Prime Number

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Prime Number

Write a program which reads an integer n and prints the number of prime numbers which are less than or equal to n.
A prime number is a natural number which has exactly two distinct
natural number divisors: 1 and itself. For example, the first four prime
numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7.


Input consists of several datasets. Each dataset has an integer n (n ≤ 999999) in a line.

The number of datasets ≤ 30.


For each dataset, prints the number of prime numbers.

Sample Input


Output for the Sample Input

5 水题,素数筛选。
 #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define maxn 999999 + 5
typedef long long ll; int prime[maxn]; void init() {
for(int i = ; i <= maxn - ; i++) {
prime[i] = i % ;
} prime[] = ; for(int i = ; i * i <= maxn; i++) {
if(!prime[i]) continue;
for(int j = i; j * i <= maxn; j++) {
prime[j * i] = ;
} for(int i = ; i <= maxn - ; i++) {
prime[i] += prime[i - ];
} int main() {
int n;
while( ~scanf("%d",&n)) {
} return ; }

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