
这种写法发现一个问题就是,当你把这个页面的写完了之后过一段时间突然这个页面的功能需求或是页面布局要调整,你在看这个页面的代码,一下很难快速的把整个页面的代码逻辑步骤梳理清楚,我相信很多写前端都要同感吧! 举个例子:我几年前写的放大镜插件,现在我在放出来发现我写的这个插件在谷歌浏览器第一次渲染的时候没有效果,代码如下:

  1. 1 /// <reference path="../jquery11.js" />
  2. 2 (function ($) {
  3. 3 $.fn.extend({
  4. 4 jqoom: function (potions) {
  5. 5 var settings = {
  6. 6 width: 350,
  7. 7 height: 350,
  8. 8 position: "right"
  9. 9 }
  10. 10 if (potions) {
  11. 11 $.extend(settings, potions);
  12. 12 }
  13. 13 var ImgUrl = $("img", this).attr("src");
  14. 14 var ImgMinWidth = $("img", this).width();
  15. 15 var ImgMinHeigth = $("img", this).height();
  16. 16 var ImgWidth = 0;
  17. 17 var ImgHeight = 0;
  18. 18 var de = true;
  19. 19
  20. 20 $(this).hover(function (e) {
  21. 21 }, function () {
  22. 22 $("#jqoomz").remove();
  23. 23 $(document).unbind("mousemove");
  24. 24 $("#jqoomy").remove();
  25. 25
  26. 26 de = true;
  27. 27 });
  28. 28 $("img", this).hover(function (e) {
  29. 29 var pagex = e.x || e.pageX;
  30. 30 var pagey = e.y || e.pageY;
  31. 31 var pagex1 = 0;
  32. 32 var pagey1 = 0;
  33. 33 var leftcha = 0;
  34. 34 var topcha = 0;
  35. 35 _this = $(this).parents("div");
  36. 36 if ($("#jqoomz").length == 0) {
  37. 37 _this.after("<div id='jqoomz'></div>");
  38. 38 var obj = new Image();
  39. 39 obj.src = ImgUrl;
  40. 40 obj.onload = function () {
  41. 41 if (de && obj.height > 0) {
  42. 42 de = false;
  43. 43 ImgWidth = obj.width;
  44. 44 ImgHeight = obj.height;
  45. 45 finder.call(_this.find("img")[0]);
  46. 46 }
  47. 47 };
  48. 48 $("#jqoomz").width(settings.width).height(settings.height).offset({
  49. 49 left: $(_this).outerWidth() + $(_this).offset().left,
  50. 50 top: $(_this)[0].offsetTop
  51. 51 }).append($("<img></img>").attr("src", ImgUrl));
  52. 52 if (de && obj.height > 0) {
  53. 53 de = false;
  54. 54 ImgWidth = obj.width;
  55. 55 ImgHeight = obj.height;
  56. 56 finder.call(this);
  57. 57 }
  58. 58 }
  59. 59 function mover(event) {
  60. 60 var pagex2 = event.x || event.pageX;
  61. 61 var pagey2 = event.y || event.pageY;
  62. 62 if (parseInt(pagex2 + leftcha) <= parseInt($(_this).width() + $(_this).offset().left) && pagex2 >= leftcha + $(_this).offset().left) {
  63. 63 $(this).offset({left: pagex2 - leftcha});
  64. 64 } else {
  65. 65 if (parseInt(pagex2 + leftcha) > parseInt($(_this).width() + $(_this).offset().left) && pagex2)
  66. 66 $(this).offset({left: $(_this).width() + $(_this).offset().left - leftcha * 2});
  67. 67 else
  68. 68 $(this).offset({left: $(_this).offset().left});
  69. 69 }
  70. 70 if (parseInt(pagey2 + topcha) <= parseInt($(_this).height() + $(_this).offset().top) && pagey2 >= topcha + $(_this).offset().top) {
  71. 71 $(this).offset({top: (pagey2 - topcha)});
  72. 72 //document.getElementById("move").style.top = (pagey2 - (this.pagey - this.divtop)).toString() + "px";
  73. 73 } else {
  74. 74 if (parseInt(pagey2 + topcha) > parseInt($(_this).height() + $(_this).offset().top))
  75. 75 $(this).offset({top: ($(_this).height() + $(_this).offset().top - topcha * 2)});
  76. 76 //document.getElementById("move").style.top = (this.height - this.divHeight).toString() + "px";
  77. 77 else
  78. 78 $(this).offset({top: $(_this).offset().top});
  79. 79 //document.getElementById("move").style.top = "0px"
  80. 80 }
  81. 81 var bilx = ($(this).offset().left - $(_this).offset().left) / (ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth);
  82. 82 var bily = ($(this).offset().top - $(_this).offset().top) / (ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight);
  83. 83 $("#jqoomz img").css({"margin-left": -bilx, "margin-top": -bily});
  84. 84 }
  85. 85
  86. 86 function finder() {
  87. 87 if (parseFloat($(this).offset().top + $(this).height() - (ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth)) >=
  88. 88 parseFloat(pagey - ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth / 2) && parseFloat(pagey - ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth / 2) >=
  89. 89 parseFloat($(this).offset().top)) {
  90. 90 pagey1 = (pagey - ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth / 2);
  91. 91 } else {
  92. 92 if ((pagey - ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth / 2) < $(this).offset().top) {
  93. 93 pagey1 = $(this).offset().top;
  94. 94 } else {
  95. 95 pagey1 = ($(this).offset().top + $(this).height() - (ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth));
  96. 96 }
  97. 97 }
  98. 98 if (($(this).offset().left + $(this).width() - ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth) >=
  99. 99 (pagex - ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth / 2) && (pagex - ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth / 2) >=
  100. 100 $(this).offset().left) {
  101. 101 pagex1 = (pagex - ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth / 2);
  102. 102 } else {
  103. 103 if ((pagex - ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth / 2) < $(this).offset().left) {
  104. 104 pagex1 = $(this).offset().left;
  105. 105 } else {
  106. 106 pagex1 = ($(this).offset().left + $(this).width() - ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth);
  107. 107 }
  108. 108 }
  109. 109 leftcha = ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth / 2;
  110. 110 topcha = ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth / 2;
  111. 111 if ($("#jqoomy").length == 0) {
  112. 112 $(this).after("<div id='jqoomy'></div>")
  113. 113 .siblings("#jqoomy")
  114. 114 .addClass("jqoomy").show()
  115. 115 .width((ImgMinWidth / ImgWidth * ImgMinWidth))
  116. 116 .height((ImgMinHeigth / ImgHeight * ImgMinHeigth)).offset({
  117. 117 top: pagey1,
  118. 118 left: pagex1
  119. 119 });
  120. 120 }
  121. 121 $(document).on("mousemove", $.proxy(mover, $("#jqoomy")));
  122. 122 }
  123. 123 }, function () {
  124. 124 });
  125. 125 }
  126. 126 });
  127. 127 })(jQuery);


