality.

Maintain Project Baselines option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove baselines for projects.

Run Baseline Update option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to update a project's baselines with new project information using the
Update Baseline utility.

Assign Project Baselines option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to assign project baselines to projects. To assign project baselines,
users must also have the 'Edit Project Details Except Costs/Financials' project
privilege assigned to their profile.

Add/Edit/Delete Work Products and Documents option

whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove a project's
work products and documents.

View Project Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to display all monetary values for projects. For users who do not have
this privilege assigned to their profile, all areas that display monetary
values will display dashes and cannot be edited. To use the Recalculate
Assignment Costs feature, users must also have the 'Add/Edit Activities Except
Relationships' project privilege assigned to their profile. To display the
resource price/unit, users must have the 'View Resource and Role
Costs/Financials' global privilege assigned to their profile.

Edit Project Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify project activity codes data. This privilege also enables users
to create, modify, and remove project activity code values and associated
Visualizer colors.

Add Project Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create project activity codes and code values data. This privilege
also selects the 'Edit Project Activity Codes' project privilege.

Delete Project Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove project activity codes and code values data. This privilege
also selects the 'Add Project Activity Codes' and 'Edit Project Activity Codes'
project privileges.

Edit EPS Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify the name of EPS-level activity codes. This privilege also
enables users to create, modify, and remove EPS-level activity code values and
associated Visualizer colors.

Add EPS Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create EPS-level activity codes and code values. This privilege also
selects the 'Edit EPS Activity Codes' project privilege.

Delete EPS Activity Codes option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove EPS-level activity codes and code values data. This privilege
also selects the 'Add EPS Activity Codes' and 'Edit EPS Activity Codes' project

Monitor Project Thresholds option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to run the threshold monitor for a project.

Publish Project Web site option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to publish a project's Web site.

Edit Project Reports option

whether the profile will enable users to edit a project's reports, edit a
project's report batches, and export reports.

Add/Edit/Delete Project Calendars option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove calendars assigned to projects.

Run Global Change option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to run Global Change to update activity detail information.

Check In/Check Out Projects and Open Projects Exclusively option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to check projects out to work remotely and then check them back in. Also
determines whether the profile will enable users to open projects exclusively.

Import/View Contract Management Data option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to import and display data from Contract Management in P6 Professional.

Add/Edit/Delete WBS Except Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove WBS hierarchy nodes and other WBS level
data including notebook entries, earned value settings, milestones, and dates.
This privilege does not allow users to edit cost and financial data at the WBS

Edit WBS Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify Project or WBS budget logs, funding sources, spending plan, and
financial data at the project level. To edit costs and financials at the WBS
level, including cost UDFs, users must also have the ‘Add/Edit/Delete WBS
Except Costs/Financials’ project privilege assigned to their profile. The ‘Edit
WBS Costs/Financials’ privilege also selects the 'View Project
Costs/Financials' project privilege.

Add/Edit/Delete EPS Except Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove EPS hierarchy nodes, edit EPS notebook, and
edit all EPS-related data except financial information.

Edit EPS Costs/Financials option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify EPS budget logs, funding sources, and spending plans.

Add/Edit/Delete Expenses option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove expenses assigned to projects.

Add/Edit/Delete Issues and Issue Thresholds option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove thresholds and issues assigned to projects.
The privilege also enables users to assign issue codes to project issues.

Add/Edit/Delete Activity Relationships option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove activity relationships assigned to

Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create and modify all activity information in projects, except
activity relationships. To modify activity IDs, users must also have the 'Edit
Activity ID' project privilege assigned to their profile. To use the
Recalculate Assignment Costs feature, users must also have the 'View Project
Costs/Financials' project privilege assigned to their profile.

Delete Activities option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to remove activities from projects.

Edit Contract Management Project Link

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, edit, and delete a link to a Contract Management project.

Edit Activity ID option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to modify activity IDs. To modify activity IDs, users must also have the
'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' project privilege assigned to their

Edit Future Periods option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to enter, modify, and delete future period assignment values in the
Planned Units and Remaining (Early) Units fields of the Resource Usage
Spreadsheet using P6 Professional. The 'Add/Edit Activities Except
Relationships' project privilege is also required for this functionality.

Add/Edit/Delete Project Level Layouts option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, edit, and delete project level layouts in Activities,
Assignments, or WBS views.

Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to create, modify, and remove project layouts in Visualizer.

Add/Edit/Delete Risks option

Determines whether the profile will enable
users to assign risks to activities and to create, modify, and remove risks.


4 A project profile, Project Superuser, automatically gives a user all
of the above privileges for each project, according to the specified OBS

4 To allow read-write privileges for all aspects of a project, you can
assign a user to a project's root OBS element and then apply the Project
Superuser profile to the project/OBS assignment.

The previous table groups each privilege by
functionality. The privileges are listed in the same order as displayed in the
Security Profiles dialog box. To view the privileges in alphabetical order in
the Security Profiles dialog box, click the Privileges bar.

Note: To view resources' price/unit in
reports, users must have "Edit Resources" and "View Resource and
Role Costs/Financials" global privileges assigned to their profile.

Add new users
(P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Users.

Click Add.

What appears next depends on
your security configuration:

  1. If P6 Professional is running in Native authentication mode, the Add
    User dialog box will appear:
    1. Fill in the Login Name,
      Personal name, Enter new password, and Confirm new password fields.
    2. Click OK.
    3. If the ability to edit a
      personal resource calendar is required, you can select an associated resource
      from the Resource ID / Resource Name for Personal Calendar field, or you can
      create the link when you add resources.
    4. Click the Contact tab. Enter
      the user's e-mail address and office phone number.
    5. Click Close.


  • If you intend to use BI Publisher, avoid using commas when creating
    data other than Project names. The way that data other than Project names is
    passed to BI Publisher can cause a comma to be interpreted as a delimiter
    between data items.
  • Login names must be between 1 and 255 characters long. If the Enable
    Password Policy check box is cleared in the Admin Preferences dialog box,
    passwords must be between 1 and 20 characters long. If the Enable password
    policy check box is selected in the Admin Preferences dialog box, enter a
    password that is a minimum of 8 characters long, and that contains at least one
    alpha and one numeric character.
  • If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, the
    Password button does not appear since password management is handled through
    the directory server.
  • Users you create will not have access to any projects or features
    until you assign them a security profile.
  • If a user is also a resource, the e-mail address and office phone
    number you type in the Users dialog box overwrites the e-mail address and
    office phone number recorded in the Resources window General tab, if that
    information is different. Likewise, e-mail and phone information you enter in the
    Resources window overwrites the information in the Users dialog box.
  1. If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, the
    Import Domain Users dialog box will appear:
    1. Either click the Load LDIF
      button, or enter an LDAP query (for example, UID=*) under LDAP User Search
    2. If you clicked the Load LDIP
      button, browse to the location of the LDIF file, and click Open. If you entered
      an LDAP query, click Search.
    3. A list of users will appear,
      grouped by category. For example, LDAP repository users that do not exactly
      match P6 Professional users will be grouped together. If users exist in the
      LDAP repository, the Login Name, Personal Name, User EMail Address, and Office Phone
      fields are populated based on the field mappings in the LDAP configuration
    4. Select the Import option next
      to each Login Name that you with to import. New or modified users are
      automatically selected.
    5. Click Import Users.
    6. Click Close in the Users dialog


  • You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Users privilege and the Provision
    Users from LDAP privilege to search the LDAP directory. You do not need the
    Provision Users from LDAP privilege to import users from the LDIF file.
  • The new users will be assigned the default global profile.

