#ifndef lock_h
#define lock_h #include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mydef.h"
#include "now.h"
#define debug_lock 1 typedef struct {
intptr_t lck;
uintptr_t tid;
uintptr_t nr;
#if debug_lock
const char* file;
uintptr_t line;
} lock_t; #define lock_initial {0}
#define lock_initial_locked {1, 0, 1}
static __attribute__((unused)) lock_t lock_val = lock_initial; #if (debug_lock == 2)
#define locktrace_begin() uintptr_t tms = now();
#define lock_backtrace(lkp) \
do { \
uintptr_t current = now(); \
if (tms == 0) { \
tms = current; \
} \
if (current > tms + 3000) { \
tms = current - 2000; \
logmsg("locktrace: %d %s:%d\n", (int) lkp->lck, lkp->file, (int) lkp->line); \
} \
} while (0)
#define locktrace_begin() (void) 0
#define lock_backtrace(x) (void) 0
#endif #if debug_lock
#define log_lock(ptr, l, f) do {ptr->line = l; ptr->file = f;} while (0)
#define log_unlock(ptr) do {ptr->line = -1; ptr->file = "";} while (0)
#define log_lock(ptr, l, f) (void) (0)
#define log_unlock(ptr) (void) (0)
#endif #ifdef __linux__
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#endif #define my_lock(lkp, re) \
do { \
lock_t* ptr = lkp; \
if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&ptr->lck, 0, 1)) { \
if (ptr->lck == 2) { \
syscall(__NR_futex, &ptr->lck, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL, NULL, 0); \
} \
locktrace_begin(); \
while (0 != __sync_lock_test_and_set(&ptr->lck, 2)) { \
syscall(__NR_futex, &ptr->lck, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL, NULL, 0); \
lock_backtrace(ptr); \
} \
} \
my_assert2(ptr->lck != 0, "lck = %d", ptr->lck); \
my_assert2(ptr->nr == 0, "lck = %d, nr = %d, %d@%s", ptr->lck, ptr->nr, ptr->line, ptr->file); \
log_lock(ptr, __LINE__, __FILE__); \
my_assert(ptr->tid == 0); \
if (re) { \
ptr->tid = systid(); \
} \
++ptr->nr; \
} while (0) #define unlock(lkp) \
do { \
lock_t* ptr = lkp; \
my_assert2(ptr->lck != 0, "lck = %d, nr = %d", ptr->lck, ptr->nr); \
--ptr->nr; \
wmb(); \
if (ptr->nr > 0) { \
my_assert2(ptr->tid != 0, "tid != 0, ptr->nr = %d, lck = %d, %d@%s", ptr->nr, ptr->lck, ptr->line, ptr->file); \
} else { \
ptr->tid = 0; \
/* wmb(); */ \
log_unlock(ptr); \
if (2 == __sync_lock_test_and_set(&ptr->lck, 0)) { \
while (-1 == syscall(__NR_futex, &ptr->lck, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, NULL, NULL, 0)); \
} \
} \
} while (0) #else
#define my_lock(lkp, re) \
do { \
lock_t* ptr = lkp; \
locktrace_begin(); \
while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap((void **) &ptr->lck, (void *) 0, (void *) 1)) { \
sched_yield(); \
lock_backtrace(ptr); \
} \
log_lock(ptr, __LINE__, __FILE__); \
my_assert(ptr->tid == 0); \
if (re) { \
ptr->tid = systid(); \
} \
++ptr->nr; \
} while (0) #define unlock(lkp) \
do { \
lock_t* ptr = lkp; \
my_assert(ptr->lck != 0); \
--ptr->nr; \
wmb(); \
if (ptr->nr > 0) { \
my_assert(ptr->tid != 0); \
} else { \
ptr->tid = 0; \
/* wmb(); */ \
log_unlock(ptr); \
ptr->lck = 0; \
} \
} while (0)
#endif #define lock(lkp) my_lock(lkp, 0) #define relock(lkp) \
do { \
lock_t* ptr = lkp; \
/* this rmb() is here to assure to see ptr->tid = 0 in unlock */ \
/* if thread exit after unlock(), then another thread is spwaned with same tid */ \
/* on another cpu core and then call lock_recursive. */ \
/* all the above happens so quickly that the other cpu core does not see ptr->tid = 0 */ \
/* it is so impossible to happen that I comment the "correct" implemention. */ \
/* rmb(); */ \
if (ptr->tid == systid()) { \
/* if true, it's same thread, event in another cpu core, no mb() is needed. */ \
++ptr->nr; \
} else { \
my_lock(lkp, 1); \
} \
} while (0) static __attribute__((unused)) inline intptr_t my_try_lock(lock_t* lkp, uintptr_t re, uintptr_t line, const char* file)
if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap((void **) &((lkp)->lck), (void *) 0, (void *) 1)) {
return -1;
log_lock(lkp, line, file); my_assert(lkp->tid == 0);
if (re) {
lkp->tid = systid();
return 0;
} #define try_lock(lkp) my_try_lock(lkp, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__)
#define retry_lock(lkp) my_try_lock(lkp, 1, __LINE__, __FILE__) typedef struct {
intptr_t nr;
} rwlock_t; #define read_write_max 8000
#define rw_lock_initial {read_write_max}
static __attribute__((unused)) rwlock_t rw_lock_val = rw_lock_initial; #define read_write_lock(lckp, val) \
do { \
rwlock_t* lck = lckp; \
do { \
intptr_t n = __sync_sub_and_fetch(&lck->nr, val); \
if (n >= 0) { \
break; \
} \
__sync_add_and_fetch(&lck->nr, val); \
sched_yield(); \
} while (1); \
} while (0) #define read_write_unlock(lckp, val) \
do { \
rwlock_t* lck = lckp; \
__sync_add_and_fetch(&lck->nr, val); \
} while (0) #define read_lock(lckp) read_write_lock(lckp, 1)
#define write_lock(lckp) read_write_lock(lckp, read_write_max)
#define read_unlock(lckp) read_write_unlock(lckp, 1)
#define write_unlock(lckp) read_write_unlock(lckp, read_write_max) #endif


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