1. @class LSApplicationProxy, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSProgress, NSString, NSURL, NSUUID;
  3. @interface LSApplicationProxy : LSResourceProxy <NSSecureCoding> {
  4. NSArray *_UIBackgroundModes;
  5. NSString *_applicationType;
  6. NSArray *_audioComponents;
  7. unsigned int _bundleFlags;
  8. NSURL *_bundleURL;
  9. NSString *_bundleVersion;
  10. NSArray *_directionsModes;
  11. NSDictionary *_entitlements;
  12. NSDictionary *_environmentVariables;
  13. unsigned int _flags;
  14. BOOL _foundBackingBundle;
  15. NSDictionary *_groupContainers;
  16. unsigned int _installType;
  17. BOOL _isAppUpdate;
  18. BOOL _isInstalled;
  19. BOOL _isNewsstandApp;
  20. BOOL _isPlaceholder;
  21. BOOL _isRestricted;
  22. NSArray *_machOUUIDs;
  23. NSArray *_privateDocumentIconNames;
  24. LSApplicationProxy *_privateDocumentTypeOwner;
  25. BOOL _profileValidated;
  26. NSString *_shortVersionString;
  27. NSString *_signerIdentity;
  28. NSString *_vendorID;
  29. NSString *_vendorName;
  30. }
  32. @property(readonly) NSArray * UIBackgroundModes;
  33. @property(readonly) BOOL _gkIsAppleInternal;
  34. @property(readonly) BOOL _gkIsInstalled;
  35. @property(readonly) NSString * applicationIdentifier;
  36. @property(readonly) NSString * applicationType;
  37. @property(readonly) NSArray * audioComponents;
  38. @property(readonly) NSURL * bundleURL;
  39. @property(readonly) NSString * bundleVersion;
  40. @property(readonly) NSURL * containerURL;
  41. @property(readonly) NSUUID * deviceIdentifierForVendor;
  42. @property(readonly) NSArray * directionsModes;
  43. @property(readonly) NSDictionary * entitlements;
  44. @property(readonly) NSDictionary * environmentVariables;
  45. @property(readonly) BOOL foundBackingBundle;
  46. @property(readonly) NSDictionary * groupContainers;
  47. @property(readonly) NSProgress * installProgress;
  48. @property(readonly) unsigned int installType;
  49. @property(readonly) BOOL isAppUpdate;
  50. @property(readonly) BOOL isInstalled;
  51. @property(readonly) BOOL isNewsstandApp;
  52. @property(readonly) BOOL isPlaceholder;
  53. @property(readonly) BOOL isRestricted;
  54. @property(readonly) NSArray * machOUUIDs;
  55. @property(readonly) BOOL profileValidated;
  56. @property(readonly) NSString * roleIdentifier;
  57. @property(readonly) NSString * shortVersionString;
  58. @property(readonly) NSString * signerIdentity;
  59. @property(readonly) NSString * vendorID;
  60. @property(readonly) NSString * vendorName;
  62. + (id)_gkMetadataForBundleURL:(id)arg1;
  63. + (id)applicationProxyForIdentifier:(id)arg1 placeholder:(BOOL)arg2 server:(BOOL)arg3;
  64. + (id)applicationProxyForIdentifier:(id)arg1 placeholder:(BOOL)arg2;
  65. + (id)applicationProxyForIdentifier:(id)arg1 roleIdentifier:(id)arg2;
  66. + (id)applicationProxyForIdentifier:(id)arg1;
  67. + (BOOL)supportsSecureCoding;
  69. - (id)UIBackgroundModes;
  70. - (unsigned char)_createContext:(struct LSContext { struct LSDatabase {} *x1; }*)arg1 andGetBundle:(unsigned int*)arg2 withData:(const struct LSBundleData {}**)arg3;
  71. - (struct CGSize { float x1; float x2; })_defaultStyleSize:(id)arg1;
  72. - (id)_gkAdamID;
  73. - (id)_gkBundle;
  74. - (void)_gkDetachITunesMetadata;
  75. - (id)_gkExternalVersion;
  76. - (id)_gkGameDescriptor;
  77. - (id)_gkITunesMetadata;
  78. - (BOOL)_gkIsAppleInternal;
  79. - (BOOL)_gkIsGameCenterEnabled;
  80. - (BOOL)_gkIsGameCenterEverEnabled;
  81. - (BOOL)_gkIsInstalled;
  82. - (id)_gkItemName;
  83. - (id)_gkPurchaseDate;
  84. - (struct { int x1; struct CGSize { float x_2_1_1; float x_2_1_2; } x2; }*)_iconVariantDefinitions:(id)arg1;
  85. - (id)_initWithApplicationIdentifier:(id)arg1 bundleType:(unsigned int)arg2 name:(id)arg3 containerURL:(id)arg4 resourcesDirectoryURL:(id)arg5 iconsDictionary:(id)arg6 iconFileNames:(id)arg7 iconIsPrerendered:(BOOL)arg8 server:(BOOL)arg9;
  86. - (id)_plistValueForKey:(id)arg1;
  87. - (id)applicationIdentifier;
  88. - (id)applicationType;
  89. - (id)audioComponents;
  90. - (id)bundleURL;
  91. - (id)bundleVersion;
  92. - (id)containerURL;
  93. - (void)dealloc;
  94. - (id)description;
  95. - (id)deviceIdentifierForVendor;
  96. - (id)directionsModes;
  97. - (void)encodeWithCoder:(id)arg1;
  98. - (id)entitlements;
  99. - (id)environmentVariables;
  100. - (BOOL)foundBackingBundle;
  101. - (id)groupContainers;
  102. - (unsigned int)hash;
  103. - (id)iconDataForVariant:(int)arg1;
  104. - (id)iconStyleDomain;
  105. - (id)initWithCoder:(id)arg1;
  106. - (id)installProgress;
  107. - (id)installProgressSync;
  108. - (unsigned int)installType;
  109. - (BOOL)isAppUpdate;
  110. - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)arg1;
  111. - (BOOL)isInstalled;
  112. - (BOOL)isNewsstandApp;
  113. - (BOOL)isPlaceholder;
  114. - (BOOL)isRestricted;
  115. - (id)localizedName;
  116. - (id)machOUUIDs;
  117. - (BOOL)privateDocumentIconAllowOverride;
  118. - (id)privateDocumentIconNames;
  119. - (id)privateDocumentTypeOwner;
  120. - (BOOL)profileValidated;
  121. - (id)resourcesDirectoryURL;
  122. - (id)roleIdentifier;
  123. - (void)setPrivateDocumentIconAllowOverride:(BOOL)arg1;
  124. - (void)setPrivateDocumentIconNames:(id)arg1;
  125. - (void)setPrivateDocumentTypeOwner:(id)arg1;
  126. - (id)shortVersionString;
  127. - (id)signerIdentity;
  128. - (id)vendorID;
  129. - (id)vendorName;
  131. @end


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