Resource Security

Resource security allows the administrator
to restrict a user's resource access. By default, new users do not have access
to resources. To change the new user resource access click the Global Access


Login names must be between 1 and 255 characters long.
If the Enable Password Policy check box is cleared in the Admin Preferences
dialog box, passwords must be between 1 and 20 characters long. Otherwise, they
are required to be a minimum of 8 characters long, including at least one alpha
and one numeric character.

4 If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, the
Password button does not appear since password management is handled through
the directory server.

4 Users you create will not have access to any projects or features
until you assign them a security profile.

4 If a user is also a resource, the e-mail address and office phone
number you type in the Users dialog box overwrites the e-mail address and
office phone number recorded in the Resources window General tab, if that
information is different. Likewise, e-mail and phone information you enter in
the Resources window overwrites the information in the Users dialog box.

4 Oracle
recommends the use of strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 Professional are
defined as passwords containing between 8 to 20 characters and at least one
numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a
mixture of upper and lower case letters.

List number of
users having access to P6 Professional (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Users.

Click Count.

The Count dialog box
displays the number of users and the user name of each user assigned access to
P6 Professional. Expand a module to display the user name of each user assigned
access to a module.

If you want to print the
displayed information, click Print. Otherwise, click Close.


4 When you click
Print, the table prints the same as it appears on the screen. So collapsed
nodes are not expanded for printing, and expanded nodes print the entire list
of users.

Change user security profiles
(P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Users.

Select the user whose security
profiles you want to change.

To change a global profile,
click the Global Access tab and select a new global profile.

To change a project profile,
click the Project Access tab.

To remove the user's
current access to project information associated with a specific responsible
manager, select the manager, then click Remove.

To grant the user access to
project information associated with a specific responsible manager, click
Assign. Double-click the OBS element to which you want to grant access, then
click Close.

To change the user's
security profile for a project, double-click the security profile you want to
change, then select a new project profile.

user passwords (P6 Professional Only)

1) Depending on
your global profile, you may be able to change a user's password or your own. 2)
Choose Admin, Users.

Select the General tab.

Select the user who requires a
change of password. 5) Click Password.

In the New Password field,
enter the new password.

In the Confirm New Password
field, enter the password again, to verify it.

Click OK.


If the Enable password policy setting is selected in
the Password Policy field of the Admin Preferences dialog box, enter a password
that is a minimum of 8 characters long, and that contains one alpha and one
numeric character.

4 If the Enable password policy setting is not selected, enter a
password up to 20 characters long.

4 If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password
management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your
password through the module and the Password button does not appear on the
Users dialog box General tab.

4 Passwords are

4 Passwords that
were set before the new password policy was enabled are valid and usable.

Enable or disable user access to
P6 Professional (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Users.

Select the user for whom you
want to enable or disable module access, then click the Module Access tab.

In the Access column, mark or
clear the checkbox for the modules you want to enable or disable for the
selected user.

Remove users (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Users.

Select the user you want to
remove, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

global profiles (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Security

Choose Global Profiles, then
click Add.

Type the new profile's name.

To make the new profile the
default global profile, mark the Default checkbox.

Mark the appropriate checkboxes
to grant specific privileges to the profile.

Assign global profiles (P6
Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Users.

Select the user to whom you
want to assign a global profile.

Click the Global Access tab,
then select a global security profile.


4 A global profile, Admin Superuser, allows complete access to global
information, features, and all projects. To grant the user read/write
privileges for all projects and features, select Admin Superuser as the global
profile. You can apply the Admin Superuser profile to as many users as you

4 Only an Admin
Superuser can apply the Admin Superuser profile to a user.

4 To verify which
privileges are associated with a particular global profile, open the Security
Profiles dialog box (choose Admin, Security Profiles).

Change global profiles (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Security

Choose Global Profiles.

To change a profile's name, double-click
the profile, then type a new name.

To make a profile the default profile,
mark its corresponding Default checkbox.

To change a profile's
privileges, select the profile, then mark or clear the checkboxes to grant or
deny each privilege.

Delete global profiles (P6
Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Security

Choose Global Profiles.

Select the profile, then click

Click Yes.

project profiles (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Security

Choose Project Profiles, then
click Add.

Type the new profile's name.

To make the new profile the
default project profile, mark the Default checkbox.

Mark the appropriate checkboxes
to grant specific privileges to the profile.


4 Unless a user's
global profile is Admin Superuser, a user cannot access any projects without a
project profile.

Assign project profiles (P6
Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Users.

Select the user to whom you
want to assign a project profile, then click the Project Access tab.

Click Assign.

Double-click the OBS
element/responsible manager whose project information you want to allow the
user to access, then click Close.

Double-click the Security
Profile field, then select a profile.

Repeat steps 3 through 5 for
all projects to which you want the user to have access.


A project profile, Project Superuser, allows complete
access to a project/OBS assignment. To grant the user read/write privileges for
all aspects of a project, select Project Superuser as the user’s profile. Only
an Admin Superuser can apply the Project Superuser profile to a user.

To verify which privileges are associated with a
particular project profile, open the Security Profiles dialog box (choose
Admin, Security Profiles).


4 A user is not
required to have a profile for every OBS element. However, unless a user's
global profile is Admin Superuser, a user cannot access project information
without a project profile.

project profiles (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Security

Choose Project Profiles.

To change a profile's name, double-click
the profile, then type a new name.

To make a profile the default profile,
mark the Default checkbox.

To change a
profile's privileges, select the profile, then mark or clear the checkboxes to
grant or deny each privilege.

Delete project profiles (P6
Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Security

Choose Project Profiles.

Select the profile you want to
delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

Managing Resource Security (P6 Professional Only)

Introduction to Resource

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6
EPPM database, the administrator, using P6, can restrict a user's access to
resource information.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6
Professional database, the administrator can restrict a user's access to resource

The administrator can enable or disable
resource security for each user. When resource security is disabled, the user
has access to all resources. When resource security is enabled, the user has
access to either none of the resources or a selected part of the resource

How does resource security work?

To enable resource security, the
administrator assigns each user to a resource node in the resource hierarchy.
This is the user's root node. Then, the position of the root node in the
resource hierarchy determines the resources to which the user has access. Once
assigned to a resource node, the user has access only to the root node and all
of its children.

The administrator can give each user access
to the following:

All Resources

The user has access
to all resources with no restriction. This option disables resource security.

For Admin
superusers, resource security access settings are ignored; they are always
granted All Resources access.

No Resources

The user has no
access to resources. This is the default resource access to new users. Also, if
a resource is deleted from the resource hierarchy, users that previously had
been assigned to the deleted resource automatically get no access to resources.
If a user has no resources access, all global resource-related privileges are

Resource node (Selected Resources)

The user has access to the assigned
resource node and its children. You can assign only one node to a user.
Multiple resource nodes are not supported.


4 When connected to a P6 EPPM database: You need the appropriate
global privilege to manage resource security.

When connected to a P6 Professional database: You need
Add/Edit/delete Users global privilege to manage resource security.

In the Resource Assignments window you still have
access to current project resources.


The following
examples illustrate how resource security applies to users assigned to
different resource nodes:

A) User has access to all resources. Resource security is

B) User is assigned to resource node MIS. This user has access
only to root node MIS and its children.

C) User is
assigned to resource node SADM. This user has access only to root node SADM
and its children.

Implementing Resource Security
(P6 Professional Only)

Before you implement resource security in
your organization, you should know about the impact of restricting resource
access in P6 Professional. Users with restricted resource access may experience
the impact of the feature in the following major areas:

Resources View

If resource security is enabled, the
Resources View's Filter By options display the following resources:

All active resources

Displays all
active resources that you have access to in a hierarchy. Those current project
resources that are outside of your resource root node are not displayed.

All resources

Displays all
resources that you have access to in a hierarchy. Those current project
resources that are outside of your resource root node are not displayed.

