using namespace std;
#define MAX 20
typedef struct node
struct node * nextarc;
char Info;
}ArcNode, *pArcNode;
typedef struct
int VerCount;//顶点数目
int ArcCount; //弧的数目
pArcNode Adj;
}AdjList, *pAdjList;
void CreatAdj(pAdjList myAdjList,int *sign)
int i, j;
char tail;
pArcNode p, q; printf("Please input the num of Vertex:");//顶点个数
scanf("%d", &myAdjList->VerCount); printf("Pleaase input the num of Arc");//弧的个数
scanf("%d", &myAdjList->ArcCount); myAdjList->Adj = (pArcNode)malloc(myAdjList->VerCount *sizeof(ArcNode));
for (i = ; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++)
myAdjList->Adj[i].nextarc = NULL; printf("Please input the Graph: \n");
printf("Please input all of the vertex:\n");
for (i = ; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++)
scanf("%c", &myAdjList->Adj[i].Info);
printf("Please input the Ver:\n");
for (i = ; i < myAdjList->ArcCount; i++)
printf("Please input tail of Arc%d :", i);
scanf("%c", &tail);
p = (pArcNode)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode));
p->nextarc = NULL;
printf("Please input head of Arc%d :", i);
scanf("%c", &p->Info);
getchar(); for (j = ; j < myAdjList->VerCount; j++)
if (myAdjList->Adj[j].Info == p->Info)
sign[j]++; for (j = ; j < myAdjList->VerCount; j++)
if (myAdjList->Adj[j].Info == tail)
q = &myAdjList->Adj[j];
while (q->nextarc != NULL)
q = q->nextarc; q->nextarc = p;
} } }
void TopologicalSort(pAdjList myAdjList, int *sign)
stack <ArcNode> S;
ArcNode *temp; int s[];
int i, j;
for (i = ; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++)
s[i] = sign[i]; for (i = ; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++)
if (s[i] == )
s[i] = -;
while (!S.empty())
{ for (i = ; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++)
if (myAdjList->Adj[i].Info == S.top().Info)
temp = &myAdjList->Adj[i];
printf("%c", temp->Info);
while (temp->nextarc != NULL)
for ( j = ; j < myAdjList->VerCount; j++)
if (myAdjList->Adj[j].Info == temp->nextarc->Info)
if (s[j] == )
s[j] = -;
} } }
temp = temp->nextarc;
} }
int main()
AdjList myAdjList;
int sign[];
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
sign[i] = ;
TopologicalSort(&myAdjList, sign); system("pause");
return ;



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