
压缩JS,CSS代码有几种常用插件,YUI Compressor是个不错的选择。通过maven的YUI Compressor plugin可以方便的压缩项目中的前端代码。最简单便是将所有的文件一一压缩,看下pom.xml的配置:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> 














                    <!-- YUI Compressor has two goals: compress and jslint -->








                <!-- Break contiguous output at this column number. -->

                <!-- If this is zero, you will get line breaks after every line in the aggregated file. -->


                <!-- Set your own suffix. [default: "-min"]-->


















  1. 先压缩文件,并排除部分已压缩的文件。
  2. 合并已压缩文件,并排除部分不需要合并的文件。
  3. 将压缩好的文件放到指定文件夹。





















              <!-- remove files after aggregation (default: false)



              <!-- insert new line after each concatenation (default: false) -->



              <!-- files to include, path relative to output's directory or absolute path-->

              <!--inputDir>base directory for non absolute includes, default to parent dir of output</inputDir-->





              <!-- files to exclude, path relative to output's directory

















               <!-- exclude file witch not need to compress -->
















                    <!--  JS concatenation -->



                        <!-- Insert a new line after each concatenation. -->



                        <!-- Pathname of final output. -->


                        <!-- Files to include, path relative to output directory OR absolute path -->









                    <!--  CSS concatenation -->



                        <!-- Pathname of final output. -->


                        <!-- Files to include, path relative to output directory OR absolute path -->











var test = {

long : “test”  // throw error when compress


var test = {

“long” : “test”  // correct.


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