2017-07-25 15:38:00





#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int N = ;

int visited[N] = {};    //新引入一个数组,用于标记是否访问过

struct node
int vertex;
}; node head[N];
void create(int node1,int node2)//通过起点和终点的值创建一个邻接表
node * point;
node * New = new node();
New->vertex = node2;
New->next = NULL;
point = &(head[node1]);
point = point->next;
point->next = New;
} void DFS(int vertex)
visited[vertex] = ;
cout <<"["<<vertex<<"]->";
point = head[vertex].next;
point = point->next;
} void print()
for(int i = ; i < N; i++)
point = head[i].next;
cout << "Head["<<i<<"]";
cout <<"-> "<<point->vertex;
point = point->next;
cout << endl;
} int main()
int node1,node2; for(int i = ; i < N; i++)
head[i].vertex = i;
head[i].next = NULL;
cout <<"please enter the start point" << endl; cin >> node1;
if(node1 == -)
cout <<"please enter the end point" << endl;
cin >> node2; if(node1 == node2)
cout <<"自身循环"<<endl;
else if(node1>=N||node2>=N)
cout <<"超出范围"<<endl;
} cout << "邻接表为:" << endl;
print(); DFS(); cout <<"\n"<<endl; return ;

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