Define routes:

Either using Spring xml or Java DSL.

Spring xml:


  <routeBuilder ref="myBuilder" />   //to load the Java DSL routes defined in MyRouteBuilder class

  <routeContextRef> //to load the routes in <routeContext> defined in other xml file


    <from> <process> <to>



<bean id="myBuilder" class="org.apache.camel.spring.example.test1.MyRouteBuilder"/>

Java DSL:

extends RouteBuilder, implement the abstract method configure().

public void configure() throws Exception {

  Endpoint orderUpdates = endpoint("pubsub://batman-order-updates");


Apache Camel Test

In the separate integration module:


main/resources: integration-b-g.xml(Only used to include the java DSL route in BGIntegration into Camel context).


test/resources: mock-b-g.xml

Only the is used for the tests in test project, all the other 3 are for unit test.

In BGIntegration:


In BGIntegrationTest:

@Produce(context = "b", uri = "direct://mock-order")     
private ProducerTemplate bOrderTemplate;        //用于给b提供原始order

@Produce(context = "g", uri = "direct://mock-order")    //用于给g提供原始msg
private ProducerTemplate gOrderTemplate;

bOrderTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(bOrder(orderId), Ref.INBOX,;   //bOrder和gOrder都是新构建的,只需set好用于match的field即可。
gOrderTemplate.sendBodyAndHeader(gOrder, Ref.INBOX,;

In BMock:

              .in(content(OrderDataContract.class)), endpoint("pubsub://b-order-updates"));


In GMock:

Samilar route from direct://mock-order to g:pubsub://tibrv-incoming-suggestion.

Another route from g:first-matched-suggestion to mock://matched-suggestion. mock component会存储msg来做future assertions.

Back to BGIntegrationTest:

@EndpointInject(context = "g", uri = "mock://matched-suggestion")
MockEndpoint matchedOrderMock;

matchedOrderMock.expectedBodiesReceived(galaxyOrder);  //Mock的测试条件

在往初始endpoint produce完msg以后,最后要测试matcher是否将两个msg match成功并存入mock://matched-suggestion.


Mock component: 声明期待,确认期待是否满足。期待包括:msg count, msg payload, msg header, msgs order...

The Mock component provides a powerful declarative testing mechanism, which is similar to jMock in that it allows declarative expectations to be created on any Mock endpoint before a test begins. Then the test is run, which typically fires messages to one or more endpoints, and finally the expectations can be asserted in a test case to ensure the system worked as expected.

Remember that Mock is designed for testing. When you add Mock endpoints to a route, each Exchange sent to the endpoint will be stored (to allow for later validation) in memory until explicitly reset or the JVM is restarted.

The following annotations is supported and inject by Camel's CamelBeanPostProcessor




To inject an endpoint, see more details at POJO Producing.


Camel 2.13: To inject a bean obtained from the Registry. See Bean Injection.


Camel 2.12: To inject a value using property placeholder.


To inject a producer to send message to an endpoint. See POJO Producing.


To inject a consumer on a method. See POJO Consuming.

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