August 06th 2017 Week 32nd Sunday
No words are necessary between two loving hearts.
No, I don't think so.
Words may be the most powerfu way of communication.
Silence can't promote relationship, the only effect of silence lies in that it can destroy an relationship easily.
That is the same case in one's work career.
You can always notice that one of the most important requirements of the recruitments is that the applicants must have better skills in communication and team-cooperation.
If one don't have good skills in communication, then he can't be a good cooperator as well.
So, it is not good to keep silence in most cases. Try to illustrate your opinions in a good way and that also needs a lot of exercises.
But how to improve the skills of communication?
The first thing I have to do is to express my ideas boldly, and avoid behaving in a timid way.
Even if your ideas may be tedious, absurd, or impractical, you still create a chance to correct them.
Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair.
From Edmund Burke.
You never know what is real despair if there is no hope.
Only when you were given some hope, but finally you found all your effors turned out to be in vain, that moment, you felt despair, seemingly the world had abandoned you, seemingly the God hadn't bless you.
But don't give up. Perhaps just after you take another more step on your road, you can see different scenes, beautiful scenes.
Remember that we are as young as our self-confidence, as old as our fears, as young as our hopes, as old as our despairs.
The only way to overcome desperations is to make ourself strong, enough strong.
Tonight I was sleepless again, rather than lying in bed and wasting time in daydreaming, I would like to get up and do something that may be beneficial.
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