【译文】走出Java ClassLoader迷宫 Find a way out of the ClassLoader maze
本文是一篇译文。原文:Find a way out of the ClassLoader maze
系统类加载器通常不会使用。此类加载器处理启动应用程序时classpath指定的类,可以通过ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()来获得。所有的ClassLoader.getSystemXXX()接口也是通过这个类加载器加载的。一般不要显式调用这些方法,应该让其他类加载器代理到系统类加载器上。由于系统类加载器是JVM最后创建的类加载器,这样代码只会适应于简单命令行启动的程序。一旦代码移植到EJB、Web应用或者Java Web Start应用程序中,程序肯定不能正确执行。
线程上下文类加载器在Java 2(J2SE)时引入。每个线程都有一个关联的上下文类加载器。如果你使用new Thread()方式生成新的线程,新线程将继承其父线程的上下文类加载器。如果程序对线程上下文类加载器没有任何改动的话,程序中所有的线程将都使用系统类加载器作为上下文类加载器。Web应用和Java企业级应用中,应用服务器经常要使用复杂的类加载器结构来实现JNDI(Java命名和目录接口)、线程池、组件热部署等功能,因此理解这一点尤其重要。
* JNDI使用线程上下文类加载器
* Class.getResource()和Class.forName()使用当前类加载器
* JAXP使用上下文类加载器
* java.util.ResourceBundle使用调用者的当前类加载器
* URL协议处理器使用java.protocol.handler.pkgs系统属性并只使用系统类加载器。
* Java序列化API缺省使用调用者当前的类加载器
如果你的实现是利用特定的框架,那么恭喜你,实现它远比实现框架要简单得多!例如,在web应用和EJB应用中,你仅仅只要使用 Class.getResource()就足够了。
public abstract class ClassLoaderResolver
* This method selects the best classloader instance to be used for
* class/resource loading by whoever calls this method. The decision
* typically involves choosing between the caller's current, thread context,
* system, and other classloaders in the JVM and is made by the {@link IClassLoadStrategy}
* instance established by the last call to {@link #setStrategy}.
* @return classloader to be used by the caller ['null' indicates the
* primordial loader]
public static synchronized ClassLoader getClassLoader ()
final Class caller = getCallerClass (0);
final ClassLoadContext ctx = new ClassLoadContext (caller); return s_strategy.getClassLoader (ctx);
public static synchronized IClassLoadStrategy getStrategy ()
return s_strategy;
public static synchronized IClassLoadStrategy setStrategy (final IClassLoadStrategy strategy)
final IClassLoadStrategy old = s_strategy;
s_strategy = strategy; return old;
} /**
* A helper class to get the call context. It subclasses SecurityManager
* to make getClassContext() accessible. An instance of CallerResolver
* only needs to be created, not installed as an actual security
* manager.
private static final class CallerResolver extends SecurityManager
protected Class [] getClassContext ()
return super.getClassContext ();
} } // End of nested class /*
* Indexes into the current method call context with a given
* offset.
private static Class getCallerClass (final int callerOffset)
} private static IClassLoadStrategy s_strategy; // initialized in private static final int CALL_CONTEXT_OFFSET = 3; // may need to change if this class is redesigned
private static final CallerResolver CALLER_RESOLVER; // set in static
// This can fail if the current SecurityManager does not allow
// RuntimePermission ("createSecurityManager"): CALLER_RESOLVER = new CallerResolver ();
catch (SecurityException se)
throw new RuntimeException ("ClassLoaderResolver: could not create CallerResolver: " + se);
} s_strategy = new DefaultClassLoadStrategy ();
} // End of class.
You acquire a classloader reference by calling theClassLoaderResolver.getClassLoader()
static method and use the result to load classes and resources via the normal java.lang.ClassLoader
API. Alternatively, you can use this ResourceLoader
API as a drop-in replacement for java.lang.ClassLoader
public abstract class ResourceLoader
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#loadClass(java.lang.String)
public static Class loadClass (final String name)
throws ClassNotFoundException
final ClassLoader loader = ClassLoaderResolver.getClassLoader (1); return Class.forName (name, false, loader);
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResource(java.lang.String)
public static URL getResource (final String name)
final ClassLoader loader = ClassLoaderResolver.getClassLoader (1); if (loader != null)
return loader.getResource (name);
return ClassLoader.getSystemResource (name);
... more methods ...