Current Project's Resources

Displays only those current project
resources that you have access to. In other words, those current project
resources, who are under your root resource node. (Resources that you do not
have access to are not displayed even if they are current project

Resource Assignments View

In the Resource Assignments View you still
have access to all current project resources even if they are not under your
root node. If you have the proper privilege, you can modify their assignments
or reassign any resource to new activities.

Importing and Exporting Resources/Projects

If you have no
resource access, you cannot import new resources or activity resource
assignments, or issues associated with new resources. If you have limited
resource access, new resources are imported under your root node and you can
update existing resources only if you have access to them.

Enable Resource
Security (P6 Professional Only)

Resource security allows the administrator
to restrict a user's resource information access by assigning the user to a
resource node in the hierarchy. That resource node is the user's root node.
Once assigned to that root node, the user has access only to that resource node
and all of its children.

Resource security settings are honored the
next time the user logs in. Thus, if you modify your own resource security
settings, the changes will not take place until you exit the module and login

To enable resource security by assigning the
user to a resource node:

Choose Admin, Users.

Click the Global Access tab.

Select a user from the list.

The bottom of the
Global Access tab displays the selected user's current resource access

To enable resource security,
click the browse button in the Resource Access field, and assign a resource
node to the current user.

The current user gets access only to the
selected resource and its children after the next login.

To enable resource security by giving the user
no access to any resources:

Choose Admin, Users.

Click the Global Access tab.

Select a user from the list.

The bottom of the
Global Access tab displays the selected user's current resource access information.

To give the current user no
access to resources:

4 Clear the All
Resources Access checkbox, if it is marked.

Delete the Resource Access field, if it is not empty.

The current user gets no access to any
resources after the next login. This is the default for new users.


4 The All Resources Access option disables resource security and gives
the user access to all resources.

4 Admin Superuser always has All Resources access, regardless of the
resource security access settings.

4 If you have
restricted or no resource access, you cannot give All Resource access. This
option is enabled only for users with all resource access.

Disable Resource Security (P6
Professional Only)

Resource security allows the administrator
to restrict a user's resource information access by assigning the user to a
resource node in the hierarchy. That resource node is the user's root node.
Once assigned to that root node, the user has access only to that resource node
and all of its children.

To disable resource security:

Choose Admin, Users.

Click the Global Access tab.

Select the user from the list.

The bottom of the
Global Access tab displays the selected user's current resource access

Select All Resources.

All Resources

This option disables resource security for
the selected user and gives access to all resources.


4 Admin Superuser
always has All Resources access, regardless of the resource security access

Resource Access Information (P6 Professional Only)

The Global Access tab in the Users dialog
displays the selected user's resource access settings. The same settings can be
displayed as columns as well. To view resource access information, add the
Resource Access and All Resources Access columns to display in the Users dialog
box. These columns are not displayed by default.

All Resources Access

The All Resource
Access column displays a checkbox for each user. If the checkbox is marked, the
user has access to all resources. This option disables resource security.

This column is available only for users
with all resource access or Admin superusers.

Resource Access

The Resource Access
column displays the user's assigned node. The user has access to this resource
node and all its children.

If the Resource
Access column is empty and the All Resources Access checkbox is unmarked, the
user has no access to any resources.

Change Resource Security (P6
Professional Only)

You can change each user's resource access
in the Users dialog any time. The new settings apply when the user logs in.

To change resource security:

Choose Admin, Users.

Click the Global Access tab.

Select a user from the list.

The bottom of the
Global Access tab displays the selected user's current resource access

Change the user's resource
access settings.


4 Since a user's resource access depends on the position of the
assigned resource in the hierarchy, changing that position also means changing
the user's resource access.


Application Settings and Global Data

Defining Administrative Preferences (P6 Professional

Administrative preferences (P6
Professional Only)

Your organization can define a series of
application-wide parameters and values that apply to all projects. Your
organization can use these settings to customize your project to meet specific
project management requirements and standards. While all users can view these
settings, a user must have special security privileges to edit them. There are
two types of settings: Administrative Preferences and Administrative

administrators use the Admin Preferences dialog box to establish default
settings. You can use this dialog box to check the defaults that have been

Change the global code separator
(P6 Professional Only)

The global code separator is the character
that separates cost account and activity codes to indicate hierarchy levels.
The global code separator is used to indicate work breakdown structure (WBS)
hierarchy levels if you do not specify a code separator for a project.

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the General tab, then
type a new code separator character in the Code Separator section.

Set the week start day (P6
Professional Only)

You can specify the day on which the
calendar week begins.

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the General tab.

In the Starting Day of Week
section, select the day on which you want the workweek to begin.


 4 This setting
applies to all global, project, and resource calendars.

Set a default
activity duration (P6 Professional Only)

You can specify the default activity
duration for new activities added in all projects.

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the General tab.

In the Activity Duration
section, type a default activity duration in minutes, hours, days, weeks,
months, or years.


4 If you change
the default activity duration setting, the new default applies only to
activities added after the change; existing activities are not affected.

Define maximum hierarchy levels
(P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Data Limits tab.

Specify the number of hierarchy
levels each hierarchy may have.


4 If you change
maximum hierarchy level settings, your change only applies when you add new
elements or edit existing elements.

Define maximum project activity
codes (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Data Limits tab.

In the bottom section, specify
the maximum number of activity codes per project.

Define maximum baselines (P6
Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Data Limits tab.

In the bottom section of the
tab, specify the maximum number of baselines per project.

Define maximum
ID lengths (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the ID Lengths tab, then
specify the number of characters each code may have. Valid values are 1-40.


4 If you change
the maximum number of characters in a code length, your change only applies
when you add new codes or edit existing codes.

Set default workhours (P6
Professional Only)

P6 Professional calculates and stores time
unit values in hourly increments, but users can set preferences to display time
units in other increments, such as days or weeks. The values specified for
Hours per Time Period are used to convert hours to other time increments for
display, and to convert all non-hourly time increments to hours for storage in
the database. As an administrator, you can globally specify the conversion
factors, or you can enable the Hours per Time Period settings defined for each
calendar to control how units and durations are converted and stored.

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Time Periods tab.

If you want to globally specify
conversion factors, in the Hours per Time Period section, type the default
number of workhours you want to use for each time period.

If you want to use the Hours
per Time Period settings defined in each calendar as conversion factors, mark
the "Use assigned calendar to specify the number of work hours for each
time period" checkbox.

Set abbreviations for displaying
time (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Time Periods tab.

In the Time Period
Abbreviations section, type the abbreviations you want to use when displaying
each time period.

Define default
earned value settings (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Earned Value tab.

In the Technique for Computing
Performance Percent Complete section, select the default completion percentage
method you want to use for computing earned-value percent complete when
calculating an activity's earned value.

In the Technique for Computing
ETC section, select the default method for computing earned value
estimate-to-complete you want to use when calculating an activity's Estimate to
Complete (ETC) value.

In the Earned Value Calculation
section, choose how you want to calculate earned value. Choose to use the
baseline's At Completion values and current dates, planned values with planned
dates, or planned values with current dates when calculating earned value from
a baseline.

The current dates options use the Start/Finish dates for an activity
or resource assignment.


4 For each
project, earned value is calculated using the project baseline or each user's
defined primary baseline, depending on a preference setting on the Settings tab
of Project Details.

Set global
summarization options (P6 Professional Only)

In addition to specifying summarization
options per project (Project Details, Settings tab), if you have administrator
rights, you can specify global summarization options for storing resource
spreads at the activity and resource levels.

Choose Admin, Preferences.

Select the Options tab.

In the 'Select summarization
periods' section, choose how you want to summarize and store resource data: By
calendar, By financial period, or both.

