Last three days, I want to install devstack on my virtual machine on Vmware Workstation.The VM'system is Ubuntu14.04. However,i met too many problem to install it successfully.When i cannot see the hope, i had to borrow a America VM from my workmate.This vm's system is also Ubuntu14.04.To my surprise, the same operation steps, this America vm installed successfully.Here is a picture which shows eventual installation:

Now,let me show my installation steps(thanks to SongPeng who is one of my emc workmate)

official documentation is here

1.update your system

$sudo apt-get update

2.reboot:make it work

3.install your git

$sudo apt-get install git devstack source code

$cd /usr/local/

$sudo git clone order to avoid permisstion denied, you can use to create a user named stack and a group also named stack

$sudo /usr/local/devstack/tools/

$sudo chown -R stack:stack /usr/local/devstack/

6.access stack

$sudo su stack

7.under the stack,you create a configuration file named 'localrc',there is the simplest configuration below,the official documentation is here:

stack@ubuntu:/usr/local/devstack$ vim localrc

#solve ‘fatal: unable to connect to’

8.start to install(notice that under the stack)

stack@ubuntu:/usr/local/devstack$ ./

Till now,above is installation steps.Below are problems which i met and solutions.

grep -ir 'error\|fail\|usage\|not found' /opt/stack/logs/
grep -ir 'error\|fail\|usage\|not found' /opt/stack/logs/screen/

A useful tip: when you see "error", scroll the log up until you find the root one.

Download dependency failed




Cause:Network is not stable

Solution:manual download relative dependency by yourself and install it

$cd /tmp/
#verify md5 consistancy
$md5sum Bable-1.3.tar.gz
$sudo pip install --upgrade Bable-1.3.tar.gz

Module version does not exist!


:./ a2enmod version
ERROR: Module version does not exist!

The code location is in lib/apache:68. See the comment

Ensure mod_version enabled for . This is built-in statically on anything recent, but precise (2.2) doesn't have it enabled

So, feel free to ignore this error.

openstack role list raises unrecognized arguments: --group(thanks to Accelazh)


::./ role list --group 3c65c1a8d12f40a2a9949d5b2922beae --project 18ab3a46314442b183db43bc13b175b4 --column ID --column Name
usage: openstack role list [-h] [-f {csv,html,json,table,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--project <project>] [--user <user>]
openstack role list: error: unrecognized arguments: --group 3c65c1a8d12f40a2a9949d5b2922beae

Code location at lib/keystone:418, invoked by functions-common:773.

The first reason is that the python-openstackclient version is too old (openstack --version), upgrade it

sudo pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient

You need to add python-openstackclient to LIBS_FROM_GIT in local.conf, to make sure devstack uses the newest version of python-openstackclient. Note that, devstack will use master branch of python-openstackclient instead of stable/kilo.

# Add python-openstackclient to your LIBS_FROM_GIT

The next step, since keystone v2.0 doesn't even have the concept "group", you need to force here to use keystone V3 api.

$ git diff
diff --git a/functions-common b/functions-common
index d3e93ed..bd55d7e
--- a/functions-common
+++ b/functions-common
@@ -, +, @@ function get_or_add_user_project_role {
# Gets or adds group role to project
# Usage: get_or_add_group_project_role <role> <group> <project>
function get_or_add_group_project_role {
+ local os_url="$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI_V3"
# Gets group role id
local group_role_id=$(openstack role list \
--group $ \
--project $ \
--column "ID" \
--column "Name" \
+ --os-identity-api-version= \
+ --os-url=$os_url \
| grep " $1 " | get_field )
if [[ -z "$group_role_id" ]]; then
# Adds role to group
@@ -, +, @@ function get_or_add_group_project_role {
$ \
--group $ \
--project $ \
+ --os-identity-api-version= \
+ --os-url=$os_url \
| grep " id " | get_field )
echo $group_role_id

Related devstack bug: #1441010


cause:your Python version is too old

solution:upgrade to a newer Python version.

$sudo pip install --upgrade Python 

The eventual happy Running portal:

username:admin  secret:secrete

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