} // End of class
The decision of what constitutes the best classloader to use is factored out into a pluggable component implementing the IClassLoadStrategy
public interface IClassLoadStrategy
ClassLoader getClassLoader (ClassLoadContext ctx);
} // End of interface
To help IClassLoadStrategy
make its decision, it is given a ClassLoadContext
public class ClassLoadContext
public final Class getCallerClass ()
return m_caller;
} ClassLoadContext (final Class caller)
m_caller = caller;
} private final Class m_caller;
} // End of class
returns the class whose code calls intoClassLoaderResolver
or ResourceLoader
. This is so that the strategy implementation can figure out the caller's classloader (the context loader is always available asThread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
). Note that the caller is determined statically; thus, my API does not require existing business methods to be augmented with extra Class
parameters and is suitable for static methods and initializers as well. You can augment this context object with other attributes that make sense in your deployment situation.
All of this should look like a familiar Strategy design pattern to you. The idea is that decisions like "always context loader" or "always current loader" get separated from the rest of your implementation logic. It is hard to know ahead of time which strategy will be the right one, and with this design, you can always change the decision later.
I have a default strategy implementation that should work correctly in 95 percent of real-life situations:
public class DefaultClassLoadStrategy implements IClassLoadStrategy
public ClassLoader getClassLoader (final ClassLoadContext ctx)
final ClassLoader callerLoader = ctx.getCallerClass ().getClassLoader ();
final ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread ().getContextClassLoader (); ClassLoader result; // If 'callerLoader' and 'contextLoader' are in a parent-child
// relationship, always choose the child: if (isChild (contextLoader, callerLoader))
result = callerLoader;
else if (isChild (callerLoader, contextLoader))
result = contextLoader;
// This else branch could be merged into the previous one,
// but I show it here to emphasize the ambiguous case:
result = contextLoader;
} final ClassLoader systemLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader (); // Precaution for when deployed as a bootstrap or extension class:
if (isChild (result, systemLoader))
result = systemLoader; return result;
} ... more methods ...
} // End of class
上面的逻辑比较简单,如果当前ClassLoader和Context ClassLoader是父子关系,那就总选儿子,根据委托原则,这个很容易理解。
如果两人平级,选择正确的ClassLoader很重要,运行时不允许含糊。这种情况下,我的代码选择Context ClassLoader(这是俺个人的经验之谈),当然也不要担心不能改变,你能随便根据需要改变。一般而言,Context ClassLoader比较适合框架,而Current ClassLoader在业务逻辑中用的更多。
最后,检查确保选中的ClassLoader不是System ClassLoader的parent,一旦高于System ClassLoader ,请使用System ClassLoader(你的类部署在Ext路径下面,就会出现这种情况)。
请注意,俺故意没关注被载入资源的名称。Java XML API 成为java 核心api的经历告诉我们,根据资源名称过滤是很不cool的idea。而且 我也没有去确认到底哪个ClassLoader被取得了,因为只要清楚原理,这很容易被推理出来。(哈哈,俺是强淫)
尽管讨论java 的ClassLoader不是一个很cool的话题(译者注,当年不cool,但是现在很cool),而且Java EE的ClassLoader策略越发的依赖各种平台的升级。如果这没有一个更好的设计的话,将会变成一个大大的问题。不敢您是否同意俺的观点,俺尊重你说话的权利,所以请给俺分享您的意见经验。
Learn more about this topic
- Download the source code for all classes discussed in this article
http://images.techhive.com/downloads/idge/imported/article/jvw/2003/06/01-qa-0606-load.zip - "Get a Load of That Name!" Vladimir Roubtsov (JavaWorld, March 2003)
http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2003-03/01-qa-0314-forname.html - Ted Neward's "Understanding Class.forName()" examines similar topics in great detail
http://www.javageeks.com/Papers/ClassForName/index.html - Sun's bug database contains multiple issues related to getContextClassLoader. See these bug IDs, for example (requires login)4648098, 4630895, 4452042, 4340158, 4155645
http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/ - Want more? See the Java Q&A index page for the full Q&A catalog
http://www.javaworld.com/columns/jw-qna-index.shtml - For more than 100 insightful Java tips, visit JavaWorld's Java Tips index page
http://www.javaworld.com/columns/jw-tips-index.shtml - Browse the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition section of JavaWorld's Topical Index
http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-j2se-index.shtml?j2se - Browse the Java Virtual Machine section of JavaWorld's Topical Index
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