If you choose to
summarize and store resource data by calendar intervals, in the WBS Level
field, choose the time interval, such as week or month, for storing summarized
activity data. Then, in the Resource/Role Assignment Level field, choose the
time interval, such as week or month, for storing summarized resource data.

If you choose to summarize
and store resource data by financial period intervals, activity and resource
data is stored in financial period intervals that correspond to the financial
periods defined in the Financial Periods dictionary. Choosing this option
enables P6 Professional to display all activity and resource data (including
non-past period actual data) in financial period timescale intervals.


If you want all project data in the database to be
summarized by financial period (including closed projects), you must create
financial periods that span the date range of all projects in the database. For
example, if the oldest project in your database has a project start date of
October 1st, 2001, your financial periods should begin on or before that date.

If you choose to summarize data by financial period,
you must summarize closed projects at least once to store project data in
financial period intervals. Doing so ensures that data will display accurately
in profiles and spreadsheets when users choose to display data for all projects
in a financial period timescale interval (rather than open projects only).


4 If you choose to summarize by both calendar and financial period
intervals, the runtime of summarizer jobs will increase.

4 If you summarize projects with the 'By calendar' option selected,
then clear the checkbox and summarize projects again, the previously existing
summary activity and resource spreads are not removed; you must remove them

If financial periods are not defined in the Financial
Periods dictionary, you can select the

'By financial period' option but data will
not be summarized by financial period.

Set the Online
Help location (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin

Click the Options tab.

In the P6 Professional Online
Help URL field:

Leave the default
URL to launch the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) site when Online Help is
selected from the Help menu.

Remove the URL to
disable the Online Help option from the Help menu for all users. Users will
only be able to access the local version of the help.

Specify a new
URL location to launch when Online Help is selected from the Help menu.

The Always launch Online Help
for the F1 shortcut key and context-sensitive help option is not selected by
default. To always launch online help for F1 key and help shortcuts, select
this option.


4 Using OTN
ensures that you always have the most current help content.

4 Clicking on
Online Help will launch the URL specified in Admin Preferences.

If the P6 Professional Online Help URL field is blank,
the Always launch Online Help for the F1 shortcut key and context-sensitive
help option is disabled.

 4 When connected
to a P6 Pro                           fessional database: Use P6 to set the online help location.

Setting the
Industry Type

After installing P6 Professional, you must
set the industry type for the software. The industry type determines the
terminology and default calculation settings that display in P6 Professional.

To set the industry type, complete the
following steps:

Log in to P6 Professional.

Choose Admin, Admin Preferences.

Click the Industry tab.

Select the option that most
closely aligns with your industry.

Note: If you set the
industry type and later change it, the new industry setting is immediately
effective for new users. However, the change will not take effect for users who
have logged in since it was last set. For information on how to make it
effective for existing users, refer to the article "How To Change The P6
Industry Type In P6 PPM (Professional), P6 EPPM R8.2 And Later Releases"
(Doc ID 1386047.1) at http://support.oracle.com.

The following table lists each industry
type and its corresponding terminology and default settings:

Industry Type

Industry Terminology Examples

Engineering and Construction

Budgeted Units

Budgeted Cost

Original Duration

Government, Aerospace, and Defense

Planned Units

Planned Cost

Planned Duration

High-Technology, Manufacturing, and Others

Planned Units

Planned Cost

Planned Duration

Utilities, Oil, and Gas

Budgeted Units

Budgeted Cost

Original Duration

Defining Administrative Categories (P6 Professional Only)

Administrative categories (P6
Professional Only)

Your organization can define a series of
application-wide parameters and values that apply to all projects. Your
organization can use these settings to customize your projects to meet specific
project management requirements and standards. While all users can view these
settings, a user must have the have Add/Edit/Delete Categories global privilege
to edit them.

Use the Admin Categories dialog box to
define standard categories and values you can apply across all projects,
including custom categories and category values for projects, resources, and
WBS elements.

Use the following tabs to establish the
following default categories and values:

: Create, edit, and delete baseline types. Use
these categories to standardize and categorize baselines, and to help benchmark
performance across projects.

: Create, edit, and delete expense
categories. Use these categories to standardize and categorize project
expenses, and organize and maintain expense information.

: Create a WBS category and create, edit,
and delete WBS category values. Use this category to standardize and categorize
WBS elements.

: Create, edit, and delete categories for
work products and documents. Use these categories to standardize and categorize
work products and documents, and organize and maintain work product and
document information.

: Create, edit, and delete document status
types. Use these status types to identify the current status of work products
and documents within a project.

: Create, edit, and delete risk
categories. Use these categories to classify risk types and to organize risks.

: Create, edit, and delete notebook topics.
Use notebook topics to organize related notes about an activity.

of Measure
: Add, delete, and organize units of

Baseline Types (P6 Professional Only)

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6
EPPM database, you can use P6 to create baseline types that you can assign to
baselines in any project. You can use baseline types to standardize baselines
for all projects.

When P6 Professional is connected to a P6
Professional database, you can create baseline types that you can assign to
baselines in any project. You can use baseline types to standardize baselines
for all projects.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Baseline Types tab,
then click Add.

Type the name of the new
baseline type.

Edit a baseline type (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Baseline Types tab.

Double-click the baseline type
you want to change, then enter a new baseline type.


To change the order in which baseline types are listed,
select the baseline type you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.


If you change a baseline type, your change applies to
all baseline assignments.

Delete a baseline type (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Baseline Types tab.

Select the baseline type you
want to delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

Expense Categories (P6
Professional Only)

Create expense categories (P6 Professional

You can create expense categories that you
can assign to expenses in any project. You can use these categories to organize
and maintain your expense information.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Expense Categories
tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new expense category.

Rename expense categories (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Expense Categories

Double-click the category whose
name you want to change, then type the expense category's new name.


To change the order in which expense categories are
listed, select the expense category you want to move, then click Shift Up or
Shift Down.


4 If you change
an expense category's name, your change applies to all expense item

Delete expense categories (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Expense Categories

Select the category you want to
delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.


WBS Category (P6
Professional Only)

Edit the WBS category (P6 Professional Only)

You can use a custom work breakdown
structure (WBS) category to organize and maintain WBS information in all

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the WBS Category tab,
which displays the current name of the WBS category, for example Project Phase.
Project phase is the default WBS category. (See the graphic below.)

In the WBS Category field, type
the new WBS category name. (This name will appear in the associated tab on the
left side of this dialog box.)


4 The category's
current values and value assignments do not change when you change the WBS

Click the tab that displays the
name of the current WBS category, then click Add.

Type the new value.

Use the Shift Up and Shift Down
arrows to position the new value in the Category Value list.


Assign WBS Category values (P6 Professional

You can assign a WBS category value from
the Work Breakdown Structure window.

Display a column for the WBS
category, if it is not already displayed.

Click the Display Options
bar, choose Columns, and then choose Customize. In the Available Options
section, under the General subsection, choose the WBS category. Click  , then click OK.

In the WBS table, select the
WBS element to which you want to assign a WBS category value, then double-click
in the WBS category column.

Double-click the category value
you want to assign.

Change WBS category values (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the tab that displays the
name of the current WBS category.

Double-click the value you want
to change, then type the new value.


If you change a category value, your change applies to
all WBS assignments.

Delete WBS category values (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the tab that displays the
name of the current WBS category.

Select the value you want to
delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

Document Categories (P6 Professional Only)

Create document categories (P6 Professional

You can set up categories to assign to work
products and documents.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Document Categories
tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new document category.


4 To change the
order in which document categories are listed, select the document category you
want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.

Rename document categories (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Document Categories

Double-click the category whose
name you want to change, then type the document category's new name.


