decimal system 2016
But after learning <<The Principle Of Computer>>,we know that the computer will do the calculation as the following steps:
1 computer change the 3 into binary formality like 11;
2 computer change the 9 into binary formality like 1001;
3 computer plus the two number and get the result 1100;
4 computer change the result into decimal formality like 12;
5 computer export the result;
In the computer system there are other formalities to deal with the number such as hexadecimal. Now I will give several number with a kind of change method, for example, if I give you 1011(2), it means 1011 is a number in the binary system, and 123(10) means 123 if a number in the decimal system. Now I will give you some numbers with any kind of system, you guys should tell me the sum of the number in the decimal system.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; int pow(int m,int n)//求m的n次幂
long int pro = ;
pro *= m;
return pro;
} int main()
int T,p,q;//k为指数 16 char left_arc,right_arc;
while (cin >> T)
int sum = ;
int k = ;
23 cin >> p >> left_arc >> q >> right_arc; while (p != )
sum += p % * pow(q,k++);
p /= ;
cout << sum << endl;
} return ;
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