40. Implement Queue by Two Stacks【medium】
As the title described, you should only use two stacks to implement a queue's actions.
The queue should support push(element)
, pop()
and top()
where pop is pop the first(a.k.a front) element in the queue.
Both pop and top methods should return the value of first element.
pop() // return 1
top() // return 2
pop() // return 2
implement it by two stacks, do not use any other data structure and push, pop and top should be O(1) by AVERAGE.
class MyQueue {
stack<int> stack1;
stack<int> stack2; MyQueue() {
} void push(int element) {
} void adjust() {
if (stack2.empty()) {
while (!stack1.empty()) {
} int pop() {
int temp = stack2.top();
return temp;
} int top() {
return stack2.top();
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