To change the order in which document categories are
listed, select the document category you want to move, then click Shift Up or
Shift Down.


4 If you change a
document category's name, your change applies to all document item assignments.

Delete document categories (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Document Categories

Select the category you want to
delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

Settings and Global Data

Statuses (P6 Professional Only)

Create a document status (P6 Professional

You can create status types that you can
assign to documents in any project. A document's status helps you determine
which documents are approved work products and documents, standards, and
deliverables, and if they can be assigned to activities or work breakdown
structure elements.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Document Status tab,
then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new status.


4 To change the
order in which document statuses are listed, select the document status you
want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.

Change document status names (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Document Status tab.

Double-click the status whose
name you want to change, then type the new name.


To change the order in which document statuses are
listed, select the document status you want to move, then click Shift Up or
Shift Down.


4 If you change
the name of a document status, your change applies to all document assignments.

Delete a document status (P6 Professional

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Document Status tab.

Select the status you want to
delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

Risk Categories
(P6 Professional Only)

Create risk categories (P6 Professional Only)

You can create hierarchical risk categories
of possible risks that you can assign to risks. Risk categories are a
classification of risk types customized to your specific project or business
that are used to categorize and organize risks. Categorizing risks enables you
to analyze the types of risks occurring and see trends within the project or
across multiple projects.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Risk Categories tab,
then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new risk category.


4 To change the
hierarchical order in which risk categories are listed, select the risk
category you want to move, then click Shift up, Shift down, Shift Right, or
Shift Left, as applicable.

Edit risk categories (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Risk Categories tab.

Double-click the category you
want to change, then enter the new risk category name.


To change the hierarchical order in which risk
categories are listed, select the risk category you want to move, then click
Shift up, Shift down, Shift Right, or Shift Left, as applicable.


If you change a risk category, your change applies to
all risk assignments.

Delete risk categories (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Risk Categories tab.

Select the risk category you
want to delete, then click Delete. 4) Click Yes.

Note: Deleting a risk category deletes all children and their

Settings and Global Data

Notebook Topics
(P6 Professional Only)

Create notebooks (P6 Professional Only)

Use notebooks to set up general categories
for activity, project, EPS, and WBS notes. You can assign notebooks in any

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Notebook Topics tab,
then click Add.

Type the name of the new

Mark the checkbox in the
appropriate column to make the new notebook available in EPS, Project, WBS, or
Activity views.


4 To change the
order in which notebook topics are listed, select the notebook topic you want
to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.

Change notebook names (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Notebook Topics tab.

Double-click the notebook whose
name you want to change, then enter the notebook's new name.


To change the order in which notebook topics are
listed, select the notebook topic you want to move, then click Shift Up or
Shift Down.


If you change a notebook’s name, your change applies to
all assignments.

Delete notebooks (P6 Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Click the Notebook Topics tab.

Select the notebook topic you
want to delete, then click Delete.

Click Yes.

Units of Measure
(P6 Professional Only)

Define the units of measure for material
resources (P6 Professional Only)

A unit of measure describes the quantity of
a particular resource. Labor resources are often measured in units of time,
such as hours or days; materials can be measured in cubic or linear feet, or
perhaps in tons or kilos; items used one-by-one can be measured individually
(EA) or as shipped: a box, a case, a pallet. Money is generally measured in
monetary units, such as dollars, Euros, or yen.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

In the Units of Measure tab,
click Add.

In the Unit Abbreviation
column, type the abbreviation to use as the label for the new unit of measure.

In the Unit Name column, type
the name of the new unit of measure.

Delete Units of Measure (P6 Professional Only)
You can delete any available unit of measure.

Choose Admin, Admin Categories.

Select the Units of Measure
tab, then select a Unit Abbreviation or Unit Name.

Click Delete.


4 If the units of
measure you attempt to delete is in use, a message will prompt you that the
unit of measure is still in use. Click Yes to continue deleting. The unit of
measure is deleted from the resource, but the resource remains.

Settings and Global Data

Defining Currencies (P6 Professional Only)

Currencies (P6 Professional

You can specify the monetary unit or base
currency used to store costs for all projects in the database, as well as the
monetary unit or view currency used to display costs in windows and dialog

The exchange rate for the base currency is
always 1.0. If you select a different currency than the base currency to view
costs, the base currency value is multiplied times the current exchange rate
for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost fields.

For example, if the base currency is U.S.
Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate is €0.75 = $1, a
value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as €7.5 in cost fields in
windows and dialog boxes. Similarly, if you enter €7.5 in a cost field, it is
stored in the database as $10.


4 Only a user with Admin Superuser privileges can change the base
currency and define additional view currency types.

4 When you enter
values in cost fields, they are always displayed in the view currency.

4 If you are
upgrading from a previous version, you should set up the base currency in the
new version before you start adding and changing projects.

Add a view currency (P6
Professional Only)

Choose Admin, Currencies.

Click Add.

Click the General tab, then
type an ID that clearly identifies the currency type.

Type the currency’s name.

Enter the symbol used to
identify the currency.

Enter the global exchange rate
for the currency.

Click the Appearance tab, then
select the symbol used to separate whole values from decimal values in the
currency display, for example, 500.5 or 500,5.

Select the symbol used to
separate groups of digits in the currency display, for example, 300,000 or

Select the number of decimal
places to display in currency values, for example, none (70), one (70.1), or
two (70.14).

Select the format used to
display positive and negative currency values.

Define a
base currency (P6 Professional Only)

The base currency, by default, is U.S.

Choose Admin, Currencies.

Select the current base
currency, then click the General tab.

Type the new ID, name, and
symbol over the existing values, to define the new base currency. 4) Click the
Appearance tab.

Select the symbol used to
separate whole values from decimal values in the currency display, for example,
500.5 or 500,5.

Select the symbol used to
separate groups of digits in the currency display, for example, 300,000 or

Select the number of decimal
places to display in currency values, for example, none (70), one (70.1), or
two (70.14).

Select the format used to
display positive and negative currency values.


If you want to view costs in the old base currency, you
will need to add it back to the list of available currencies.


4 The Base
checkbox indicates which currency is used to store cost data. You cannot mark
or clear this checkbox.

Settings and Global Data

Setting User Preferences

Define user preferences

Choose Edit, User

Click the Time Units tab and
define how to display time information.

Click the Dates tab and specify
a format for dates.

Click the Currency tab and
select a view currency. Also, specify how to format currency data.

Click the E-Mail tab and enter
your e-mail settings.

Click the Assistance tab and
specify which wizards to use.

Click the Application tab and
set your startup options. You can also select how you want labels on grouping
bands to display and define the range of financial periods that are available
for display as columns. In addition, you can set the time interval that P6
Professional polls the database for job alerts, which are created every time a
job you submit completes or fails.

Click the Password tab and
modify your password.

If P6 Professional is
running in LDAP authentication mode, password management is handled through the
directory server. You cannot change your password through the module and the
Password tab does not appear in the User Preferences dialog box.

Click the Resource Analysis
tab. Define the parameters for viewing all project data in the Resource Usage
profile and how to display and calculate time-distributed data.

Click the Calculations tab and
choose how you want the units, duration, and units/time calculated when adding
or removing multiple resource assignments on activities. You can also choose to
always use a resource's or role's units/time, overtime factor, and price/unit
when a resource and role share an assignment on the same activity.

For Oracle or SQL Server
installations, click the Startup Filters tab and choose to display current
project data or all data in the enterprise. You can also choose whether
resource summary data will load at startup.


4 See Future
period bucket planning FAQ for information on how user preference settings
affect your planning if you manually plan future period resource allocation in
the Resource Usage Spreadsheet.

how to display time information

You can specify how to display time
information, such as time units, activity durations, resource rates, and
resource availability.

