Explain EV in /proc/bus/input/devices data【转】
- It represent the bitmask for events supported by the device.
- Sample of devices entry for a AT Keyboard:
- I: Bus= Vendor= Product= Version=ab41
- N: Name="AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
- P: Phys=isa0060/serio0/input0
- S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input2
- U: Uniq=
- H: Handlers=sysrq kbd event2
- B: PROP=
- B: EV=
- B: KEY= 500f f900d401 feffffdf ffefffff ffffffff fffffffe
- B: MSC=
- B: LED=
- The B in front stands for bitmap, N, P, S, U, H are simply first letter in corresponding name value and I is for ID. In ordered fashion:
- I => @id: id of the device (struct input_id)
- Bus => id.bustype
- Vendor => id.vendor
- Product => id.product
- Version => id.version
- N => name of the device.
- P => physical path to the device in the system hierarchy.
- S => sysfs path.
- U => unique identification code for the device (if device has it).
- H => list of input handles associated with the device.
- B => bitmaps
- PROP => device properties and quirks.
- EV => types of events supported by the device.
- KEY => keys/buttons this device has.
- MSC => miscellaneous events supported by the device.
- LED => leds present on the device.
- Bitmasks
- As you know computers deal in binary, so:
- =
- =
- =
- =
- =
- ...
- So if i have a bitmap with value that one would hold bits and in other word one can give each number a name and check if they correspond to a value.
- E.g.
- A = ,
- B = ,
- C = ,
- Then if I have MYVAR = which is in binary this would check out:
- MYVAR & A == TRUE ( & => )
- MYVAR & B == FALSE ( & => )
- MYVAR & C == TRUE ( & => )
- Thus my var has A and C.
- The kernel uses a bit more sophisticated/complex way, and set bits by offset. One reason being that more bits then is available in one computer (CPU) integer is used. For example look at the KEY bitmap.
- So, if we say:
- A =
- B =
- C =
- ...
- And then
- target = ;
- set_bit(A, target); => target ==
- set_bit(C, target); => target ==
- Decoding
- The value is a hexadecimal. As binary it gives us:
- 0x120013 == binary
- Numbered from right they are:
- <= offset ('s)
- <= offset (counted from right)
- <= binary
- Set bits are:
- , , , ,
- Then check input.h you find that they correspond to:
- EV_SYN (0x00)
- EV_KEY (0x01)
- EV_MSC (0x04)
- EV_LED (0x11)
- EV_REP (0x14)
- To check what they mean a quick introduction is given by kernel Documentation.
- * EV_SYN:
- - Used as markers to separate events. Events may be separated in time or in
- space, such as with the multitouch protocol.
- * EV_KEY:
- - Used to describe state changes of keyboards, buttons, or other key-like
- devices.
- * EV_MSC:
- - Used to describe miscellaneous input data that do not fit into other types.
- * EV_LED:
- - Used to turn LEDs on devices on and off.
- * EV_REP:
- - Used for autorepeating devices.
- This, "EDIT 2 (continued):" in particular, might be of interest.
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