Chp2: Linked List
2.2 Implement an algorithm to find the kth to last element of a singly linked list.
Just using "runner" tech,let the first pointer to run for k step, then start the second pointer, at the same speed.
When the first one hit the end, the second one is just on the kth element.
(1) input: (7 -> 1 -> 6) + (5 -> 9 -> 2) , that is 617 + 295
output: (2 -> 1 -> 9), that is 912.
solution: int add = new int[max(linklist1.length,linklist2.length) + 1];
7 -> 1 -> 6
5 -> 9 -> 2
add: 0, 1, 1, 0
2 -> 1 -> 9
(2) input: (6 -> 1 -> 7) + (2 -> 9 -> 5),that is 617 + 295
output: (9 -> 1 -> 2)
solution: just add by index, put the number larger than 10 in to array. then add again, until all the number in array is 0.
6 -> 1 -> 7
2 -> 9 -> 5
add: 8 ->10->12 >>=>> 8 -> 0 -> 2
1, 1, 0
9 -> 1 -> 2
证明也很简单,证明如下:我们注意到第一次相遇时:慢指针走过的路程S1 = 非环部分长度 + 弧A长,
快指针走过的路程S2 = 非环部分长度 + n * 环长 + 弧A长,
S1 * 2 = S2,
可得 非环部分长度 = n * 环长 - 弧A长。
让指针A回到起始点后,走过一个非环部分长度,指针B走过了相等的长度,也就是n * 环长 - 弧A长,正好回到环的开头。
2.7 palindrome 首先考虑使用stack来存储,这样极其简洁。
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