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Time Units tab.

In the Units Format section,
select the unit of time you want to display for work efforts, and resource
prices and availability.

Mark the Sub-unit checkbox to
display sub-units in the next smaller time increment.

Select the number of decimal
places to display for time unit values.

Mark the Show Unit Label
checkbox to display the time unit abbreviation with the time value.

Type an example of the time

In the Durations Format
section, select the unit of time you want to display for activity duration

Mark the Sub-unit checkbox to
display sub-units in the next smaller time increment.

Select the number of decimal
places to display for activity duration values.

Mark the Show Duration Label
checkbox to display the time unit abbreviation with the duration value.

Type an example of the duration

Choose how to display resource
units per time, either as a percentage or as units per duration.


4 If you manually
plan future period resource/role allocation in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet,
you should set the Units Format and Durations Format according to the time
periods in which you plan your work. For example, if you plan future work in
daily time periods, you should set the Units Format to Hour and the Durations
Format to Day. Similarly, if you plan future work in weekly time periods, you
should set the Units Format to Hour or Day, and the Durations Format to

Specify a format for dates

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Dates tab.

In the Date Format section,
select the order in which you want all dates to appear.

In the Time section, specify
how or whether you want to display time. 5) In the Options section, select the
date formatting options you want to apply.

Specify a
format for currency

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Currency tab.

Mark the Show Currency Symbol
checkbox to display the currency symbol before currency values.

Mark the Show Decimal Digits
checkbox to display decimals for currency values.

Select a view currency

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Currency tab.

Select the currency in which to
view cost data.

Indicate whether to show the
currency symbol and decimal digits for the selected currency.

Enter e-mail settings

You can access your e-mail account to send
e-mail messages.

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the E-Mail tab.

Select the mail protocol for
your e-mail system.

Type the profile name, login,
or username you use to access your e-mail server.

Click Password, then type your
password for the e-mail server.

Type the SMTP server name or
address to use to send outgoing e-mail.

Type the e-mail address to
which you want your return e-mail sent.

If you do not enter
a return e-mail address, all e-mail is returned to the address you used to send
the e-mail.

Set wizard options

You can specify whether you want wizards to
help you add activities and resources.

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Assistance tab.

To use the New Resource wizard,
mark the Use New Resource Wizard checkbox.

To use the New Activity wizard,
mark the Use New Activity Wizard checkbox.

Change my

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Password tab.

Click Password.

Type a new password.

Type the password again to
verify it. 6) Click OK.


When connected to a P6 Professional database:

4 If the Enable password policy setting is selected in the Password
Policy field of the Admin Preferences dialog box, you must enter a password
that is between 8 and 20 characters and contains at least one number and one

4 If the Enable password policy setting is not selected, enter a
password between 1 and 20 characters long.

When connected to a P6 EPPM database:

4 When the Password Policy is disabled in Application Settings in P6,
the password must be between 1 and 20 characters. P6 does not allow blank

4 When the Password Policy is enabled in Application Settings in P6,
the password must be between 8 and 20 characters and contain at least one
number and one letter.

4 If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password
management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your
password through the module and the Password tab does not appear in the User
Preferences dialog box.

4 Passwords are

4 Passwords that were set before the new password policy was enabled
are valid and usable.

Passwords are required.

Set startup options

You can specify the window you want to
display each time you start the application.

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Application tab.

In the Startup Window section,
select the window to display each time you start the module.

Mark the Show the Issue
Navigator Dialog at Startup checkbox to view the Issue Navigator each time you
open the module.

Mark the Show the Welcome
Dialog at Startup checkbox to view the Welcome dialog box each time you open
the module.

Create a
log of tasks

You can record internal function calls, or
the actions you perform, in an ERRORS.LOG file. This file is created in the
user's My Documents folder.

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Application tab.

In the Application Log File
section, mark the Write Trace of Internal Functions to Log File checkbox.


4 You should use
this option only when investigating an application error with the assistance of
Oracle Customer Support staff.

Define the range of financial
periods to display in columns

If your organization stores past period
actuals in financial periods, you must define the range of financial periods
you want to display when you choose to display financial period columns (for
example, in the Activity Table). For example, if your organization stores past
period actuals in weekly financial periods and financial periods have been
defined for the previous year and the next year, you can choose to display a
subset of these weekly financial periods as columns to facilitate easier
viewing of past period actual data.

To define the range of financial periods:

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Select the Application tab.

In the Columns section, click  to select the financial periods that represent
the first and last financial period in the range of financial periods you want
to display as columns.

Click Close.


4 If you do not
select a range of financial periods to display, no financial period columns
will be available for display.

resource analysis options

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Resource Analysis

In the All Projects section,
specify the extent of information you want to gather from closed projects when
calculating remaining units and costs for spreadsheet, profiles, and tracking
layouts. (Closed projects are any projects in the enterprise project structure
(EPS) that are not currently open.)

To include live data from all
open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects (excluding those
with a what-if status), choose All Closed Projects (Except What-If Projects).

To include live data from all
open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects with a specific
leveling priority, choose Closed All Projects with Leveling Priority Equal/Higher
Than, then specify the leveling priority you want to use. (Specify the leveling
priority per project in the General tab of the Projects window.) This value is
used to consider applicable external projects’ (those not included in the
current layout) when deducting from resource availability immediately during

Choose Open Projects Only to
exclude resource data from external (closed) projects in the remaining units
and cost values for resource profiles/spreadsheets and tracking layouts.

In the Time-Distributed Data
section, choose a starting point for calculating remaining units and costs for
resource profiles and spreadsheet displays and in tracking layouts.

To focus on the current
remaining estimate, choose Remaining Early Dates.

To focus on values calculated
from a forecast date, choose Forecast Dates.

Select the interval at which
live resource and cost calculations are performed for resource profiles and
spreadsheets and in tracking layouts—hour, day, week, or month. Profiles, spreadsheets,
and layouts are affected only if their timescale interval is set lower than the
interval set in the Interval for Time-Distributed Resource Calculations field.

Choose to display role limits
based on custom role limits defined in the Roles dictionary or the calculated
limit of each role's primary resource. You can view role limits in
spreadsheets, charts, and histograms that display role data in P6 Professional.


4 If you manually
plan future period resource/role allocation in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet,
your selections in the Time-Distributed Data section may affect your planning.

How? If you choose
to display time-distributed Remaining Early units and costs according to
forecast dates rather than remaining early dates, you cannot enter or edit
values in the Remaining Units field in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet.

Additionally, if the
displayed timescale intervals in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet are smaller
than the minimum timescale interval used for time-distributed resource
calculations, you cannot enter or edit future period values in the Resource
Usage Spreadsheet. For example, if this option is set to Week, you can only
enter or edit data in weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or financial period
future period buckets.

Startup Filters

Choose Edit, User Preferences.

Click the Startup Filters tab.

Select the appropriate option
for each data element listed. You can choose to view data for your current
projects only or all data in the enterprise.


4 Startup filters
are available for Oracle and SQL Server installations. Startup filters are disabled
for stand-alone installations.

Select calculation options for
resource and role assignments

Choose Edit, User

Click the Calculations tab.

In the Resource Assignments
section, specify how to calculate remaining values when new resource
assignments are added to or removed from activities.

Choose Preserve
the Units, Duration, and Units/Time for existing assignments if you want units,
durations, and units/time to remain constant when additional resources are
assigned to an activity.

Choose Recalculate the Units, Duration, and
Units/Time for existing assignments based on the activity Duration Type if you
want to calculate a resource assignment's remaining values based on the
activity's duration type specified in the Activity Details General tab.