  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  5. <title></title>
  6. <script src="jquery11.js"></script>
  7. <script src="OppJqoom.js"></script>
  8. <style type="text/css">
  9. .jqoom
  10. {
  11. width: 350px;
  12. height: 350px;
  13. border: solid 1px #DFDFDF;
  14. z-index: 10;
  15. }
  17. .jqoom img
  18. {
  19. cursor: pointer;
  20. z-index: 10;
  21. max-height: 350px;
  22. max-width: 350px;
  23. }
  25. .jqoomy
  26. {
  27. background-color: white;
  28. position: relative;
  29. z-index: 999;
  30. opacity: 0.5;
  31. cursor: pointer;
  32. border: solid 1px #DFDFDF;
  33. }
  35. #jqoomz
  36. {
  37. border: solid 1px #DFDFDF;
  38. position: absolute;
  39. overflow: hidden;
  40. }
  42. .lef
  43. {
  44. border: 1px solid #DFDFDF;
  45. display: block;
  46. height: 72px;
  47. line-height: 72px;
  48. text-align: center;
  49. text-decoration: none;
  50. width: 10px;
  51. background-color:#EBEBEB;
  52. float:left;
  53. }
  54. .lef:hover
  55. {
  56. color:red;
  57. }
  58. .jqooz
  59. {
  60. float:left;
  61. width:352px;
  62. margin-top:20px;
  63. }
  64. .jqooz ul
  65. {
  66. float: left;
  67. margin: 0;
  68. padding: 0;
  69. width:328px;
  70. height:72px;
  71. }
  72. .jqooz ul li
  73. {
  74. display: inline;
  75. list-style: none outside none;
  76. margin: 0 10px;
  77. }
  78. .jqooz ul li img
  79. {
  80. border: 1px solid #DFDFDF;
  81. max-height: 72px;
  82. max-width: 120px;
  83. }
  84. .jqooz ul li img:hover
  85. {
  86. border: 1px solid #ff6600;
  87. }
  88. </style>
  89. <script type="text/javascript">
  90. $(function () {
  91. $(".jqoom").jqoom();
  92. });
  94. </script>
  95. </head>
  96. <body>
  97. <div class="jqoom">
  98. <img src="b3.jpg" />
  99. </div>
  100. <div class="jqooz">
  101. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="lef"><</a>
  102. <ul>
  103. <li><a>
  104. <img src="b3.jpg" /></a></li>
  105. </ul>
  106. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="lef">></a>
  107. </div>
  108. </body>
  109. </html>




