Welcome to SQLBackupRestore.com, your online resource for SQL Server backup and recovery issues.  The articles are generally applicable to both SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL 2012.  If any parts are applicable only to a specific version, they will be clearly indicated.

欢迎进入SQLBackupRestore.com,是您的数据库备份和恢复的问题的在线资源。这篇文章普遍适用于SQL Server 2000,SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL 2012. 如果任何部分只适用于特殊版本,会进行特殊的声明。

The SQL Server Books Online documentation should still be your primary source of information on SQL Server.  The information presented here is more of a troubleshooting guide, a discussion of common issues faced by users, when dealing with SQL Server backup and recovery issues.

SQL Server 联机丛书的文档仍应您的 SQL 服务器上的信息的主要来源。此处提供的信息是更多的故障排除指南,讨论时处理 SQL Server 备份和恢复问题的用户,所面临的共同问题。

If there are any topics you would like me to add, or suggestions on improving the articles, please drop me a line at yeoh.ray.mond@yohz.com.


When a reference is made to a topic in the Books Online documentation, they are highlighted in bold blue, and the version of SQL Server they apply to is also stated.  E.g.  (Bulk-Logged Recovery [SQL2000], Backup Under the Bulk-Logged Recovery Model  [SQL2005]) means look for the 'Bulk-Logged Recovery' topic in the SQL Server 2000 documentation, or the 'Backup Under the Bulk Logged Recovery Model' in the SQL Server 2005 documentation.

当提到联机丛书文档中的主题时,他们以蓝色粗体突出显示,它们适用于 SQL Server 的版本还指出。例如(大容量日志记录恢复 [SQL2000] 备份下大容量日志记录恢复模型 [SQL2005]) 意味着寻找 '大容量日志记录恢复' 主题在 SQL Server 2000 文档中或 ' 备份批量记录恢复模式下的 SQL Server 2005 文档中。


Code fragments are highlighted this way:代码片段突出显示用如下方法:

Output from SQL Server are highlighted this way: SQL Server输出用如下方式突出显示:

About me

My name is Yeoh Ray Mond, and I presently work as a support analyst supporting a third party SQL Server backup tool.  I have previously worked as a administrative DBA on Oracle databases, development DBA for SQL Server 7, 2000 and 2005, and application developer for the above mentioned backup tool.  As a support analyst, I frequently encounter very interesting questions from users, which I thought would be useful to share, hence this site.

In my spare time, I develop database tools and miscellaneous utilities.  You can find details on my web site at http://www.yohz.com.

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