android phone when you install the application there will inevitably be "a problem parsing the package" is displayed and you can not successfully install the software. Description of the problem and solutions: system or installed software does not support Chinese file name and use full-width alphabet symbols.
The solution is to change the file name and change the folder name.
2. In the process of downloading the program apk compromised.
Another solution is to change the regular download site, download the software or replace.
3. You may install the app for android root for the existence of unsafe software exclusion.
Solutions are as follows:
Method One: Go to Root Explorer, mnt >> secure >> asec >> smdl2tmp1.asec, delete smdl2tmp1.asec
Method 2: sd card out, with a card reader connected to the computer android_secure >> smdl2tmp1.asec, delete smdl2tmp1.asec
(Remember to use a card reader, or it may lead to sd card is not recognized, even smaller capacity)
4. Possible that you are using android system version of the problem.
In general, there are too many android 2.2, including 2.2 pairs exclusion lot of software, you can choose to install version 2.1 or 2.3 version of the system installed directly, but difficult to reinstall the system, risk and waste a lot of time, is not recommended .
5. You may be modified using the android app harm.
Like tomato garden modify windows, like, android who also had a lot of changes. They did very talented, but sometimes there is also really opinionated. Because of their ignorance, I was back and forth a total of damaged 2g of a 8g, as well as a 128mb memory card, so just so angry. Modified android app mostly a problem in the USB, the data is completely transferred to the memory card has not been prompted to accept the computer completely. So, eager to accept the removal of the interface apk certainly incomplete. As we all know, is the essence apk zip, unzip if a compression solution, you can see the dex file, Dalvik VM executes dex is said to be an abbreviation, so the program is not Java me but dalvik, comprising at least a dex global configuration program file AndroidManifest.xml, and classes.dex Dalvik bytecode resources.arsc, our visual installation process is to test the program global configuration file AndroidManifest.xml, after the start of decompression release classes.dex Dalvik bytecode resources.arsc. If the prompt "package resolves the problem," then the program is often the global configuration file AndroidManifest.xml find all classes.dex Dalvik bytecode resources.arsc, only hints, or just simply apk is damaged. If we can not prompt decompression after installation, it is classes.dex Dalvik bytecode resources.arsc file error has occurred or missing.
Solution, the best use of the modified android app, the general name of the Hong Kong Bank, the ECB, or any other flag, and generally give you security are modified android app, there are those overclocking, overclocking worst results memory card is not a few things.
6. Other application software problems.
A variety of security software may prevent software installation, also prompted the case "a problem parsing the package". There is a phone malicious programs, it would have to really rely on the character.
Some people say a "problem parsing the package" should be formatted sd card, do so at risk. Most brand sd card has the card program does not use its own formatter trays will lead to "stuff" that will instantly become 0kb memory card or a floppy disk capacity almost can not even recognize.

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