我们在看看后台java或c#的语言是怎么做,典型的javaweb几乎都是springMVC框架,C#做web毋庸置疑是.net MVC,他们都有共同的特点是c层提供给前台页面ajax调用的方法都是按照所需要的数据一个一个拆分的,还有相对于的m层,mvc其实是两个维度的分层这是我个人观点,一个维度是单个细小的功能分为view,control,model,另一个维度是整个页面分成多个小的功能.所以你发现后台代码要修改其实很容易就把逻辑梳理,那前台javascript也能不能按照整个思路来取分层呢?


  1. /**
  2. * Created by on 2016/11/2.
  3. */
  4. (function ($) {
  5. //构造函数逻辑主线路
  6. var OppJqoom = function (_this, potions) {
  7. this._this = _this;
  8. this.ImgUrl = $("img", this._this).attr("src");
  9. this.ImgMinWidth = $("img", this._this).width();
  10. this.ImgMinHeigth = $("img", this._this).height();
  11. this.ImgWidth ,this.ImgHeight ,this.leftcha,this.topcha;
  12. var settings = {
  13. width: 350,
  14. height: 350,
  15. position: "right"
  16. }
  17. $.extend(this,settings);
  18. if (potions) {
  19. $.extend(this, potions);
  20. }
  21. this.domOperation.Jqoomhover.call(this);
  22. this.domOperation.imghover.call(this);
  24. };
  25. OppJqoom.prototype = {
  26. // 第一层 算法层
  27. basicOperation: {
  28. /* 获取遮罩层的top和left*/
  29. finder: function (that) {
  30. var pagey1, pagex1;
  31. if (parseFloat($(this).offset().top + $(this).height() - (that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth)) >=
  32. parseFloat(this.pagey - that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth / 2) && parseFloat(this.pagey - that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth / 2) >=
  33. parseFloat($(this).offset().top)) {
  34. pagey1 = (this.pagey - that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth / 2);
  35. } else {
  36. if ((this.pagey - that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth / 2) < $(this).offset().top) {
  37. pagey1 = $(this).offset().top;
  38. } else {
  39. pagey1 = ($(this).offset().top + $(this).height() - (that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth));
  40. }
  41. }
  42. if (($(this).offset().left + $(this).width() - that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth) >=
  43. (this.pagex - that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth / 2) && (this.pagex - that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth / 2) >=
  44. $(this).offset().left) {
  45. pagex1 = (this.pagex - that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth / 2);
  46. } else {
  47. if ((this.pagex - that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth / 2) < $(this).offset().left) {
  48. pagex1 = $(this).offset().left;
  49. } else {
  50. pagex1 = ($(this).offset().left + $(this).width() - that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth);
  51. }
  52. }
  53. that.leftcha = that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth / 2;
  54. that.topcha = that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth / 2;
  55. that.domOperation.docMousemove.call(that);
  56. return {top: pagey1, left: pagex1};
  58. },
  59. // 放大镜的图片的top和left
  60. mover: function (that) {
  61. if (parseInt(that.pagex2 + that.leftcha) <= parseInt(that._this.width() + that._this.offset().left) && that.pagex2 >= that.leftcha + that._this.offset().left) {
  62. $(this).offset({left: that.pagex2 - that.leftcha});
  63. } else {
  64. if (parseInt(that.pagex2 + that.leftcha) > parseInt(that._this.width() + that._this.offset().left) && that.pagex2)
  65. $(this).offset({left: that._this.width() + that._this.offset().left - that.leftcha * 2});
  66. else
  67. $(this).offset({left: that._this.offset().left});
  68. }
  69. if (parseInt(that.pagey2 + that.topcha) <= parseInt(that._this.height() + that._this.offset().top) && that.pagey2 >= that.topcha + that._this.offset().top) {
  70. $(this).offset({top: (that.pagey2 - that.topcha)});
  71. //document.getElementById("move").style.top = (pagey2 - (this.pagey - this.divtop)).toString() + "px";
  72. } else {
  73. if (parseInt(that.pagey2 + that.topcha) > parseInt(that._this.height() + that._this.offset().top))
