Integrate non-OSGi Dependencies
Consider a scenario where you need to use a non-OSGi jar in your OSGi project. Most libraries are not OSGi bundles and we should repackage all them with OGSi headers to be loaded into the OSGi container. There are several ways to help you with these non-OSGi dependencies:
- Embed these jar files into your OSGi bundle
- Wrap these jar files within one OSGi bundle
For instance, you need to utilize fastjson library to serialize/deserialize json object in your OSGi bundle.
Embed these jar files into your OSGi bundle
If you want a dependency inlined instead of embedded add the inline=true.
inline=true | |
Wrap these jar files within one OSGi bundle
Karaf supports the wrap:protocol execution, so it allows for directly deploying third party dependencies into OSGi container:
install -s
You can also create a wrap bundle for a third party dependency. This bundle is simply a Maven POM that shades an existing jar and package into a jar bundle.
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