In the Assignment Staffing
section, specify how you want the module to calculate costs for an assignment
when you replace a resource on an existing activity assignment or when you
assign both a resource and a role to the same activity assignment.

When replacing
a resource on an existing activity assignment, choose to always use the
units/time and overtime factor of the current assignment or of the new resource
replacing the existing assignment; or, choose to be prompted to select which
units/time and overtime factor you want to use each time you replace a resource
on an existing activity assignment.

When assigning a resource to an existing
role assignment or when assigning a role to an existing resource assignment,
choose to always use the price/unit of the resource or role; or, choose to be
prompted to select which price/unit you want to use each time you assign a
resource and a role to an activity assignment.


If you manually plan future period resource allocation
in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet, your selections on the Calculations tab can
affect the values you manually enter in future periods for an assignment.


4 For Fixed Duration and Units activities P6 Professional will not
recalculate the actual units for existing resource assignments if they have
negative units/time, units, or cost values.

If you choose to always use the role's price/unit, the
Rate Source is set to Role in the Activity Details, Resources tab. If you
choose to always use the resource's price/unit, the Rate Source is set to
Resource. The price/unit value used to calculate costs for the assignment is
determined by the rate type you select in the Rate Type field (rate types are
resource- and role-specific).


Terminal Services and Citrix

Windows Terminal Services and Citrix

P6 Professional fully supports Microsoft
Windows 2008 SP2 Terminal Services along with Citrix XenApp (Citrix), check the
tested configurations for supported versions.

Running P6 Professional under Windows
Terminal Services published through Citrix is recommended in the following

4 P6 Professional users running through a WAN connection are having
performance issues whereas users on the local LAN are achieving acceptable

4 The connect speed between the desktop client and database server is
a T1/T3 WAN link or slower with 50 milliseconds or more of latency.

4 You have sensitive project data that you want to secure through an
SSL connection (Citrix supports SSL/High RCA encryption technologies).

You do not want to upgrade the hardware of all your
desktop clients or maintain remote client configurations, but would rather
centralize your users for easier administration.

Windows Terminal Server with Citrix
provides users with the ability to run P6 Professional over a slower
asynchronous dial-up or WAN connection from Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh
terminals and get better performance since only screen refreshes and keystrokes
are sent across the communication line. Windows Terminal Server 2008 without Citrix
can also be used to run P6 Professional, but other considerations need to be
taken into account.

The Citrix add-on enhances Terminal Server
by adding the ICA protocol, which supports IPX/SPX, NetBIOS, and TCP/IP
protocols. Using Citrix adds support for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh, as well as
Microsoft clients. Also, Citrix automatically configures clients as they
connect and has the ability to auto-configure local printers.

In This Section

Pre-Installation Considerations

Installing P6 Professional on Terminal
Services .................................................... 191

Pre-Installation Considerations

You need a knowledge of Windows 2008 Terminal Services
and Citrix

You need the Local Administrator account for software
installation and Citrix publishing

4 It is recommended that a shared drive be used on the LAN local to
the terminal services server for project imports and exports due to WAN
performance considerations.

It is recommended that the users' home directories
reside on the same LAN as the Terminal Server/Citrix server due to potential
performance issues across various functions in P6 Professional

P6 Professional User requirements

To run on Windows Terminal Services
published through Citrix:

Each P6 Professional user must use a unique Windows

Each P6 Professional user must use a unique account in
P6 Professional.

PM.ini Logic

At launch, P6 Professional checks for the PM.ini file in the following order in
the following locations:

In the same directory as the
executable file.

In the user's roaming app data
folder. 3) In the user's local app data folder.

If the file is not found in any of these
locations, the PM.ini file in the

%ProgramData%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional folder is copied to the user's local profile (\Users\$USERNAME\AppData\Local\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional).

Terminal Services and Citrix

Installing P6 Professional on
Terminal Services

To install P6 Professional, the
Administrator or an account in the local Administrators group must log in to
the Terminal Server.


Install Oracle or SQL Server Client drivers
as appropriate on the Windows Terminal Servers as described in their respective

With Oracle database, confirm the Create Global Objects Windows Security
Policy is set up on the Terminal Servers and add the domain Users or Groups of
the end-users who will be accessing the published application.  If the local security policy is not set up,
complete the following steps to add the policy:

Click Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, and then click Local Security Policy.

Expand Local Policies, and then
click User Rights Assignments.

In the right pane, double-click
Create Global Objects.

In the Local Security Policy
Setting dialog box, click Add.

In the Select Users or Group
dialog box, select the user group that these end users are a part of, click Add, and then click OK. 6) Click OK.

With Oracle database, the Oracle client software also requires
that you give the Authenticated User
, Read and Execute privilege
to the Oracle Home Directory and ALL its
subdirectories and files on the Terminal Servers.

Installation Steps

Run the P6 Professional setup.

Note: Terminal Services
automatically runs setup in Terminal Services install mode.

Install P6 Professional.

When setup completes, click the
Finish dialog to the Terminal Services install mode.

After configuring database
connections as described in the installation documentation, deploy
PrmBootStrapV2.xml to the ALLUsers appdata folder from the admin user's appdata
folder, so that users who launch P6 for the first time will inherit the
PrmBootStrap.xml file with existing database configurations. Change
DeploymentVersion in the header of PrmBootStrap.xml file to force a new
deployment of PrmBootStrap.xml.

Note: Force a new
deployment of the PrmBootstrapV2.xml
file to users who have an existing PrmBootstrapV2.xml
by incrementing the deployment version one number higher in the PrmBootstrap.xml, which exists in the
ALLUSERS profile. Never change MajorVersion or MinorVersion. If the deployment
version is not incremented and a user already has a PrmBootstrap.xml file in their local profile, it will use the
existing file rather than deploy a new copy from the ALLUSERS profile.

incrementing the deployment version from 0 to 1:

<BootStrap MajorVersion="8"
MinorVersion="2" PatchVersion="0"
DeploymentVersion="1" Default PRMBootStrapV2.xml location:

P6\P6 Professional

Test the application by logging up to two users into the Terminal Server. If
errors occur, contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Note: The Citrix
Administrator Application can also publish the application through Citrix.


Using Oracle
Secure Global Desktop

Using Oracle Secure Global Desktop

You can use Oracle Secure Global Desktop to
publish P6 Professional and P6 Professional to remote users.

See the Tested
document for supported versions of Oracle Secure Global

For details on publishing Windows desktops,
see the Oracle Secure Global Desktop
Administration Guide
. You will find the Secure Global Desktop documentation
library here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/sgd-193668.html.


Troubleshooting Importing Projects from P3 to P6
Professional (P6 Professional Only)

Use this section to troubleshoot importing
P3 projects if you have experienced the following:

You cannot import P3 projects due to the option being
grayed out.

The option was not grayed out, but you received any of
the following error messages:

4 Event Code ICSPI-1034-6 Invalid class string, ProgID:
"p3session32" when trying to Import a P3 Project into P6

4 COM exception caught. Value = 0 when trying to Import multiple P3
Projects into P6 Professional.

Typing REGSVR32 RA32.DLL from the windows command
prompt returns

"LoadLibrary(ra32.dll) failed- cannot
find desired module when P3 or SureTrak are not installed on the workstation.

In This Section

Enabling the P3 Option in the P3/SDEF to
XER Project Conversion Dialog Box ... 195

Registering ra32.dll

Troubleshooting Importing Projects from P3 to P6 Professional
(P6 Professional Only)

Enabling the P3 Option in the
P3/SDEF to XER Project Conversion Dialog Box

In order to enable the P3 option in the P3/SDEF to
XER Project Conversion
dialog box in P6 Professional, complete one of the
following tasks associated with your operating system:

For 32-bit Operating Systems

Install P3 or SureTrak on the workstation.

