准备环境:Azure ARM Windows Server 2008 R2 机器


2.查看机器的监听端口,发现没有Powershell远程管理对应的端口5985或5986  【5985(http) / 5986(https) 】

3.需要在Server机器上 Enable-PSRemoting

PS C:\Users\stone> Enable-PSRemoting
WinRM 快速配置
正在运行命令“Set-WSManQuickConfig”,以使该计算机能够通过 WinRM 服务进行远程管理。
1. 启动或重新启动(如果已启动) WinRM 服务
2. 将 WinRM 服务类型设置为自动启动
3. 创建一个侦听器以接受任意 IP 地址上的请求
4. 对 WS-Management 流量启用防火墙例外(仅适用于 http)。
[Y] 是(Y) [A] 全是(A) [N] 否(N) [L] 全否(L) [S] 挂起(S) [?] 帮助 (默认值为“Y”):
在此计算机上,WinRM 已设置为接收请求。
WinRM 已经进行了更新,以用于远程管理。
在 HTTP://* 上创建 WinRM 侦听程序接受 WS-Man 对此机器上任意 IP 的请求。
WinRM 防火墙异常已启用。
已配置 LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy 以远程向本地用户授予管理权限。
对目标“未找到会话配置“Microsoft.PowerShell32”。正在运行命令“Register-PSSessionConfiguration Microsoft.PowerShell32
-processorarchitecture x86 -force”以创建“Microsoft.PowerShell32”会话配置。这将会重新启动 WinRM
[Y] 是(Y) [A] 全是(A) [N] 否(N) [L] 全否(L) [S] 挂起(S) [?] 帮助 (默认值为“Y”):




PS C:\Users\he.liming> Enter-Pssession -ComputerName "40.*.*.*" -port 5985 -Credential VMAccountName
Enter-Pssession : Connecting to remote server 40.*.*.* failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. Default authentication may be used with an IP address under the following conditions: the transport is HTTPS or the destination is in the TrustedHosts list, and explicit credentials are provided. Use winrm.cmd to configure TrustedHosts. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. For more information on how to set Trusted
Hosts run the following command: winrm help config. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At line:1 char:1
+ Enter-Pssession -ComputerName "40.*.*.*" -port 5985 -Credential stone
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: ( [Enter-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceFailed


PS C:\Windows\system32> Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value
WinRM Security Configuration.
This command modifies the TrustedHosts list for the WinRM client. The computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be
authenticated. The client might send credential information to these computers. Are you sure that you want to modify
this list?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):


PS C:\Users\he.liming> Enter-Pssession -ComputerName "" -port 5985 -Credential VMAccountName
 []: PS C:\Users\stone\Documents>


PS C:\Users\stone\Documents> netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off


备注:Windows Server 2012 R2的机器开启Powershell远程连接的方法,与上面的操作大同小异,需要注意的是Windows Server 2012 R2机器默认情况下5985的端口是监听着的

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