  74. $(this).offset({top: (that._this.height() + that._this.offset().top - that.topcha * 2)});
  75. //document.getElementById("move").style.top = (this.height - this.divHeight).toString() + "px";
  76. else
  77. $(this).offset({top: that._this.offset().top});
  78. //document.getElementById("move").style.top = "0px"
  79. }
  80. var bilx = ($(this).offset().left - that._this.offset().left) / (that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth);
  81. var bily = ($(this).offset().top - that._this.offset().top) / (that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight);
  82. return{left:bilx,top:bily};
  83. }
  84. },
  85. // 第二层 事件绑定层
  86. domOperation: {
  87. // 鼠标移动到图片的一系列dom的操作
  88. imghover: function () {
  89. var that = this;
  90. $("img", this._this).hover(function (e) {
  91. this.pagex = e.x || e.pageX;
  92. this.pagey = e.y || e.pageY;
  93. var offset;
  94. var obj = new Image();
  95. obj.src = that.ImgUrl;
  96. obj.onload = function () {
  97. if (obj.height > 0) {
  98. that.ImgWidth = obj.width;
  99. that.ImgHeight = obj.height;
  100. if ($("#jqoomz").length == 0) {
  101. that._this.after("<div id='jqoomz'></div>");
  102. }
  103. offset = that.basicOperation.finder.call(that._this.find("img")[0],that);
  104. }
  105. };
  106. if ($("#jqoomz").length == 0) {
  107. that.ImgWidth = obj.width;
  108. that.ImgHeight = obj.height;
  109. that._this.after("<div id='jqoomz'></div>");
  110. }
  111. offset = that.basicOperation.finder.call(this,that);
  112. if ($("#jqoomy").length == 0) {
  113. $(this).after("<div id='jqoomy'></div>")
  114. .siblings("#jqoomy")
  115. .addClass("jqoomy")
  116. .show()
  117. .width((that.ImgMinWidth / that.ImgWidth * that.ImgMinWidth))
  118. .height((that.ImgMinHeigth / that.ImgHeight * that.ImgMinHeigth))
  119. .offset({
  120. top: offset.top,
  121. left: offset.left
  122. });
  123. }
  124. $("#jqoomz").width(that.width).height(that.height).offset({
  125. left: that._this.outerWidth() + that._this.offset().left,
  126. top: that._this[0].offsetTop
  127. }).append($("<img></img>").attr("src", that.ImgUrl));
  128. },function () {});
  129. },
  130. //鼠标在图片上滑动的一系列dom操作
  131. docMousemove: function () {
  132. var that=this;
  133. $(document).on("mousemove", function (event) {
  134. that.pagex2 = event.x || event.pageX;
  135. that.pagey2 = event.y || event.pageY;
  136. var offset=that.basicOperation.mover.call($("#jqoomy"),that);
  137. $("#jqoomz img").css({"margin-left": -offset.left, "margin-top": -offset.top});
  138. });
  139. },
  140. //鼠标移除图片的一系列dom操作
  141. Jqoomhover:function () {
  142. this._this.hover(function (e) {
  143. }, function () {
  144. console.log(111);
  145. $("#jqoomz").remove();
  146. $(document).unbind("mousemove");
  147. $("#jqoomy").remove();
  148. });
  149. }
  150. }
  151. };
  152. $.fn.extend({
  153. jqoom: function (potions) {
  154. return new OppJqoom(this, potions);
  155. }
  156. })
  157. })(jQuery);





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  5. zend studio导入thinkphp的乱码问题

    刚刚导入thinkphp有乱码还有错误怎么办? windows -> preference -> Work space -> text file encodeing设置为 UTF-8 ...

  6. Silverlight读取Zip文件中的图片与视频

    首先看看Demo的截图: 下面我将一步步展示实现这个Demo的过程,这个需求就是读出Zip文件中的图片与视频. Demo整体架构: 首先我们准备几张图片和视频,然后将其压缩至resource.zip文 ...

  7. event.preventDefault()

    <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8&quo ...

  8. jQuery ajax Load关闭缓存的方法

    [导读] 在jQuery ajax Load关闭缓存的方法很简单,我们只要在$ ajaxSetup中把cache: false就楞以了,当然我们还可以使用一个随机参数来实例了.简单介绍load(url ...

  9. Scala学习笔记1(安装)

    到 官网下载scala tar包  http://www.scala-lang.org/download/ mac Finder里双击解压. 改名成scala 进命令行, mv ~/Downloads ...

  10. 简单快速的开发框架-SRF

    1.是什么 SRF(simply and rapid development framework) 一套基于asp.net mvc的开发框架,致力于提供简单.快速的企业应用开发方案,旨在解决企业应用开 ...