4 Uninstall P6 Professional and then install P3 or SureTrak. After you
install P3 or SureTrak, reinstall P6 Professional.

Copy the following BTRIEVE engine files from CD\Btrieve\win32 the P3 installation disk to \Windows\System32 and then modify your registry settings for ra32.dll
using the procedure in Registering ra32.dll (on page




For 64-bit Operating Systems

Copy the following BTRIEVE engine files from CD\Btrieve\win32\Tools on your P3 installation disk to \Windows\SysWOW64 and then modify your registry settings for ra32.dll
using the procedure in Registering ra32.dll (on page





  • You are unable to install P3 or SureTrak on 64-bit operating
  • For more information about enabling the P3 option in the P3/SDEF to XER Project Conversion
    dialog box, refer to Unable to Import P3
    Project Directly into P6 (Doc ID 910992.1)
    on My Oracle Support.

Registering ra32.dll

To register ra32.dll:

Run the Command Prompt as an

Note: If you are on a 64-bit operating system, you must run cmd.exe as an administrator from \Windows\SysWOW64.

Change your directory to <P6
Professional_Home>\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6


Where <P6
Professional_Home> is the location at which P6 Professional is installed. 3)
Enter the following command: regsvr32 ra32.dll


For More

For More Information

In This Section

Where to Get Documentation

Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................

Where to Get Training

Where to Get
Support ...........................................................................................

Where to Get Documentation

documentation libraries for P6 Professional releases are available on the
Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/primaverappm-098696.html

From this location you can either view
libraries online or download them to have local copies. We recommend viewing
them from OTN to ensure you always access the latest versions, including
critical corrections and enhancements.

The documentation assumes a standard setup
of the product, with full access rights to all features and functions.

Help System Access

P6 Professional is
configured to access its help systems on OTN. However, downloadable versions of
the help systems are also available on OTN if you need to download, deploy, and
access a local copy.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment
to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that
have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle
Support. For information, visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing

Where to Get Training

To access comprehensive training for all
Primavera products, go to:


Oracle Learning Library

The Oracle Learning Library (OLL) provides
online learning content covering Primavera products. Content includes
whitepapers, videos, tutorials, articles, demos, step-by-step instructions to
accomplish specific tasks, and self-paced interactive learning modules.

access the learning library’s Primavera content, go to:  http://www.oracle.com/oll/primavera

Where to Get Support

f you have a question about using Oracle
products that you or your network administrator cannot resolve with information
in the documentation or help, click http://support.oracle.com. This page
provides the latest information on contacting Oracle Global Customer Support,
knowledge articles, and the support renewals process. For more information
about working with Support, visit https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=888813.2
to view Support Tools & Tips.

Using Primavera's Support Resource Centers

Primavera’s Support Resource Center provides
links to important support and product information. Primavera's Product Information
Centers (PICs) organize documents found on My Oracle Support (MOS), providing
quick access to product and version specific information such as important
knowledge documents, Release Value Propositions, and Oracle University
training. PICs also offer documentation on Lifetime Management, from planning
to installs, upgrades, and maintenance.

https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=1486951.1 to access
links to all of the current PICs. PICs also provide access to:

4 Communities which are moderated by Oracle providing a place for collaboration
among industry peers to share best practices.

News from our development and strategy groups.

Education via a list of available Primavera product trainings through Oracle
University. The

Oracle Advisor Webcast program brings
interactive expertise straight to the desktop using Oracle Web Conferencing
technology. This capability brings you and Oracle experts together to access
information about support services, products, technologies, best practices, and

Keeping Your Software Up to Date

To ensure you have the latest versions of
your products, be sure to download and install all available patch sets from

Finding Security-related Patches

To get the latest information about
Critical Patch Updates, visit

Legal Notices

Oracle Primavera P6 Professional
Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database)

Copyright © 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its
affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks
of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
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This software and related documentation are
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The information contained herein is subject
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P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1的更多相关文章

  1. P6 EPPM Installation and Configuration Guide 16 R1 April 2016

    P6 EPPM Installation and Configuration Guide 16 R1         April 2016 Contents About Installing and ...

  2. Microsoft SQL Server on Linux 踩坑指南

    微软用 SQL Server 在 2016 年的时候搞了一个大新闻,宣传 Microsoft ❤️ Linux 打得一众软粉措手不及.但是这还是好事情,Linux 上也有好用的 SQL Server ...

  3. ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server Post Installation图解(转)

    ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server Post Installation图解 使用ArcSDE作为空间数据引擎时,经常遇到服务无法启动的情况(启动服务时提示:本地计算机上的a ...

  4. 未能加载包“Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools”

    直接在vs2013里的App_Data目录创建数据库,在服务器资源管理器中查看时报错: 未能加载包“Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools” 英文: The 'Microsof ...

  5. Microsoft SQL Server Trace Flags

    Complete list of Microsoft SQL Server trace flags (585 trace flags) REMEMBER: Be extremely careful w ...

  6. Microsoft SQL Server Version List [sqlserver 7.0-------sql server 2016]

    http://sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.jp/   What version of SQL Server do I have? This unofficial build ch ...

  7. Microsoft SQL Server Version List(SQL Server 版本)

    原帖地址 What version of SQL Server do I have? This unofficial build chart lists all of the known Servic ...

  8. Jmeter—8 连接microsoft sql server数据库取数据

    本文以Jmeter 连接microsoft sql server为例. 1 从微软官网下载Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 地址:http://www.microsof ...

  9. 使用 Oracle GoldenGate 在 Microsoft SQL Server 和 Oracle Database 之间复制事务

    使用 Oracle GoldenGate 在 Microsoft SQL Server 和 Oracle Database 之间复制事务 作者:Nikolay Manchev 分步构建一个跨这些平台的 ...


  1. ibatis返回map列表

    ibatis返回map列表 1. resultClass="java.util.HashMap"   <select id="queryCustmerCarNoBy ...

  2. leveldb - menifest文件格式

    MANIFEST文件是Level DB的元信息文件,它里面的格式是leveldb的Log格式,一个menifest是一个record: void VersionEdit::EncodeTo(std:: ...

  3. LeetCode: Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 解题报告

    https://leetcode.com/submissions/detail/32662938/ Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest ...

  4. ./adb: cannot execute binary file:

    问题描述: 在32位ubuntu(12.04)上下载了最新的android SDK,使用SDK manager 下载ADB之后发现,无法运行ADB命令,排除权限问题,在网上搜到答案: http://a ...

  5. No connection string named '***' could be found in the application config file

    Code-First时更新数据库遇到妖孽问题“No connection string named '***' could be found in the application config fil ...

  6. sql server trace 和 Profiler

    MS SQL Server Profiler概述:       MS SQL Server Profiler是SQL Trace的GUI接口,提供对SQL Server Database Engine ...

  7. popupwindow 与 输入法

    有时候popupwindow会被输入法覆盖, 有时候popupwindow会被输入法给顶上去. 而且这个问题还跟theme的windowFullscreen属性相关. 不过这些可以都不用管, 根据项目 ...

  8. VirtualBox中安装CentOS-6.6虚拟机

    1. 下载 可以到官网下载,http://mirror.centos.org/centos/ 如果下载速度太慢的话,也可以到163镜像下载: http://mirrors.163.com/centos ...


    http://www.cnblogs.com/handsome1013/p/4882862.html http://www.cnblogs.com/dolphin0520/ http://www.cn ...

  10. NPM私有服务器架设 FOR CentOS

    确保计算机能够连接互连网. 一.安装 Couchdb1.6 1.(CentOS 6.7)如果版本低于6.7请使用下面命令更新系统库. yum update 2.使用下面命令安装依赖库 yum inst ...