关于LeetCode的Largest Rectangle in Histogram的低级解法
在某篇博客见到的Largest Rectangle in Histogram的题目,感觉蛮好玩的,于是想呀想呀,怎么求解呢?
题目写的很直观,就是找直方图的最大矩形面积,不知道是受之前的trie tree影响怎么的,感觉树这玩意还真有用,于是就思考呀,还真别说,真想出一种方式,好吧,其实是入了一个大坑,也无妨,记录下来,好歹也是思路历程.....
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
class LRTreeNode
int getMin()
if (right-left == 0)
return 0;
int min = (*heights)[left];
for (int i=left;i<right;i++)
min = (*heights)[i] > min ? min : (*heights)[i];
return min;
void getMaxArea()
maxArea = bottom*(right-left);
int left, right;
int bottom;
int min;
int maxArea;
static vector<int>* heights;
vector<LRTreeNode*> lrnv;
LRTreeNode(int bottom,int left,int right)
this->left = left;
this->right = right;
this->min = getMin();
vector<LRTreeNode*>* genChildren()
int left2=left, right2=left;
for (int i = left; i < right; i++)
(*heights)[i] -= min; if ((*heights)[i] == 0 )
if (right2-left2 != 0)
lrnv.push_back(new LRTreeNode(bottom,left2,right2));
left2 = i+1;
right2 = i+1;
if (right2 - left2 != 0)
lrnv.push_back(new LRTreeNode(bottom, left2, right2));
return &lrnv;
vector<int>* LRTreeNode::heights = NULL;
class LRTree
LRTreeNode root;
LRTree(vector<int>& heights) :root(0,0,heights.size())
{ }
int getMaxArea()
int max = root.maxArea;
list<LRTreeNode*> st;
vector<LRTreeNode*>* t = root.genChildren();
LRTreeNode* stt;
for (int i = 0; i < t->size(); i++)
max = max >(*t)[i]->maxArea ? max : (*t)[i]->maxArea;
while (st.empty() == false)
stt = st.back();
t = stt->genChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < t->size(); i++)
max = max > (*t)[i]->maxArea ? max : (*t)[i]->maxArea;
delete stt;
return max;
}; class Solution {
int largestRectangleArea(vector<int>& heights);
int Solution::largestRectangleArea(vector<int>& heights)
LRTreeNode::heights = &heights;
LRTree t(heights);
return t.getMaxArea();
} int main()
vector<int> t = {1,2,3,4,5};
Solution s;
cout << s.largestRectangleArea(t);
return 0;
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