一、瑞士 keller(科勒)压力传感器
  1. 广播模式:所有从机都会收到上位机信息

    Broadcasting This mode of communication enables the master to transmit a message to all slaves

    simultaneously. The master does not receive a reply, however, and is thus unable to check

    whether the message has been correctly received by every slave.

  2. 只有单一从机收到:

    Data interchange This mode of communication enables the master to communicate with a single slave. This

    normally involves the transmission of two messages: the master transmits a request and

    the slave responds to this request. Only the master is permitted to request a response. The

    request is received by every slave, but only the selected slave responds. The response

    must be received within a stipulated time, otherwise the master will assess the attempt as

    failed and must transmit the request again.

  3. 如下数据格式:

    The data are transmitted serially via the bus. The following format applies:

    1 start bit

    8 data bits (the least significant bit first)

    1 stop bit

    The parity bit can be set for devices of Class.Group = 5.20

    9600 baud or 115’200 Baud (only with devices of Class.GrouThis results in 10 bits (11 bits with active parity bit) per transmission byte.

  • 命令字符串格式:

Note on the presentation of messages: Each box presents 1 data byte consisting of 8 bits, unless otherwise stated.

Each message sent by the master possesses the following format:

设备地址 方法代码 方法参数 CRC校验 高位 CRC校验 低位
DevAddr 0 Function code n byte parameters (optional) CRC16_H CRC16_L
FA 49 01 A1 A7

· DevAddr: Address of the device.

Address 0 is reserved for broadcasting.

Addresses 1...249 can be used for bus mode.

Address 250 is transparent and reserved for non-bus mode. Every device can be contacted with this address.

Addresses 251...255 are reserved for subsequent developments.

· Function code: Function number

A function is selected and executed by the device via the function number. The function number is encoded in 7 bits. Bit 7 is

always 0. The functions are described further below.

· Parameters:

The parameters required by the function (n = 0 .. 6, according to function)

· CRC16: 16-bit checksum

These two check bytes serve to verify the integrity of the received data. If an error is established, the entire message will be

discarded. The principle employed for CRC16 calculation is described in the appendix. The CRC16 standard is applied here.

Note: The length of a message from the master is at least 4 bytes.

1.1 初始化设备-询问链接状态命令

每一个方法参数有 0-6 可选,类似modbus协议

Function:48 (16进制为:30)

F48: Initialise devices, whereby the device ID is returned

命令:FA 30 04 43

设备地址 方法代码 方法参数 CRC校验 高位 CRC校验 低位
FA 30 04 43
1.2 查询浮点型压力、温度命令

Function:73 (16进制为:49)

F73: Read out current pressure and temperature values in floating-point format

命令:FA 49 01 A1 A7


设备地址 方法代码 方法参数 CRC校验 高位 CRC校验 低位
FA 49 01 A1 A7


设备地址 方法代码 方法参数 CRC校验 高位 CRC校验 低位
FA 49 01 A1 A7
1.3 方法总览
方法代码 16进制形式 功能描述(英文) 功能描述(中文)
F3 Read out the current pressure and temperature values in MODBUS format
F30 1e Read out scaling values 读取最大值
F31 1f Write scaling values
F32 20 Read out configurations 读取配置
F33 21 Write cinfigurations 写入配置
F48 30 Initialise devices, whereby the device ID is returned 初始化设备,返回设备ID,询问链接
F66 42 Programm bus address 总线地址
F69 45 Read out serial number
F73 49 Read out current pressure and temperature values in floating-point format 读取当前浮点型压力、温度数据
F74 4a Read out current pressure and temperature values in integer format 读取当前压力温度整形数据
F95 5f Zeroing functions 归零
F100 64 Read out configurations 读取配置
F101 65 Write configurations 写入配置
  • 返回数据格式:

其中 B3、B2、B1、B0 一个八个十六进制字符,48 = 32 位,按照IEEE754规则表示的浮点数

其中第0位符号位S:1-9 一共8位(bytes)阶码E 9-32 一共23位表示尾数M 小数位 如:0.xxxxxx


遵循IEEE754 浮点数定义:


  • python 现成代码:楼主自己项目里面使用的
    def parsePressure(pressure):
压力数据格式为:FA 49 B3 B2 B1 B0 STAT CRC16_H CRC16_L
FA 49 3F 81 61 ee 00 11 6f
0:KPA | 1: MPA | 3 PA | 5 bar
:param pressure:
UNIT = {
"KPa": 1,
"MPa": 1000,
"Pa": 0.001,
"Bar": 100
pressure16 = pressure[4:12]
binAll = str(bin(int(pressure16, 16)))[2:]
# binAll = binAll[2:]
data = [x for x in binAll[:-24:-1]]
binE = binAll[:-23]
E = int(binE, 2) - 127
total = 1
for i, v in enumerate(data):
total = total + int(v) * (2 ** -(i + 1))
pressure = total*(2**E)
return pressure*UNIT["Bar"]

SeriaPort 类为继承serial 模块复写write/read 方法,(pip install pyserial)

from Lib.SerialPort import *
import time
import os
import threading
import binascii
import re class PressureSensor(object):
压力传感器型号为:keller PAA-3XX/80794(绝压)
协议类型: KELLER protoco (类MODBUS 协议)
Each message sent by the master possesses the following format:
DevAddr | 0 Function code | n byte parameters (optional) |CRC16_H CRC16_L
def __init__(self,com='COM14' ):
self.seria = SerialPort(com,9600)
self.last_str = "FA493F8161ee00116f"
print('PressureSensor初始化成功') def readPressure(self):
self.seria.Write(bytes.fromhex("FA 49 01 A1 A7"))
pressurestr = str(binascii.b2a_hex(self.seria.Read()).decode())
self.last_str = pressurestr if pressurestr != '' else self.last_str
return self.parsePressure(self.last_str) def parsePressure(self, pressure):
压力数据格式为:FA 49 B3 B2 B1 B0 STAT CRC16_H CRC16_L
FA 49 3F 81 61 ee 00 11 6f
0:KPA | 1: MPA | 3 PA | 5 bar
:param pressure:
UNIT = {
"KPa": 1,
"MPa": 1000,
"Pa": 0.001,
"Bar": 100
pressure16 = pressure[4:12]
binAll = str(bin(int(pressure16, 16)))[2:]
# binAll = binAll[2:]
data = [x for x in binAll[:-24:-1]]
binE = binAll[:-23]
E = int(binE, 2) - 127
total = 1
for i, v in enumerate(data):
total = total + int(v) * (2 ** -(i + 1))
pressure = total*(2**E)
return pressure*UNIT["Bar"]

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