Cow Contest(最短路floyed传递闭包)
N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) cows, conveniently numbered 1..N, are participating in a programming contest. As we all know, some cows code better than others. Each cow has a certain constant skill rating that is unique among the competitors.
The contest is conducted in several head-to-head rounds, each between two cows. If cow A has a greater skill level than cow B (1 ≤ A ≤ N; 1 ≤ B ≤ N; A≠ B), then cow A will always beat cow B.
Farmer John is trying to rank the cows by skill level. Given a list the results of M (1 ≤ M ≤ 4,500) two-cow rounds, determine the number of cows whose ranks can be precisely determined from the results. It is guaranteed that the results of the rounds will not be contradictory.
* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M
* Lines 2..M+1: Each line contains two space-separated integers that describe the competitors and results (the first integer, A, is the winner) of a single round of competition: A and B
* Line 1: A single integer representing the number of cows whose ranks can be determined
Sample Input
5 5
4 3
4 2
3 2
1 2
2 5
Sample Output
2 题目意思:评定牛的等级,有n头牛,进行了m场比赛,位置在前面的是胜利的牛的编号,如果一头牛和剩下的牛都能确定等级关系,说明可以去确定该牛的等级
,求出可以确定等级的牛的个数 解题思路:这是一个利用最短路floyed算法的一个传递闭包问题,如果一个点和其余各点都确定关系了,那么这个点的等级就可以确定了。
using namespace std;
int n,m;
int map[200][200];
int floyd()
int i,j,k;
for(k=1; k<=n; k++)
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
for(j=1; j<=n; j++)
int main()
int a,b,i,j,count,sum;
for(i=0; i<m; i++)
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
for(j=1; j<=n; j++)
return 0;
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