union 连接查询 连接两个表后会过滤掉重复的值
- <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="">
- <id column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id"/>
- <result column="pay_order_no" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="payOrderNo"/>
- <result column="pay_channel_id" jdbcType="TINYINT" property="payChannelId"/>
- <result column="pay_amount" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="payAmount"/>
- <result column="trans_date" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="transDate"/>
- <result column="trans_type" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="transType"/>
- <result column="error_type" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="errorType"/>
- <result column="is_check" jdbcType="TINYINT" property="isCheck"/>
- </resultMap>
<sql id="condition">
<if test="transType != null">
and trans_type = #{transType,jdbcType=TINYINT}
<if test="payChannelId != null">
and pay_channel_id = #{payChannelId,jdbcType=TINYINT}
- <select id="queryList" parameterType="" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
- select a.pay_order_no,a.trans_date,a.pay_amount,a.pay_channel_id,a.trans_type,a.error_type
- from (select pay_order_no,trans_date,pay_amount,pay_channel_id,trans_type,"无结果" as error_type
- from t_pay_core_order
- where 1 = 1 <include refid="condition"/>
- union
- select pay_order_no,trans_date,pay_amount,pay_channel_id,trans_type,"缺失" as error_type
- from t_pay_bill_file_detail
- where 1 = 1 <include refid="condition"/>
- ) as a
- order by a.trans_date desc
- limit #{pageSize} offset #{startRecord}
- </select>
union all 才可以将所有的值都查询出来,自己将所有的值查询完总是少,才发现是这个问题
- <select id="queryCountAndSum" parameterType="com.BillCheckQuery" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
- select sum(a.pay_amount) as trans_amount,count(1) as trans_num from
- (select pay_amount from t_pay_core_order
- where
- pay_channel_id = #{payChannelId,jdbcType=SMALLINT}and trans_date >= #{startTime,jdbcType=INTEGER}
- and trans_date <= #{endTime,jdbcType=INTEGER}union all
- select pay_amount from t_pay_bill_file_detail
- where
- pay_channel_id = #{payChannelId,jdbcType=SMALLINT}and trans_date >= #{startTime,jdbcType=INTEGER}
- and trans_date <= #{endTime,jdbcType=INTEGER}
- ) as a
- </select>
- <update id="updateByNum" parameterType="com.query.BillCheckQuery">
- update t_pay_core_order t1,t_pay_bill_file_detail t2
- set t1.is_check = 1,t2.is_check = 1
- t1.pay_order_no = t2.pay_order_no
- and t2.pay_order_no in
- <foreach item="payOrderNo" index="index" collection="orderlist" open="(" separator="," close=")">
- #{payOrderNo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
- </foreach>
- and t1.trans_date >= #{startTime,jdbcType=INTEGER}
- and t1.trans_date <= #{endTime,jdbcType=INTEGER}</update>
- <insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List" >
- insert into t_pay_bill_file_detail (file_id,pay_order_no,third_trade_no,trans_type,
- pay_channel_id,pay_amount,trans_date)
- values
- <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=",">
- (
- #{item.payOrderNo},
- #{item.transType},
- #{item.transDate}
- )
- </foreach>
- </insert>
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