[Leetcode] 1120. Maximum Average Subtree
Given the root
of a binary tree, find the maximum average value of any subtree of that tree.
(A subtree of a tree is any node of that tree plus all its descendants. The average value of a tree is the sum of its values, divided by the number of nodes.)
Example 1:
- Input: [5,6,1]
- Output: 6.00000
- Explanation:
- For the node with value = 5 we have and average of (5 + 6 + 1) / 3 = 4.
- For the node with value = 6 we have and average of 6 / 1 = 6.
- For the node with value = 1 we have and average of 1 / 1 = 1.
- So the answer is 6 which is the maximum.
- The number of nodes in the tree is between
. - Each node will have a value between
. - Answers will be accepted as correct if they are within
of the correct answer.
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- public class Solution {
- List<double> avgs = new List<double>();
- public double MaximumAverageSubtree(TreeNode root)
- {
- int counter = ;
- double summer = ;
- var result = TreeTraverse(root,ref counter,ref summer);
- return avgs.Max();
- }
- public double? TreeTraverse(TreeNode subTreeRoot,ref int counter,ref double summer)
- {
- if(subTreeRoot == null)
- {
- return null;
- }
- int leftCounter = ;
- int rightCounter = ;
- double leftSummer = ;
- double rightSummer = ;
- double? leftSum = TreeTraverse(subTreeRoot.left,ref leftCounter,ref leftSummer);
- if (false == leftSum.HasValue)
- {
- leftSum = ;
- }
- else
- counter++;
- double? rightSum = TreeTraverse(subTreeRoot.right,ref rightCounter,ref rightSummer);
- if (false == rightSum.HasValue)
- {
- rightSum = ;
- }
- else
- counter++;
- counter = (leftCounter + rightCounter + );
- summer = (leftSummer + rightSummer + subTreeRoot.val);
- avgs.Add(summer / counter);
- return subTreeRoot.val;
- }
- }
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