
Validate if a given string is numeric.

Some examples:
"0" => true
" 0.1 " => true
"abc" => false
"1 a" => false
"2e10" => true

Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You should gather all requirements up front before implementing one.


class Solution {
bool isNumber(string s) {
if ( s.size()< ) return false;
// escape space from begining and end
int index_begin = ;
int index_end = s.size()-;
while ( s[index_begin]==' ' && index_begin<s.size() ) ++index_begin;
while ( s[index_end]==' ' && index_end>= ) --index_end;
// digit, dot, sign, exp
enum PreChar{ NONPRE, DIGIT, SIGN, EXP, DOT };
enum PreChar preChar = NONPRE;
bool hasDigit = false, hasSign = false, hasExp = false, hasDot = false;
int index = index_begin;
for ( ;index <= index_end; ++index )
// space
if ( s[index]==' ') return false;
// digit
if ( s[index]>='' && s[index]<='' ) { hasDigit = true; preChar = DIGIT; continue; }
// sign
if ( s[index]=='+' || s[index]=='-' ){
if ( preChar==EXP || preChar==NONPRE ) { preChar = SIGN; hasSign = true; continue; }
else { return false; }
// exp
if ( s[index]=='e' || s[index]=='E' ){
if ( (preChar==DIGIT || preChar==DOT) && !hasExp && hasDigit ) { preChar = EXP; hasExp = true; continue; }
else { return false; }
// dot
if ( s[index]=='.' ){
if ( !hasExp && !hasDot && (preChar==DIGIT || preChar==SIGN || preChar==NONPRE ) ) { preChar = DOT; hasDot = true; continue; }
else { return false; }
// illegal input char
return false;
// end with digit or dot
return preChar==DIGIT || (preChar==DOT && hasDigit);




1. 首先排除字符串首尾的space,这样可以简化判断逻辑(只要在后面的字符串中再出现空格,就一定不是合法数字)

2. 判断剩余的字符串中出现dot('.'), sign('+','-'), exp('e','E'), digit(0~9)是否是合法的。判断的核心逻辑有两个:

  a. 上一个出现的字符是什么(即代码中的preChar)

  b. dot,sign,exp,digit,是否在之前出现过

这种代码逻辑的好处是:只要认准了两个核心判断逻辑,在这两个核心逻辑之内修修补补,就可以不断地刷test case直到AC。


可以多设定几类变量逻辑变量,然后通过判断几类逻辑变量的取值来往下进行;即使不能一次bug free,但是总可以把逻辑补完全。






class Solution {
bool isNumber(string s) {
if ( s.size()< ) return false;
// remove blanks both begin and end
int i_begin = ;
int i_end = s.size()-;
while ( s[i_begin]==' ' && i_begin<i_end ) ++i_begin;
while ( s[i_end]==' ' && i_begin<i_end ) --i_end;
enum PreType{ NONE, DIGIT, EXP, SIGN, DOT };
enum PreType preType = NONE;
bool hasDigit=false, hasExp=false, hasSign=false, hasDot=false;
int i = i_begin;
for ( ;i<=i_end; ++i )
// blank
if ( s[i]==' ' )
return false;
// digit
else if ( s[i]>='' && s[i]<='' )
hasDigit = true; preType = DIGIT;
// sign
else if ( s[i]=='+' || s[i]=='-' )
if ( preType==EXP || preType==NONE )
hasSign=true; preType = SIGN;
return false;
// exp
else if ( s[i]=='e' || s[i]=='E' )
if ( (preType==DIGIT || preType==DOT) && !hasExp && hasDigit )
hasExp=true; preType=EXP;
return false;
// dot
else if ( s[i]=='.' )
if( !hasExp && !hasDot && (preType==DIGIT || preType==SIGN || preType==NONE ) )
hasDot=true; preType = DOT;
return false;
return false;
return preType==DIGIT || (preType==DOT && hasDigit);

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