I ported my Android app to honeycomb and I did a big refactor in order to use fragments. In my previous version, when I pressed the Home button I used to do a ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP in order to reset the back stack. Now my app is just a single Activity with multiple fragmens, so when I press the Home button I just replace one of the fragments inside it. How can I clear my back stack without having to use startActivity with the ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag? |
I posted something similar here From Joachim's answer, from Dianne Hackborn: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/d2a5c203dad6ec42 I ended up just using:
But could equally have used something like:
Which will pop all states up to the named one. You can then just replace the fragment with what you want |
To make an answer for Warpzit comment and make it easiere to find for others, use:
With all due respect to all involved parties; I'm very surprised to see how many of you could clear the entire fragment back stack with a simple
According to Android documentation (regarding the
Now, I do realize that I'm lacking knowledge of your particular implementations (like how many entries you have in the back stack at the given point in time), but I would bet all my money on the accepted answer when expecting a well defined behaviour over a wider range of devices and vendors: (for reference, something along with this)
Accepted answer was not enough for me. I had to use :
I just wanted to add :-- Popping out from backstack using following
is just about removing the fragments from the transaction, no way it is going to remove the fragment from the screen. So ideally, it may not be visible to you but there may be two or three fragments stacked over each other, and on back key press the UI may look cluttered,stacked. Just taking a simple example:- Suppose you have a fragmentA which loads Fragmnet B using fragmentmanager.replace() and then we do addToBackStack, to save this transaction. So the flow is :-- STEP 1 -> FragmentA->FragmentB (we moved to FragmentB, but Fragment A is in background, not visible). Now You do some work in fragmentB and press the Save button—which after saving should go back to fragmentA. STEP 2-> On save of FragmentB, we go back to FragmentA. STEP 3 ->So common mistake would be... in Fragment B,we will do fragment Manager.replace() fragmentB with fragmentA. But what actually is happenening, we are loading Fragment A again, replacing FragmentB . So now there are two FragmentA (one from STEP-1, and one from this STEP-3). Two instances of FragmentsA are stacked over each other, which may not be visible , but it is there. So even if we do clear the backstack by above methods, the transaction is cleared but not the actual fragments. So ideally in such a particular case, on press of save button you simply need to go back to fragmentA by simply doing fm.popBackStack() or fm.popBackImmediate(). So correct Step3-> fm.popBackStack() go back to fragmentA, which is already in memory. |
Clear backstack without loops
Where name is the addToBackStack() parameter
I got this working this way:
Works for me and easy way without using loop:
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