(简单) POJ 2750 Potted Flower,环+线段树。
(Positions of potted flowers are assigned to index numbers in the range of 1 ... N. The i-th pot and the (i + 1)-th pot are consecutive for any given i (1 <= i < N), and 1st pot is next to N-th pot in addition.)
The board chairman informed the little cat to construct "ONE arc-style cane-chair" for tourists having a rest, and the sum of attractive values of the flowers beside the cane-chair should be as large as possible. You should notice that a cane-chair cannot be a total circle, so the number of flowers beside the cane-chair may be 1, 2, ..., N - 1, but cannot be N. In the above example, if we construct a cane-chair in the position of that red-dashed-arc, we will have the sum of 3+(-2)+1+2=4, which is the largest among all possible constructions.
Unluckily, some booted cats always make trouble for the little cat, by changing some potted flowers to others. The intelligence agency of little cat has caught up all the M instruments of booted cats' action. Each instrument is in the form of "A B", which means changing the A-th potted flowered with a new one whose attractive value equals to B. You have to report the new "maximal sum" after each instruction.
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// ━━━━━━感觉萌萌哒━━━━━━ // Author : WhyWhy
// Created Time : 2015年07月16日 星期四 19时07分04秒
// File Name : 2750.cpp #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h> using namespace std; const int MaxN=; #define lc (po<<1)
#define rc ((po<<1)|1)
#define lson L,M,lc
#define rson M+1,R,rc int LN[MaxN<<],RN[MaxN<<],BIT[MaxN<<],SUM[MaxN<<];
int ln[MaxN<<],rn[MaxN<<],bit[MaxN<<];
int minn[MaxN<<]; void pushUP(int po)
SUM[po]=SUM[lc]+SUM[rc]; minn[po]=min(minn[lc],minn[rc]); BIT[po]=max(BIT[lc],BIT[rc]);
BIT[po]=max(BIT[po],LN[rc]+RN[lc]); LN[po]=max(LN[lc],SUM[lc]+LN[rc]);
RN[po]=max(RN[rc],SUM[rc]+RN[lc]); bit[po]=min(bit[lc],bit[rc]);
bit[po]=min(bit[po],ln[rc]+rn[lc]); ln[po]=min(ln[lc],SUM[lc]+ln[rc]);
} void update(int up,int ut,int L,int R,int po)
} int M=(L+R)>>; if(up<=M)
update(up,ut,rson); pushUP(po);
} int num[MaxN]; void build(int L,int R,int po)
} int M=(L+R)>>; build(lson);
build(rson); pushUP(po);
} int main()
//freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); int N;
int ans; scanf("%d",&N); for(int i=;i<=N;++i)
scanf("%d",&num[i]); build(,N,); int M,a,b; scanf("%d",&M); while(M--)
scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); update(a,b,,N,); ans=max(BIT[],SUM[]-bit[]); if(ans==SUM[])
ans-=minn[]; printf("%d\n",ans);
} return ;
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