Check if List<Int32> values are consecutive
Check if List<Int32> values are consecutive
One-liner, only iterates until the first non-consecutive element:
bool isConsecutive = !myIntList.Select((i,j) => i-j).Distinct().Skip(1).Any();
Update: a couple examples of how this works:
Input is { 5, 6, 7, 8 }
Select yields { (5-0=)5, (6-1=)5, (7-2=)5, (8-3=)5 }
Distinct yields { 5, (5 not distinct, 5 not distinct, 5 not distinct) }
Skip yields { (5 skipped, nothing left) }
Any returns false
Input is { 1, 2, 6, 7 }
Select yields { (1-0=)1, (2-1=)1, (6-2=)4, (7-3=)4 } *
Distinct yields { 1, (1 not distinct,) 4, (4 not distinct) } *
Skip yields { (1 skipped,) 4 }
Any returns true
* The Select will not yield the second 4 and the Distinct will not check it, as the Any will stop after finding the first 4.
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